Mars: War Logs [Steam]
Mars: War Logs [Steam] 99 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Last of Us: Remastered PS4
The Last of Us Remastered je vylepšenou verzí slavné hry The Last of Us pro PlayStation 4. Hra nabízí vylepšenou grafiku-modely ve vysokém rozlišení, vylepšené stíny a mnoho dalších vylepšení profitujících z výkonu konzole nové generace. Součástí hry je také DLC Left Behind.Populace byla zdecimována. Vláda Spojených států se dávno zhroutila. Dvacet let po vypuknutí epidemie si příroda pomalu bere zpět opuštěná města. Potulující se bandy těch, kteří přežili, se navzájem zabíjejí pro jídlo, zbraně, nebo cokoli jiného.Joel, nemilostný přeživší s téměř žádnými morálními zásadami, žije v jedné z posledních zbývajících zón karantény. Tyto stěnami obehnaná, drsná města jsou pod kontrolou toho, co zbylo z armády. Navzdory přísnému stannému právu působí Joel na černém trhu města, pasující kontraband za tu správnou cenu.Umírající přítel požádá Joela, aby se postaral o Ellie, čtrnáctiletá dívka s mimořádnou odvahou. Co začíná jako jednoduchá práce doprovázet Ellie do jiné karanténní zóny, se brzy přemění na dobrodružství, které navždy změní Joela i Ellie.Na své cestě post-pandemickými Spojenými státy setkávají Joel a Ellie různé frakce přeživších, z nichž si každá našla jedinečný způsob, jak se vypořádat s infikovanými lidmi, nedostatkem zásob a hrozbou dalších přeživších. Ve svém úsilí se musí Joel a Ellie naučit důvěřovat si navzájem a spolupracovat, aby dokázali přežít realitu tohoto nového světa.Hra The Last of Us je ve svém jádru o poutu, které se tvoří mezi Joelem a Ellie. Je to příběh o lásce, věrnosti a vykoupení. Staňte se lovcem i loveným v brutálním post-pandemickém světě. Hrajte jako Joel, nemilosrdný přeživší a Ellie, statečné mladé dospívající dívka, kteří spolupracují, aby dokázali přežít nebezpečnou výpravu napříč post-pandemickými Spojenými státy.Intenzivní příběh představuje zvučné postavy, které Vás vezmou na bohatou, emocionální cestu díky cenami ověnčené filmové výpravě.Prozkoumejte zdecimovanou, zarostlou Ameriku, kterou si bere zpět příroda, se zbytky lidské civilizace v konfrontaci s krásným, svěžím prostředím, které přináší realistická a ohromující grafika.Naplánujte jak přežít setkání s nepřáteli, nakolik se systém umělé inteligence Balance of Power AI neustále přizpůsobuje, ať už má navrch Joel, nebo jeho nepřátelé. Rychle manévrujte abyste přežili, protože nepřátelé mění své chování na základě toho, jakou zbraň Joel drží, kolik z nich je ještě naživu a zda se Vám je podařilo překvapit.Naučte se, jak přežít den za dnem. Hledejte životně důležité zdroje, Vyrábějí si zbraně z předmětů, které najdete v prostředí a bojujte s ostatními přeživšími o omezené zásoby a munici.  469 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Vsepropejska Tree bílý šátek pro psa
Nechte se okouzlit šátkem pro psa s nevšedním, roztomilým a naprosto originálním potiskem. Váš pejsek si jistě zaslouží jen to nejlepší.MateriálŠátek pro psa je ušitý z kvalitního polyesteru.ZapínáníŠátek pro psa disponuje zapínáním na patentku.FunkčnostŠátek pro psa slouží pouze jako módní doplněk, nejedná se o obojek. Je vhodný pro větší pejsky s obvodem krku 37 – 41 cm. Nevšední potisk a kvalitní materiál jsou zárukou úspěchu nejen u chovatelů, ale i u pejsků samotných. V případě ušpinění je možné šátek vyprat v pračce na 30°C. 109 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Skleněná kulatá hnědá úchytka Karyna Clayre & Eef
Skleněná kulatá hnědá úchytka Karyna Barva:  sv. hnědáMateriál: sklo, kovHmotnost: 0,055 kg 152 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Umyvadlová baterie bez výpusti Metalia 57 chrom NOVASERVIS 57001/1,0
Vodovodní baterie METALIA jsou českým výrobkem, který si svou spolehlivostí, příznivou cenou a atraktivním designem získává mnohé zákazníky. Baterie jsou osazeny odolnou, keramickou kartuší KEROX.Pro delší životnost baterie a komfort užívání doporučujeme montáž vodovodního filtru. Vodovodní baterie METALIA doporučuje český Cech topenářů a instalatérů.Kvalitní a odolná keramická kartuše prodlouženou zárukou 7 let. Prvotřídní chromové provedení. Umyvadlová baterie bez výpusti. Součástí baterie jsou přívodní hadičky.Milovníci designu si přijdou na své díky výrazné konstrukci METALIA 57. Ověřená kvalita vás přesvědčí. Nejprodávanější české vodovodní baterie METALIA. Tuto značku rozhodně vystihuje - vysoká kvalita, moderní design, funkčnost a uživatelský komfort. NOVASERVIS 1 799 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Vanicka ctvrtkruhova 90/90 s krytem R55
Poloměr: R550Integrované obložení sprchové vaničky 1 999 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Baterie vanová stojánková ESSENCE 19578A01
Pokud je vašim cílem vytvořit dokonale sladěnou koupelnu vašich snů, neměli byste přehlédnout pákovou vanovou baterii GROHE Essence s ruční sprchou a povrchovou úpravou Hard Graphite. Tato čtyřotvorová desková baterie GROHE Essence představuje elegantní třešničku na dortu každé koupelny, od moderních po tradiční, a to díky svému elegantnímu designu. Tuto baterii lze zapojit v kombinaci s podomítkovým tělesem (číslo produktu 29037000) za kachličkami. Protože je plná technologií GROHE, je radost s ní pracovat. Mytí vlasů bude mimořádně snadné díky stylové ruční sprše Euphoria Cosmopolitan Stick, která nabízí klasický režim GROHE Normal. Technologie GROHE EcoJoy omezuje průtok vody na 9,5 l za minutu bez toho, aniž by omezila váš požitek, zatímco technologie Inner WaterGuide zajišťuje, že povrch ruční sprchy nebude nikdy příliš horký k dotyku. Tato páková baterie je fascinující kombinací formy a funkce, která vhodně doplňuje ostatní produkty z řady Hard Graphite, například pákovou vanovou baterii Essence, pro vytvoření dokonale sladěné koupelny. • keramická kartuše s technologií GROHE SilkMove 35 mm • s omezovačem teplot • GROHE StarLight povrch • předmontované upevnění výtoku • ovládacího prvku pákové baterie, • kovová ovládací páka • vanovou vpusť s perlátorem • přepínání vana/sprcha • hand shower (26 465) • kovová sprchová hadice 2000 mm • flexi připojovací hadičky • přípojka pro sprchovou hadici • zajištěno proti zpětnému toku • pro použití s 29 037 000 28 199 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Vana volně stojíc Xenia 160x70
Cena vany bez sifonu.Sifon není součástí, doporučený sifon 1849800 25 299 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Vanička obdélníková Opal 170/80/2,6 šedá
Doporučený sifon pro sprchovou vaničku: 1873117 6 599 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Gala BN 5032S Light míč na nohejbal odlehčený
Balón na nohejbal Gala Light BN 5032S je vyroben ze stejného materiálu jako oficiální míč Českého nohejbalového svazu BN 5032S, tedy z jemné syntetické kůže. Je ovšem odlehčený a tím pádem je vhodný pro trénování mladších hráčů mezi šesti a devíti lety. Míč je lepený a ačkoliv je odlehčený, tak má stejné letové vlastnosti jako normální míče. Vzdušnice:butyl kaučukmateriál:polyuretantechnologie:lepený 1 290 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Beany Joker
Beany Joker jsou nejmenší snowboardové boty na trhu určené pro děti, které snowboarding teprve objevují. Začínající malý snowboarďák potřebuje kvalitní, lehké a nepromokavé boty, aby si pobyt na sněhu užil a snowboarding ho bavil od samého počátku. S vychytávkou double size můžete po vyjmutí speciální chodidlové vložky botu o jednu plnou velikost zvětšit a díky tomu nemusíte řešit koupi bot na další sezonu. Speciálně vyvinutá podrážka na snowboardové boty pro nejmenší nabízí skvělé odpružení, lepší cit pro jízdu a konzistentní podporu. Byla zhotoven z pružné směsi speciálně tvarované tak, aby podrážka odolala opakovaným nárazům a mrazivým teplotám.Bota neobsahuje vnitřní botičku, je bezvložková pro snadnější obouvání a vyzouvání nejmenších dětí.Systém zapínání na suchý zip je tak jednoduchý, že obouvání zvládnou děti samy.• typ : ALLROUND• Tvrdost : 2 / 10• Bota : nepromokavá syntetická kůže a speciální textílie• Podrážka : vysoce odolná gumová podrážka tvarovaná pro perfektní fit s vázáním 1 990 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Vsepropejska Chrt dřevěná dekorace na zeď Rozměr (cm): 38 x 27, Typ: Chrt 5
Dodejte svému interiéru nádech útulnosti. Dekorace na zeď vyobrazuje elegantní a bystrý kukuč anglického chrta. Ideální také jako dárek pro milovníky pejsků. MateriálDekorace do bytu vyrobená z dřevovláknité mdf desky.FunkčnostKrásná nástěnná dekorace s podobiznou anglického chrta. Zachycuje typické znaky tohoto plemene jako je štíhlá postava a dlouhá hlava se symetrickým krkem. Má bystré, šikmo uložené oči, silné čelisti a malinké uši růžicovitého tvaru. Dekoraci umístíte na stěnu pomocí oboustranné lepící pásky, která je součástí balení. Skvěle rozzáří prázdná a nudná místa ve Vašem interiéru. Dekorace do bytu je vyrobená z dřevovláknité desky, jedná se tedy o alternativu dřeva, jenž je šetrná k životnímu prostředí. Vybírat lze z více typů. 439 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Raven Target
Středně tvrdá, velmi pohodlná snowboardová bota z nepromokavé syntetické kůže s dlouhou výdrží, která Vám zajistí pohodlí po celý den i v mokrém sněhu. Univerzální boty, které vydrží mnoho sezon. Technické informace:- velmi dobře zateplená vnitřní vložka- Voděodolná syntetická kůže pro extra dlouhou životnost- 3D tvarovaná vnitřní bota zpevněná výztuhami pro dokonalou fixaci nohy- Samostatné šněrování vnitřní boty- Lisovaný jazyk s polstrováním- klasické šněrování pomocí tkaniček 3 390 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Knapper Hokejbalové holeně AK5
Hokejbalové holeně Knapper AK5 jsou lehké a variabilní chrániče, jejichž předností je kvalitní systém ochrany vašich nohou! Chrániče nabízejí lehký, ergonomický, prodyšný a odolný systém ochrany kolen a holení. Upravený a členěný anatomický design nabízející pohodlí a svobodu pohybuPopruhy se suchým zipem zajišťující optimální uchycení 1 559 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

CCM Tacks AS-V Pro SR
Hokejka CCM Tacks AS-V Pro SR je nejvyšší model z řady Tacks. • Moderní mid kickpoint - Náš nový moderní mid kickpoint, který stále používá měkčí střední část pro zajištění maximálního množství energie při zatížení hole, je nyní optimalizován pro střely zápěstím a poskytuje agresivním střelcům mnohem větší rychlost a konzistenci puku než dříve.• Technologie Taper Skeleton+ - Výrobní technologie, která se nachází v oblasti taperu a zajišťuje lepší spolehlivost v klíčových momentech hry.• Technologie shaftu Nanolite Carbon Layering - Vysoce výkonná technologie vrstvení uhlíku, která vytváří hůl, která je neuvěřitelně lehká a zároveň neuvěřitelně pevná.• Geometrie shaftu Variabilní "V" geometrie - Nová geometrie shaftu umožňující snadnější a konzistentní zatížení hole, které pomáhá zvýšit sílu střely zápěstím. Tvarový přechod podél shaftu zajišťuje maximální pohodlí a přilnavost.• Čepel Acufeel 2 s Peel-Ply - Čepel Acufeel 2. generace nyní s technologií Sigma ST, která dále zvyšuje odolnost. Stále měkčí pro maximalizaci rychlosti střely a pocitu z puku.• Grip Superfast Microfeel - Graficky integrovaný zvýšený grip na střední části shaftu zajišťující dokonalou kontrolu nad holí.• Materiál Sigma ST Spread Tow shaft a čepel. 7 690 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Dinosaur Days: Tyrannosaurus Rex (Gilbert Sara)(Paperback / softback)
This introductory exploration uncovers the discovery of Tyrannosaurus rex fossils before revealing information about its era, features, and lifestyle, as well as its eventual 207 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Religion and International Security (Marsden Lee)(Paperback)
Religious violence is on the rise globally. Hardly a day passes without news of a vicious attack being carried out in the name of religion. Religion can, of course, bring security to many but its perversion leads to insecurity for all. Why is this? How and why do so many claim to act on God's behalf to inflict deliberate human suffering? In Religion and International Security Lee Marsden explores the return of religion as a major cause of insecurity in the contemporary world. He guides readers through the different theoretical perspectives surrounding the study of religion and security, arguing that the secular bias that marginalized the role played by religion in recent times must change to reflect the realities of the emerging post-secular international order. Packed with examples from around the world, the book offers a thoughtful and nuanced exploration of religion 373 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Survey of Buddhism / The Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path(Pevná vazba)
This volume contains two works at the heart of Sangharakshita's writings. A Survey of Buddhism was first published in 1957, and Lama Anagarika Govinda wrote of that first edition, 'It would be difficult to find a single book in which the history and development of Buddhist thought has been described as vividly and clearly as in this 766 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Makerspace Sound and Music Projects for All Ages (Glendening Isaac)(Paperback)
Dream up and build your own sound and music projects--no experience necessary This easy-to-follow guide shows, step-by-step, how to work with sound generation, recording, editing, and distribution tools. Co-written by a professional audio engineer and a dedicated maker-librarian, Makerspace Sound and Music Projects for All Ages gets you started designing, programming, and assembling fun music and audio creations right away. The book features dozens of DIY projects complete with parts lists, start-to-finish instructions, and full-color illustrations that guarantee success. You will explore the latest inexpensive--or free --audio software for Windows, Apple, iOS, and Android devices.-Work with free and low-cost music apps and programs-Build unique musical instruments from household items-Choose a microphone that fits your needs and budget-Learn about 605 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Quentins (Binchy Maeve)(Paperback / softback)
At the tables of a busy Dublin cafe, all life is shared - but some stories should never be told. 'Binchy at her very best ... and giving us one of the most stunning feel-good endings I can remember' Penny Vincenzi, Mail on 254 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

KS3 Science Workbook- Higher (with answers) (Gannon Paddy)(Paperback / softback)
KS3 Science Workbook (with 332 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Ddinas Uchel, Y (Aaron Huw)(Paperback / softback)
290 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Master of Sorrows - The Silent Gods Book 1 (Call Justin)(Paperback / softback)
The stunning coming-of-age adventure of fantasy's most compelling anti-hero . . . now a Reading the West Award 337 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

A Guide to Using Corpora for English Language Learners (Poole Robert)(Paperback)
Unlock the potential of corpus linguistics for language learning This textbook will help you unlock and access the great potential of corpus linguistics for language learning. While other books discuss how instructors may implement corpora in the classroom, this book provides step-by-step illustrated examples to help learners, graduate students, and language instructors visualize and understand the potential of corpus linguistics for language learning. It guides you through the application of corpus searches for writing, vocabulary and cultural study and provides guidance on building your own corpus. The hands-on approach will strengthen your development into an autonomous language learner and help instructors learn to design and implement their own corpus activities. With tutorials on a range of popular and increasingly user-friendly corpora, it helps usher in a new era of 601 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

GM Ls-Series Engines: The Complete Swap Guide, 2nd Edition (Potak Joseph)(Paperback)
In GM LS-Series Engines: The Complete Swap Manual 2nd Edition, expert technician Joseph Potak walks you through all the steps involved in installing an LS engine into any project vehicle, from concept to completion. Variants of General Motor's groundbreaking family of LS engines are installed in everything from mundane Chevrolet panel vans to the earth-shaking Corvette Z06. Released in 1997, the original LS1, and its numerous successors have proven powerful, reliable, and amazingly flexible. Performance enthusiasts embraced this remarkable V-8, and it quickly became a favorite for engine swaps into project vehicles ranging from classic muscle cars to hot rods to race cars. Why? Because the versatile LS offers fantastic power, a compact design, light weight, and it responds very well to performance modifications. The key 663 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Postman of Abruzzo (Khoury-Ghata Vnus)(Pevná vazba)
A lyrical novel concerning belonging, foreignness, and ethnicity. Following the path of her late geneticist husband, Laure arrives in the town of Malaterra in the harsh mountains of Abruzzo in Italy, where her husband was studying the close-knit Albanian inhabitants. At first an intruder, she is gradually accepted by the population, which is made up of amusing, eccentric characters. Among them: Helena, who hanged her dishonored daughter from the fig tree in her garden, and who has been waiting for thirty years with her gun for her daughter's rapist to return; the Kosovar, a distrusted bookseller languishing in his dusty shop; Mourad, the baker, who proposes marriage to Laure and every other woman who enters his bakery; and Yussuf, the postman, who makes his rounds even if there is no mail to deliver. We also meet the unfortunate assailant who returns from his exile to 564 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Nature of Drugs Vol. 2: History, Pharmacology, and Social Impact (Shulgin Alexander)(Pevná vazba)
The Nature of Drugs: History, Pharmacology, and Social Impact, Volume 2, presents lectures from Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin's popular course on what drugs are, how they work, how they are processed by the body, and how they affect our society. Transcribed from the original lectures recorded at San Francisco State University in 1987, The Nature of Drugs series highlight Shulgins's engaging lecture style peppered with illuminating anecdotes and amusing asides. Ostensibly taught as an introductory course on drugs and biochemistry, these books serve as both a historical record of Shulgin's teaching style and the culmination of his philosophy on drugs, psychopharmacology, states of consciousness, and societal and individual freedoms pertaining to their use, both medicinal and exploratory. Building on the introductory lectures in The Nature of Drugs, Volume 1, this 679 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Stone Cold (Baldacci David)(Paperback / softback)
A deadly new opponent draws the Camel Club into their toughest battle to date. The price of defeat? The death of Oliver 253 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Blue Lock 7 (Kaneshiro Muneyuki)(Paperback)
A mad young coach gathers soccer players from across the country to compete in a series of bizarre challenges in a high-tech colosseum he calls Blue Lock. It's a no-balls-barred battle to become Japan's next top striker, in this Squid Game-meets-World Cup manga, now available in print! Anime coming soon! In the second selection's rival battles, where the winners are able to take one of the losers from their team, Isagi and Nagi have just lost Bachira to Rin Itoshi and the other top strikers. Now they have to prove the strength of their individual abilities in a fight against Shouei Barou, the top scoring player in Wing 5. If they lose, they'll be at risk of disqualification... As Isagi takes the fight to King Barou, he's aiming to end up on the side of the 353 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Test Match Special: Tall Tales - The Good the Bad and the Hilarious from the Commentary Box (Agnew Jonathan)(Paperback)
Who played the best pranks on his fellow team-mates? Which member of the TMS team terrorised his teachers in the annual staff-pupil game? And the truth behind 'the greatest sporting commentary of all time'... Between them, Jonathan Agnew and Phil Tufnell have probably watched more cricket than anyone alive, and they have many stories to tell, both as players and as commentators for Test Match Special. From their days as schoolboy cricketers, learning the ropes, to the shenanigans of the county circuit, and now their careers as commentators, they have seen it all. Joined by colleagues from TMS such as Isa Guha, Ebony Rainford Brent, Alison Mitchell, Carlos Brathwaite and Aatif Nawaz, Aggers and Tuffers share the highlights, mishaps and moments of brilliance and emotion that they have witnessed and experienced on pitches around the 383 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Dharma in Difficult Times - Finding Your Calling in Times of Loss, Change, Struggle and Doubt (Cope Stephen)(Paperback / softback)
The sequel to the bestseller The Great Work of Your Life shows us the way through our darkest times to our truest 530 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

In Search of Silence - A memoir of finding life after loss (Bell Poorna)(Paperback / softback)
A woman's quest to shake off the status quo and redefine her own expectations of happiness, switching off the noise of the status quo, and finding peace in simpler 258 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Wild - Tales from Early Medieval Britain (Jeffs Amy)(Pevná vazba)
From the bestselling author of Storyland: A New Mythology of Britain comes a book that will reconnect, engross and indulge readers in wild landscapes and pause to reflect on our current position and relationship with 507 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Cell Biology (Pollard Thomas D.)(Pevná vazba)
Reader-friendly Cell Biology, 4th Edition, provides a concise but comprehensive foundation for students entering research or health care career paths. Award winning illustrations help readers quickly grasp general principles. The authors have thoroughly updated this popular text to provide readers with the current understanding of the principles of normal cellular function along with examples of how molecular defects predispose to human disease. Major new themes in the 4th edition include the roles of intrinsically disordered polypeptides and phase separation in cellular functions, the influence of new molecular structures on understanding mechanisms, and the impact of exciting new methods-from single cell RNA sequencing to second generation super resolution fluorescence microscopy-on advancing our understanding. Clear, readable explanations provide a concise story 2 896 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

People vs. Alex Cross - (Alex Cross 25) (Patterson James)(Paperback / softback)
The Alex Cross series proves it.' LEE CHILD, international bestselling author of the Jack Reacher seriesDetective Alex Cross has never been on the wrong side of the 261 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Perfect Loaf: The Craft and Science of Sourdough Breads, Sweets, and More: A Baking Book (Leo Maurizio)(Pevná vazba)
JAMES BEARD AWARD NOMINEE - NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - A dynamic, authoritative sourdough baking bible for those looking to build confidence in the craft with a wide range of foolproof recipes, from pan loaves to pizza to doughnuts, by the beloved blogger and resident bread baker at Food52 "Maurizio Leo has given all bread-heads, whether newbies or experienced bakers, the ideal gift."--Peter Reinhart, author of The Bread Baker's Apprentice and host of Pizza QuestONE OF THE BEST COOKBOOKS OF THE YEAR: Saveur Maurizio Leo's blog The Perfect Loaf is the go-to destination on the internet for beginner sourdough bakers. He now brings his impeccably detailed techniques, foolproof recipes, and generous teaching style to a groundbreaking debut cookbook that delves into the absolute fundamentals of 868 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Oz: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Kolb Andrew)(Pevná vazba)
Adventure is just down the Yellow Brick Road... The award-winning author and illustrator of Neverland returns with another beautiful RPG setting book, in OZ: A Fantasy Role-Playing Game. While many have traveled with Dorothy Gale to the world of OZ, there is so much more to explore! But know this: there is more to the land and its inhabitants than the rumors might suggest. Appearances can be deceiving and like any good metal smith will tell you, the only way to tell a gold bar from a yellow brick is to hit it with a hammer. So begins Andrew Kolb's OZ: A Fantasy Role-Playing Game. While 5th Edition compatible like its predecessor, Neverland, OZ uses an urban setting pointcrawl instead of a hexcrawl, full of secrets to discover via underground trains and a monorail that loops around all four districts of OZ. With different 631 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Kawasaki Klr650 2008-2017 (Haynes Publishing)(Paperback)
Each Clymer manual provides specific and detailed instructions for performing everything from basic maintenance and troubleshooting, to a complete overhaul of your vehicle. If you're a do-it-yourselfer, then you will find this service and repair manual fantastically more comprehensive than the factory manual. When it comes to repairs and modifications, Kawasaki KLR650 is an indispensable part of the tool box. Get ahold of your copy today, and keep your bike running 1 028 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Morland Dynasty 7: The Chevalier (Harrod-Eagles Cynthia)(Paperback)
1689: the Resoration enabled the Morland family to restore their own fortune, but now the Jacobite rebellion brings another threat to their security.Annuciata Morland, fiercely loyal to the Stuart cause, follows her beloved king, James II, into exile. She leaves her gentle grandson, Matt, to oversee Morland Place in her absence. Without her wise presence, Matt finds himself in an arranged marriage to India Neville and at the mercy of a woman as heartless as she is beautiful. After a lonely and sheltered life he lurches between the exquisite pain of love and the torment of deep despair. When James III - the Chevalier - returns to claim the Stuart throne, the Morlands are reunited in one country. Death and defeat threaten them, but their loves and loyalty prove stronger than kingly 282 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Everybody Round My House for a Parmo!: Middlesbrough's Journey from Cardiff to Eindhoven (Spencer Phil)(Pevná vazba)
Everybody Round My House for a Parmo! is the story of the most successful era in Middlesbrough FC's history, as told by those who experienced it. From Marinelli to Mendieta and Vidmar to Viduka, this 'small town in Europe' went from relegation fodder to cup-winners on the cusp of European glory in the space of just three short seasons, between 2003 and 2006. But while results on the pitch were memorable, they mean nothing without the backstory of how such heights were reached. Told with the help of players, club staff and local media at the heart of the journey, this is the inside story of how Steve McClaren transformed the Teessiders' fortunes while encountering more than a few hiccups along the way - including a failed drug test and even a manager getting hit by an angry fan's season ticket! It's one of modern football's greatest fairy tales, but even the greatest successes come with 384 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Loveboat Reunion (Wen Abigail Hing)(Pevná vazba)
This companion novel to Abigail Hing Wen's New York Times bestselling debut, Loveboat, Taipei, takes readers back to Taipei through the eyes of fan favorites Sophie and Xavier--on an unforgettable journey of glittering revelry and self-discovery that's perfect for fans of Jenny Han and Mary H. K. Choi. Stream Love in Taipei, the movie adaptation of Loveboat, Taipei, coming to Paramount+ on August 10!Don't miss Loveboat Forever, the third companion novel in the series, on sale November 2023!Sophie Ha and Xavier Yeh have what some would call a tumultuous past.Hearts were broken, revenge was plotted--but at least they're friends now. They left the drama behind them back in Taipei--at their summer program, Loveboat--forever.Now that fall is here, they're 370 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Maddie and Mabel (Allen Kari)(Pevná vazba)
A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection Meet Maddie and Mabel, two spunky sisters who navigate their relationship with humor and heart. Maddie is the big sister. Mabel is the little sister. But who is actually in charge? Mabel, who never stops asking questions? Or Maddie, who can be bossy and demanding? Readers will see that being in charge might not be as important as working together. The first book in this early chapter book series introduces two relatable characters who make mistakes as they learn important life lessons. Friendship between siblings can often be a heart-warming work in progress. Through joyful storytelling and story-sharing, Maddie and Mabel exemplify the best of what these young years can offer us: imagination, joy, play, forgiveness, and family. In a way that's accessible for new readers and enjoyable for anyone who has also made 380 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

AQA GCSE 9-1 Spanish Workbook - Ideal for Home Learning, 2022 and 2023 Exams (Collins GCSE)(Paperback / softback)
Exam Board: AQA Level: GCSE 9-1 Subject: Spanish Suitable for the 2022 exams Targeted practice questions covering the GCSE grade 9-1 179 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Trust: A Godly Woman's Adornment (Brownback Lydia)(Paperback)
An easy-to-carry "pocket book" that steers women away from the world's weak remedies for anxiety and fear and points them to their security in Christ. While fear-provoking headlines fill our days, and struggles with anxiety are a fact in a fallen world, Scripture says fear does not need to be a fact of life for Christians. This little carry-along "pocket book" for women focuses on the Bible's great truths about what lies beneath their fears and the means to overcome them-for those who worry just a little, those who suffer a gnawing, controlling fear or actual panic attacks, and every woman in between. The first in a series of small, Bible-centered volumes for women, each of which covers a particular struggle, Trust is full of biblical truths and promises that will reassure readers that if they belong to Christ, they have absolutely nothing to fear. 207 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Small Business Revolution: How Owners and Entrepreneurs Can Succeed (McCarthy Barry C.)(Pevná vazba)
Equip your small business for dramatic growth and success in any environment In Small Business Revolution: How Owners and Entrepreneurs Can Succeed, small business expert and President and CEO of Deluxe Corp. Barry C. McCarthy delivers a stirring combination of uplifting narrative and small business instruction manual. Featuring inspiring stories from the company's 106-year history and anecdotes from its Emmy-nominated TV show Small Business Revolution, this book offers readers the opportunity to learn how to grow and thrive in their business in any environment, from a booming economy to a post-pandemic marketplace. Whether you're just starting to plan your new business or you are a seasoned veteran in the small business trenches, you'll discover a wealth of information to help you structure your business to reach customers, find talent, understand 530 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Sold: How Top Real Estate Agents Are Using The Internet To Capture More Leads And Close More Sales (Lapp Ken)(Paperback)
"SOLD is a gift to real estate agents everywhere looking to double and triple their business with internet marketing." - Raymond Aaron. New York Times Top Ten Best-Selling Author, Acknowledged Real Estate Expert As a real estate agent ... - Did you ever wonder why other real estate agents are at the top of Google and you're not, even though you do more business and are better than they are? - Do you know a real estate agent who is getting so many leads from their website they are having to sell them to other agents? - Have you ever thought there must be a way for a good real estate agent to use the internet to make money? - Have you ever wanted to have an automated system to bring in a steady stream of high quality prospects every month on a reliable basis? These questions and more are answered in SOLD. In this book, you'll discover: - Why cold-call prospecting and door-knocking are not 411 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Adult Coloring Book Horror Land: Entrapment (Book 4) (Shah A. M.)(Paperback)
Behind the 40/40 Gates of Horror, the 22 Girls of Terror have seduced and trapped their handsome Men of Misery. Dare to witness the female diva's slice and dice their prey as these hapless men quickly decompose into zombies, goblins, vampires, and beasts. Some girls suck blood. Some girls eat brains. The longer Horror Land traps the couples behind the 40/40 Gates of Horror, the longer the couples yearn for more blood, flesh, brains, and bones.Sit back, relax, and tune out as you color the 22 wicked diva's devour their cherry-picked victims. Each page has detailed images designed to relieve your stress while lighting your inner fire, as you get lost in this dark spirited love 165 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Poetic Edda: The Heroic Poems (Bellows Henry Adams)(Paperback)
Passed down long ago from poet to poet and singer to singer in the great oral tradition of Scandinavia, this collection of heroic sagas explores a mythical world. Incorporating legends of Norse gods and heroes, great fires and floods, superhuman warriors and doomed lovers, these dramatic poems weave vivid portraits of powerful characters caught up in passion, ambition, and destiny. Filled with gripping conceptions of the world's creation and ultimate destruction, the verses chronicle the triumphs and tragedies of a lost mythological past, where words of wisdom and beauty echoed off the steel of waving swords.The hero poems of The Poetic Edda are literary monuments that have inspired such luminaries as Richard Wagner and J. R. R. Tolkien. This Dover edition, which includes exceptionally detailed and complete translations by Henry Adams Bellows, will continue to enchant new 197 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth about Our Money System and How We Can Break Free (Brown Ellen Hodgson)(Paperback)
EXPLODING THE MYTHS ABOUT MONEY Our money system is not what we have been led to believe. The creation of money has been "privatized," or taken over by a private money cartel. Except for coins, all of our money is now created as loans advanced by private banking institutions -- including the private Federal Reserve. Banks create the principal but not the interest to service their loans. To find the interest, new loans must continually be taken out, expanding the money supply, inflating prices -- and robbing you of the value of your money. Web of Debt unravels the deception and presents a crystal clear picture of the financial abyss towards which we are heading. Then it explores a workable alternative, one that was tested in colonial America and is grounded in the best of American economic thought, including the writings of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. If you 879 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Turn Your Pain Into Art (Bloomer Ariel)(Paperback)
345 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Nightmare at 20,000 Feet: Horror Stories (Matheson Richard)(Paperback)
Personally selected by Richard Matheson, the bestselling author of I Am Legend and What Dreams May Come, the stories in Nightmare at 20,000 feet more than demonstrate why Matheson's regarded as one of our most influential horror writers. Featuring the story Duel, a nail-biting tale of man versus machines that inspired Steven Spielberg's first film.Remember that monster on the wing of the airplane? William Shatner saw it on The Twilight Zone, John Lithgow saw it in the movie-even Bart Simpson saw it. Nightmare at 20,000 Feet is just one of many classic horror stories by Richard Matheson that have insinuated themselves into our collective imagination. Here are more than twenty of Matheson's most memorable tales of fear and paranoia, including: Prey, in which a terrified woman is stalked by a malevolent Tiki doll, as chillingly captured in 405 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Witch Wars: Witches of Orkney, Book 3 (Adams Alane)(Paperback)
Orkney is on the brink of war now that the witches have destroyed Odin's Stone--the powerful talisman that kept the balance. With the evil he-witch Vertulious returned to his full form (thanks to Abigail's help), nothing will stop the witches from taking over Orkney--unless Abigail and Hugo can find a way to balance the power. Can Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor, do the 240 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Doctrine of God: Introducing the Big Questions (Peckham John C.)(Paperback)
John C. Peckham introduces and engages with major questions about God's nature and how God relates to the world. Does God change? Does God have emotions? Can God do anything? Does God know the future? Does God always attain what God desires? And is God entirely good? This textbook provides a clear and concise overview of the issues involved in these and other questions, exploring prominent contemporary approaches to the main issues relative to how to conceive of the God-world relationship within Christian theology. In so doing, Peckham surveys a range of live options regarding each of the primary questions, briefly considering where each falls within the spectrum of the Christian tradition and providing clear and readily understandable explanations of the technical issues involved. The result is a stimulating survey of the most prominent options in Christian theology 1 267 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Top 100 Meals in Minutes - All New Quick and Easy Meals for Babies and Toddlers (Karmel Annabel)(Pevná vazba)
Time with your children is precious to every parent, so you don't want to spend hours in the kitchen preparing food. This book includes recipes that require minimal time and effort, but are still delicious and nutritionally balanced. It provides instructions, combined with mouth-watering photography and handy time guides for each 387 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Medical Education in Psychiatry, an Issue of Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 44 (Boland Robert J.)(Pevná vazba)
This issue of Psychiatric Clinics, guest edited by Drs. Robert J. Boland and Hermioni Lokko Amonoo, will discuss a Psychiatric Education and Lifelong Learning. This issue is one of four each year selected by our series consulting editor, Dr. Harsh Trivedi of Sheppard Pratt Health System. Topics in this issue include: Types of Learners, Incorporating cultural sensitivity into education, The Use of Simulation in Teaching, Computer-Based teaching, Creating Successful Presentations, Adapting Teaching to the Clinical Setting, Teaching Psychotherapy, Competency-Based Assessment in Psychiatric Education, Giving feedback, Multiple Choice Tests, The use of narrative techniques in psychiatry, Fostering Careers in Psychiatric Education, Neuroscience Education: Making it relevant to psychiatric training, Lifelong learning in psychiatry and the role of certification, and Advancing Workplace-Based 2 241 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Nothing is True and Everything is Possible - Adventures in Modern Russia (Pomerantsev Peter)(Paperback / softback)
A journey into the glittering, surreal heart of 21st century Russia: into the lives of Hells Angels convinced they are messiahs, professional killers with the souls of artists, bohemian theatre directors turned Kremlin puppet-masters, supermodel sects, post-modern dictators and oligarch 272 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Broadway Musicals: Show by Show (Green Stanley)(Paperback)
This updated edition of one of the bestselling and comprehensive Broadway reference books, has been expanded to include many of the most important and memorable productions of American musical theater, including revivals. The ninth edition documents important musicals produced since the end of the 2012-2013 season through spring 761 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Deathless Girls (Hargrave Kiran Millwood)(Pevná vazba)
Gothic, intoxicating, feminist and romantic - this is the breathtakingly imagined untold story of the brides of Dracula, by bestselling author Kiran Millwood Hargrave in her much-anticipated YA 337 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Book of the Law: Liber Al Vel Legis: With a Facsimile of the Manuscript as Received by Aleister and Rose Edith Crowley on April 8, 9, 10, 1904 (Crowley Aleister)(Pevná vazba)
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. This oftmisunderstood phrase, which forms the basis for Crowley's practice of Magick, is found in The Book of the Law. Dictated to Crowley in Cairo between noon and 1 pm on three success days in April 1904, the Book of the Law is the source book and key for Crowley students and for the occult in 618 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Mental Health Ethics: The Human Context (Barker Phil)(Paperback)
All human behaviour is, ultimately, a moral undertaking, in which each situation must be considered on its own merits. As a result ethical conduct is complex. Despite the proliferation of Codes of Conduct and other forms of professional guidance, there are no easy answers to most human problems. Mental Health Ethics encourages readers to heighten their awareness of the key ethical dilemmas found in mainstream contemporary mental health practice. This text provides an overview of traditional and contemporary ethical perspectives and critically examines a range of ethical and moral challenges present in contemporary 'psychiatric-mental' health services. Offering a comprehensive and interdisciplinary perspective, it includes six parts, each with their own introduction, summary and set of ethical challenges, covering: fundamental ethical principles; 1 390 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Bel-Ami (Maupassant Guy De)(Paperback)
Young, attractive and very ambitious, George Duroy, known to his friends as Bel-Ami, is offered a job as a journalist on La Vie francaise and soon makes a great success of his new career. But he also comes face to face with the realities of the corrupt society in which he lives - the sleazy colleagues, the manipulative mistresses and wily financiers - and swiftly learns to become an arch-seducer, blackmailer and social climber in a world where love is only a means to an end. Written when Maupassant was at the height of his powers, Bel-Ami is a novel of great frankness and cynicism, but it is also infused with the sheer joy of life - depicting the scenes and characters of Paris in the belle epoque with wit, sensitivity and humanity. For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 256 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

An English Governess in the Great War: The Secret Brussels Diary of Mary Thorp (de Schaepdrijver Sophie)(Paperback)
An Englishwoman of no particular fame living in World War I Brussels started a secret diary in September 1916. Aware that her thoughts could put her in danger with German authorities, she never wrote her name on the diary and ran to hide it every time the "Boches" came to inspect the house. The diary survived the war and ended up in a Belgian archive, forgotten for nearly a century until historians Sophie De Schaepdrijver and Tammy M. Proctor discovered it and the remarkable woman who wrote it: Mary Thorp, a middle-aged English governess working for a wealthy Belgian-Russian family in Brussels. As a foreigner and a woman, Mary Thorp offers a unique window into life under German occupation in Brussels (the largest occupied city of World War I) and in the uncertain early days of the peace. Her diary describes the roar of cannons in the middle of the night, queues for food and supplies 1 025 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement, 2nd Edition (Bowman Katy)(Paperback)
Bestselling Move Your DNA has shaken up the health and fitness world with this message: there is more to movement than exercise. It's often said that "movement is medicine," but rarely is the "how" behind the power of movement explained. It's not only our whole body that's moving; our cells are being moved as our limbs push and pull to locomote us around, and each movement moves our cells uniquely. Some of the "big ideas" in this paradigm-shifting book include: The human body evolved to a tremendous amount of certain movements―like walking, squatting, hanging, and carrying―loads our bodies still require to work well, even though they're mostly gone from our "convenience-centric" culture.Many of the ailments we face today relate to how little we move and how 583 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Street Photography: A History in 100 Iconic Photographs (Gibson David)(Paperback)
This visually arresting book journeys across the world to present the most candid, immediate, and provocative images captured by the biggest names in street photography from its inception to today. Now available in paperback, this extensive collection of the world's best street photography captures daily life in every corner of the globe. From pre-war gelatin silver prints to 21st-century digital images, from documentary to abstract, from New York's Central Park to a mountain city in Mongolia, these photographs reveal the many ways street photography moves, informs, and excites us. The book includes work by the likes of Margaret Bourke-White, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Joel Meyerowitz, Gordon Parks, Andr Kert sz, Garry Winogrand, Roger Mayne, and other masters of street photography who pushed the genre's boundaries and continue to innovate today. Each exquisitely 564 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

What Would Frida Do?: A Guide to Living Boldly (Davis Arianna)(Pevná vazba)
"A guidebook based on the life and work of pioneering Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, this beautiful volume is sure to inspire."--Boston GlobeRevered as much for her fierce spirit as she is for her art, Frida Kahlo stands today as a feminist symbol of daring creativity. Her paintings have earned her admirers around the world, but perhaps her greatest work of art was her own life. What Would Frida Do? celebrates this icon's signature style, outspoken politics, and boldness in love and art--even in the face of hardship and heartbreak. We see her tumultuous marriage with the famous muralist Diego Rivera and rumored flings with Leon Trotsky and Josephine Baker. In this irresistible read, writer Arianna Davis conjures Frida's brave spirit, encouraging women to create fearlessly and stand by their own 690 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Art of Communication: How to Be Authentic, Lead Others, and Create Strong Connections (Apps Judy)(Pevná vazba)
Bring nuance, depth, and meaning to every conversation you have The Art of Communication is for anyone who senses that they could be communicating on a deeper level. Perhaps you are a confident communicator but suspect there may be more to the art of conversation that you have not yet been able to access. Or perhaps you feel that your conversations lack depth and meaning and that you'd like to enrich your relationships with others, if only you knew how. This book will address your concerns and show you how to engage wholeheartedly with others. There's more to conversation than just clear, rational thinking. Left-brain rationality is important, of course, but neuroscience increasingly shows that the right-brain skills of creativity, intuition and spontaneity are essential in good communication. In this guide, you'll discover ways of tapping into the full 382 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

A Test of Wills (Todd Charles)(Paperback)
"Todd has written a first novel that speaks out, urgently and compassionately, for a long-dead generation....A meticulously wrought puzzle."--New York Times Book Review"An intricately plotted mystery. With this remarkable debut, Charles Todd breaks new ground in the historical crime novel."--Peter Lovesey, author of The Circle"You're going to love Todd." --Stephen King, Entertainment WeeklyThe first novel to feature war-damaged Scotland Yard inspector Ian Rutledge, A Test of Wills is the book that brought author Charles Todd into the spotlight. This Edgar(R) and Anthony Award-nominated, New York Times Notable mystery brilliantly evokes post-World War I Great Britain and introduces readers to one of crime fiction's most compelling series protagonists. Here the shell-shocked Rutledge struggles to retain his fragile grip on sanity 343 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Mindapps: Multistate Theory and Tools for Mind Design (Roberts Thomas B.)(Paperback)
An exploration of "mind design" technologies and practices--mindapps--that boost intellectual capacity and enable new ways of thought and 381 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Vegetarian Cookbook for Teens: 100 Fun Recipes to Cook Like a Pro (Baker Sarah)(Paperback)
Be good to your body, animals, and the planet―vegetarian cooking for teens Whatever your reason for exploring vegetarian cooking―your love of animals, reducing your carbon footprint, or the variety of health benefits―the Vegetarian Cookbook for Teens will show you that meatless cooking goes way beyond a life of sprouts and salads. In fact, vegetarian cooking can be fun, easy, flavorful, and lead to a lifetime of wellness. This cookbook for teens is filled with delicious recipes like Sweet Walnut Apple Salad and Avocado Chickpea Pasta Bowl that will help you gain confidence in the kitchen, regardless of experience, with step-by-step guidance. From how to create a savory breakfast burrito in five minutes flat, to how to simmer up a hearty vegetarian chili with your own creative twist, these delicious creations may even encourage your parents, 437 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals (Burkeman Oliver)(Pevná vazba)
AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER "Provocative and appealing . . . well worth your extremely limited time." --Barbara Spindel, The Wall Street JournalThe average human lifespan is absurdly, insultingly brief. Assuming you live to be eighty, you have just over four thousand weeks. Nobody needs telling there isn't enough time. We're obsessed with our lengthening to-do lists, our overfilled inboxes, work-life balance, and the ceaseless battle against distraction; and we're deluged with advice on becoming more productive and efficient, and "life hacks" to optimize our days. But such techniques often end up making things worse. The sense of anxious hurry grows more intense, and still the most meaningful parts of life seem to lie just beyond the horizon. Still, we rarely make the connection between our daily struggles with time and the 641 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion (Luna Elle)(Pevná vazba)
There are two paths in life: Should & Must. We arrive at this crossroads over and over again, and every day. And we get to choose. Starting out or starting over, making a career change or making a life change, the most life-affirming thing you can do is to honor the voice inside that says your have something special to give, and then heed the call and act. Many have traveled this road before. Here's how you can, too. #choosemust An inspirational gift book for every recent graduate, every artist, every seeker, and every career change. 398 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Break (Vermette Katherena)(Paperback / softback)
A violent assault pushes a family, and a community, to the brink in this dark and gritty intergenerational 254 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Serpent King (Zentner Jeff)(Paperback / softback)
Dill's father is in jail for an unspeakable crime. Shunned by the neighbours in their small religious Tennessee town, Dill and his mother try to make ends meet. Dill's only respite from poverty and prejudice are his two friends: Lydia and 204 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa (Travel Guide with Free eBook) (Guides Rough)(Paperback / softback)
The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South AfricaMake the most of your time on Earth with the ultimate travel guides.World-renowned 'tell it like it is' travel guide, now with free eBook.Discover the Game Parks of South Africa with this comprehensive and entertaining travel guide, packed with practical information and honest recommendations by our independent experts. Whether you plan to take a jeep safari, tick off the big five or sleep in a camp in the lap of luxury, The Rough Guide to the Game Parks of South Africa will help you discover the best places to explore, eat, drink, shop and sleep along the way.Features of this travel guide to Game Parks of South Africa - Detailed regional coverage: provides 419 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Murcilago, Vol. 10 (Yoshimurakana)(Paperback)
A bloody surprise turns a summer visit to the aquarium gruesome, but the details just aren't adding up. What should be a simple case of a man being eaten by a shark leads Kuroko's investigation to a small fishing town-one that's as much about the cross as it is catching hauls. A cute local girl named Suiren might just be the key to figuring it all out...though Kuroko is getting a little too distracted by her 272 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 30.08.2024

The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book: Your Complete Guide to Crafting and Casting Spells (Alexander Skye)(Pevná vazba)
Discover hundreds of spells perfect for the modern-day witch to find love, build wealth, and shape your destiny At any given moment, you have the power to manifest lasting love, boost your prosperity, and shape your destiny. Written by Skye Alexander, spellcraft expert and the author of The Modern Guide to Witchcraft, this book teaches you how to harness your inner magic through incantations, potions, and charms. Whether you're looking to get the job of your dreams, rejuvenate your body, or bring good fortune to family and friends, each page provides you with a spell that can be re-created or personalized for your specific situation. With the tools in The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book, practicing witches will hone in on their natural talents and discover a whole new world of 336 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Let's Go Out: Listen - A mindful board book encouraging appreciation of nature (Huntington Amy)(Board book)
A woman and child take a walk in the rain to explore the sounds they encounter. A deer sniffs. A squirrel nibbles. The cattails rustle. What other sounds will they 186 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Letters to Felice (Kafka Franz)(Paperback / softback)
Kafka's letters to Felice Bauer were written between 1912 and 1917, during which time they were twice engaged to be married. This complex relationship, which coincided with a period of great productivity for Kafka, gave him both hope and strength, but gradually disllusionment and the onset of illness drove them 458 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Against World Literature: On the Politics of Untranslatability (Apter Emily)(Paperback)
Against World Literature: On the Politics of Untranslatability argues for a rethinking of comparative literature focusing on the problems that emerge when large-scale paradigms of literary studies ignore the politics of the "Untranslatable"--the realm of those words that are continually retranslated, mistranslated, transferred from language to language, or especially resistant to substitution. In the place of "World Literature"--a dominant paradigm in the humanities, one grounded in market-driven notions of readability and universal appeal--Apter proposes a plurality of "world literatures" oriented around philosophical concepts and geopolitical pressure points. The history and theory of the language that constructs World Literature is critically examined with a special focus on Weltliteratur, literary world systems, narrative ecosystems, language borders and 857 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Mapping My Return: A Palestinian Memoir (Abu Sitta Salman)(Paperback)
Salman Abu Sitta was just ten years old when the Nakba-the mass expulsion of Palestinians in 1948-happened, forcing him from his home near Beersheba. Like many Palestinians of his generation, this traumatic loss and his enduring desire to return would be the defining features of his life from that moment on.Abu Sitta vividly evokes the vanished world of his family and home on the eve of the Nakba, giving a personal and very human face to the dramatic events of 1930s and 1940s Palestine as Zionist ambitions and militarization expanded under the British mandate. He chronicles his life in exile, from his family's flight to Gaza, his teenage years as a student in Nasser's Egypt, his formative years in 1960s London, his life as a family man and academic in Canada, to several sojourns in Kuwait. Abu Sitta's long and winding journey has taken him through many of the seismic events of the 874 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Productivity and Publishing: Writing Processes for New Scholars and Researchers (Dowell Margaret-Mary Sulentic)(Paperback)
Productivity and Publishing: Demystifying Processes for New Scholars and Researchers by Margaret-Mary Sulentic Dowell, Leah Katherine Saal, Cynthia F. DiCarlo, and Tynisha D. Willingham takes the challenges and confusion out of academic writing and journal publishing by empowering readers to find the writing process that works for them. Activities and writing exercises help readers determine their research agendas, set realistic writing goals, and follow time-tested and editor-approved processes for writing and revising journal articles. Topics cover the writing and publishing process from start to finish, addressing common issues for new academics like avoiding the blank page, selecting an appropriate journal, dealing with reviews, and leveraging your research into multiple articles and a comprehensive research agenda. Experts weigh in on crucial topics such as scholarly 1 633 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

OUR LAST NIGHT an edge-of-your-seat ghost story thriller (Adams Taylor)(Paperback)
Dan Rupley has 24 hours to survive a cursed killer gun and get his dead fiancee back. What could go wrong? "Perfect for Stephen King fans. It's a thriller, ghost story, and epic chase through time and space. Brilliant characters and beautifully written with great moments of humour." Chris Child "EXCEPTIONAL. I LOVED IT The author has created a VERY unique plot, describing Dan's 24 hour nightmare and even adding some dark humor. FIVE STARS and expect to stay up late reading " Owl3 An epic edge-of-your-seat ghost story that you won't want to put down Dan is a professional ghost hunter who's never actually found a ghost. But his newest case is promising: a cursed Russian rifle allegedly haunted by a demon. Anyone who touches the antique weapon dies within 24 hours. But for Dan, it's personal - he's still mourning the death of his fiancee Adelaide, and he's desperate to find 296 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Encountering the Parables in Contexts Old and New (Goud T. E.)(Pevná vazba)
The contributors to this book pursue three important lines of inquiry into parable study, in order to illustrate how these lessons have been received throughout the millennia. The contributors consider not only the historical and material world of the parables' composition, and focusing on the social, political, economic, and material reality of that world, but also seek to connect how the parables may have been seen and heard in ancient contexts with how they have been, and continue to be, seen and heard.Intentionally allowing for a "bounded openness" of approach and interpretation, these essays explore numerous contexts, encounters and responses. Examining topics ranging from ancient harvest imagery and dependency relations to contemporary experience with the narratives and lessons of the parables, this volume seeks to link those very real ancient contexts with our own varied 3 125 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Field Trip to the Moon (Hare John)(Pevná vazba)
It's field trip day, and students are excited to travel on their yellow spaceship bus from their space station to the moon in this wordless picture book. An ALA Notable Children's BookA Golden Duck Notable Picture Book Climb aboard the spaceship bus for a fantastic field trip adventure to the moon Once their bright yellow ship lands, students debark and set out with their teacher to explore. They jump over trenches and see craters and mountains on the moon's surface and even Earth in the faraway distance. But when one student takes a break to draw some pictures and falls asleep, they wake up to discover that the rest of the class and the spaceship are gone. How the student passes the time waiting to be rescued makes for a funny and unexpected adventure that will enchant children all over the galaxy. With rich atmospheric art, John Hare's wordless 445 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Vestibular Disorders: A Case Study Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment (Furman Joseph)(Pevná vazba)
Vestibular Disorders, Third Edition, uses a case-study approach to outline the principles and practice of the care of patients with dizziness and balance disorders. The text reflects the combined perspectives and experience of a neurologist (Dr. Furman) a neurotologic surgeon (Dr. Cass), and a physical therapist (Dr. Whitney). Each case study contains relevant material regarding history, physical examination, laboratory testing, differential diagnosis, and treatment. This material provides a springboard for discussion of either a concept in the field of vestibular disorders or the diagnosis or treatment of a particular disease state. Practical, specific treatment options are discussed throughout the book. The book is written to a wide audience and educational level of readers including Primary Care Physicians, Otolaryngologists, Neurologists, Physical Therapist, and 4 640 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Modeling Social Behavior: Mathematical and Agent-Based Models of Social Dynamics and Cultural Evolution (Smaldino Paul E.)(Pevná vazba)
A comprehensive introduction to mathematical and agent-based modeling of social behavior This book provides a unified, theory-driven introduction to key mathematical and agent-based models of social dynamics and cultural evolution, teaching readers how to build their own models, analyze them, and integrate them with empirical research programs. It covers a variety of modeling topics, each exemplified by one or more archetypal models, and helps readers to develop strong theoretical foundations for understanding social behavior. Modeling Social Behavior equips social, behavioral, and cognitive scientists with an essential tool kit for thinking about and studying complex social systems using mathematical and computational models.Combines both mathematical and agent-based modeling of social behaviorIntegrates cognitive science, social science, 3 503 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Jitney (Wilson August)(Paperback)
Drama Characters: 8 male, 1 female Interior SetSet in 1970 in the Hill District of Pittsburgh that is served by a makeshift taxi company, Jitney is a beautiful addition to the author's decade by decade cycle of plays about the black American experience in the twentieth century. "Explosive... Crackles with theatrical energy."-N.Y. Daily News "Could be described as just a lot of men sitting around talking. But the talk has such varied range and musicality, and it is rendered with such stylish detail, that a complete urban symphony emerges.... Drivers return from jobs with stories that summon an entire ethos.... Throughly engrossing, Jitney holds us in charmed captivity."- New York Times "Comic, soulful and immensely moving."-Time Out "A transport of delight So vividly written ... it keeps you steadily amused, 380 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

In-Vitro Fertilization: The Pioneers' History (Kovacs Gabor)(Pevná vazba)
The birth of Louise Joy Brown - the world's first baby born following in-vitro fertilization - heralded a medical revolution. Forty years later, many thousands of babies are born each year following IVF. Assisted reproduction is a global industry with a multi-billion dollar turnover. It is a complex mix of science, clinical management, bioethics, and commercial imperatives. Many of the pioneers of IVF are still with us and have a fascinating tale to tell. Here, they relate the story of the development of IVF and related technologies in a way that will prove invaluable to future generations of practitioners seeking to understand the genesis of the specialty. This is not an academic history: rather it takes an informal and anecdotal approach; informing and entertaining for generations of past, present and future medical and scientific specialists of IVF, alongside the millions of parents, 2 209 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Does Foreign Aid Really Work? (Riddell Roger C.)(Paperback)
Foreign aid is now a $100bn business and is expanding more rapidly today than it has for a generation. But does it work? Indeed, is it needed at all? Other attempts to answer these important questions have been dominated by a focus on the impact of official aid provided by governments. But today possibly as much as 30 percent of aid is provided by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and over 10 percent is provided as emergency assistance. In this first-ever attempt to provide an overall assessment of aid, Roger Riddell presents a rigorous but highly readable account of aid, warts and all. oes Foreign Aid Really Work? sets out the evidence and exposes the instances where aid has failed and explains why. The book also examines the way that politics distorts aid, and disentangles the moral and ethical assumptions that lie behind the belief that aid does good. The book 1 190 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

2020 - A Reckoning (Klinenberg Eric)(Pevná vazba)
633 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Moon Best of Greece: Make the Most of 7-10 Days (Kalafatis Joanna)(Paperback)
From ancient ruins and picturesque mountain towns to epic hikes and secluded beaches, a week in the Mediterranean awaits with Moon Best of Greece. Inside you'll find: Flexible, strategic itineraries: Choose the best home base for you, with itinerary options for 1-3 days in different regions and side trips that can be combined for a longer trip Authentic can't-miss experiences: Discover the best beaches, ancient sites, hikes, nightlife, and more. Explore the well-preserved ruins of Delphi, kayak the Acheron River, or soak up the college-town vibe of Thessaloniki. Discover under-the-radar coastal getaways beloved by locals and snack on delicious mezze. Summit Mount Olympus, relax on unspoiled beaches, and tour Greece's oldest stone-constructed villages Local insight on how to experience Greece like an insider, support local 539 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024