IMPAR Ubrus Modré a bílé květy (Rozměr : 85x85)
Kvalitní potištěný ubrus, u kterého si můžete vybrat ze tří variant: 85x85, 140x120, 220x130. Případně můžete zvolit svůj rozměr. Princip tisku spočívá v tepelně-chemickém procesu, při kterém se barvivo dostává do struktury vlákna (thermo sublimace). Tisk je velmi odolný a ubrus lze prát na 40°. Nežehlit, nepoužívat aviváž, nesušit v sušičce. Nečistit chemicky. Materiál: mikrofáze. 499 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Fototapeta na zeď Zoya VERDI + lepidlo Zadarmo FTZY005
Fototapeta na zeď z jednoho nebo více kusů v závislosti na rozměru. Fototapety na zeď, které dodají Vašemu prostoru nový rozměr. Fototopety jsou vyrobeny z kvalitních materiálů. Tapety na stěny do bytu, domu či kanceláře. Díky svým vlastnostem se ideálně přizpůsobí podmínkám v interiéru jako vlhkost, prach a pod .. Moderní tapety pro moderní interiéry.Návod k použití si můžete stáhnout> ZDEV případě pokud fototapeta obsahuje bílý bezpečnostní okraj, je třeba jej před aplikací na stěnu odstřihnout. 650 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag PS4
Píše se rok 1715. Karibiku vládnou piráti, kteří si vytvořili vlastní republiku, která nezná žádný zákon av níž korupce, chamtivost a násilí nejsou ničím cizím.Mezi těmito tyrany je i mladý bezohledný kapitán Edward Kenway. Svým bojem za slávu si vysloužil úctu i takových legend, jako je Blackbeard (Edward Thatch). Ten boj ho však zároveň vtáhl do prastaré války mezi Assassin a templáři-války, která může zničit vše, co tito piráti vybudovali.Vítejte ve zlatém věku pirátství.Buďte připraveni na neuvěřitelný zážitek, který vaši konzoli či počítač určitě nenechá chladnými, ale oslní vás neuvěřitelnou grafikou, dychvyrážajúcimi efekty a hudebním pozadím, které ještě více zesiluje zážitek ze hry. Připravte se na hodiny strávené ve stavu naprosté euforie s hrou, která vás zcela pohltí.Nabitý schopnostmi konzolí nové generace, poutavou pirátskou hudbou, zkušenostmi z úspěchu série Assassin Creed a perfektním herním zážitkem-toto je Assassins Creed 4.Staňte se Edwardem Kenwayom, charismatickým, přesto však brutálním pirátským kapitánem, který byl vycvičen Assassin. Edward dokáže snadno procházet mezi skrytou čepelí assassinského řádu a všemi novými zbraněmi, včetně Křesadlová pistolí či dvou šavlí.Prozkoumávejte otevřený svět plný možností. Objevujte ten největší a nejrozmanitější svět Assassin Creed, jaký byl kdy vytvořen. Prozkoumejte 50 unikátních míst, od Kingstonu po Nassau, kde můžete prožít život piráta, který zahrnuje:-Vykrádání vraků pod hladinou moře-Vraždění templářů v rozvíjejících se městech-Lov vzácných zvířat v nezkrotných džunglích-Pátrání po pokladech v ztracených ruinách-Únik do skrytých zátokStaňte se tím nejobávanějším pirátem v celém Karibiku! Velte na své lodi Kavka a vrhajte hněv na každého, kdo ji zahlédne. Plundrujte a drancujte, abyste mohli Kavka vylepšit municí a vybavením, které je potřebné pro boj s nepřátelskými loděmi Vylepšení lodě jsou pro Edwardův postup hrou velmi důležité. Zaútočte na masivní plachetnice a bezostychu se na ně naloďte, nabírejte námořníky ke své posádce, a vydejte se na epické a nechvalně proslulé dobrodružství.Zažijte krutou realitu, která se skrývá za představami o pirátech. Ocitnete se při budování republiky na Bahamách mezi legendárními jmény, jako jsou Blackbeard, Calico Jack a Benjamin Hornigold, a prožijte vskutku vyhrocené události, které definovaly zlatý věk pirátství.Zážitek z hry pro více hráčů. Bojujte navzájem nebo spolupracujte se svými přáteli v nelítostně a velmi dobře přijímané hře více hráčů. Vyberte si z rozmanité škály postav a bojujte na smrt v exoticky laděných mapách 489 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Vsepropejska Elder podložka pod misky Barva: Červená
Také se Váš pes pokaždé horlivě vrhne po nasypané misce a nebere ohled na pořádek okolo? Dejte sbohem nepořádku kolem každé psí misky. Tím, že si pořídíte podložku pod misky na krmivo, si ušetříte spoustu práce s uklízením drobků nebo rozlité vody okolo.MateriálPodložka pod misky je vyrobena z polyesteru.FunkčnostIdeální způsob, jak se zbavit nečistot v okolí psích misek je vybavit se funkční podložkou pod psí misku. Psí podložka vyrobena z voděodolného a dobře omyvatelného materiálu potěší každého majitele chlupatého mazlíčka. Tvar půlkruhu skvěle padne na místo, které má Váš pes vyhrazeno pro jídlo. Lze si vybrat barevné provedení dle Vaší preference. 197 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Květináč s dekoracemi růží Rhode – Ø 23*21 cm Clayre & Eef
Květináč s dekoracemi růží Rhode – Ø 23*21 cmBarva: ŠedáMateriál: CementHmotnost: 1,111 kg 571 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Baterie umyvadlová stojánková Lima HB101-BO
899 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Sprchový zavěs 180/200 486060
Závěsy mají na horním zpevněném okraji naražená malá kolečka, skrze která se následně protahují háčky a věší se na tyč. Textilní (polyesterový) sprchový závěs se obvykle pere při teplotě 40-60 stupňů. Tím se zabrání růstu bakterií a plísní. 359 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

WC štětka Alba white
299 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

RAV-SLEZÁK Vanová nástěnná baterie SÁZAVA
1 589 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Věšák Gavi h6
279 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Zápachová uzávera A53-DN50
69 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

47 Brand Triko Splitter Tee NHL SR
Stylové hokejové tričko, které ocení především milovníci kanadsko-americké NHL. Tričko  je navržené z příjemného a kvalitního materiálu. Díky propracovanému střihu je velmi pohodlné a neomezuje v pohybu, což oceníte při sportu i běžném nošení. Na přední straně je klubové logo a nápis. Krátký rukáv, kulatý výstřih.Materiál: 70% bavlna, 30% polyester. V různých velikostech ,triko pouze v černém provedení a vybraná loga týmů NHL. 550 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Winnwell Dres YTH dětský hokejový dres
Tréninkový dres pro hráče značky Winnwell. Velmi vzdušný dres vhodný pro rozlišení při tréninku. Dres má výborný střih, díky kterému dobře padne každému hráči. Vyroben ze 100% polyesteru XXS (80 – 90) = 61 cm délka, 39 cm šířkaXS (100 – 110) = 64 cm délka, 41 cm šířkaS/M (120 – 130) = 67 cm délka, 47 cm šířkaL/XL (140 – 150) = 70 cm délka, 51 cm šířka 349 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

CCM Mikina Locker Room 1/4 Zip 2022 SR
Mikina CCM Locker Room ¼ Zip je mikina ve stylu bundy se zipem u krku ze špičkového technického fleecu nabízí kombinaci měkkého prodyšného materiálu a moderního stylu, který oceníte při cestách na trénink na kluziště nebo do posilovny. Našité logo CCM na pravém rameni poskytuje plochu pro přidání týmového označení.SLOŽENÍ: 84 % polyester/12 % umělé hedvábí/4 % spandex 300 g/m2. 1 599 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Baby Ski 90 cm - dětské plastové lyže
Dětské plastové lyže délky 90 cm s nastavitelným vázáním pro nejmenší lyžaře. Lyže jsou dodávány včetně hůlek . Upínání bot řemínky.dětské plastové lyže s holemimateriál plast tuhý do -20 Cdélka lyží 90 cmdélka holí 80 cmnosnost 30 kgobrázky jsou ilustrativní, barevné provedení se může lišit 599 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Vanička B-M/Open Str 90x90x1,5
6 899 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Vsepropejska Navy zimní bunda pro psa s kožíškem Barva: Červená, Délka zad (cm): 33, Obvod hrudníku: 47 - 50 cm
Navy zimní bunda pro psa s kožíškem je skvělou volbou pro chladné zimní dny, navržená speciálně pro psy s širším hrudníkem, jako jsou buldočci. Tato bunda je vhodná jak pro malé, tak i velké psy, a je dostupná ve čtyřech stylových barvách, takže si můžete vybrat tu pravou pro svého mazlíčka. Vyrobena z kvalitního a odolného polyesteru, účinně chrání před větrem a zimou, zatímco měkký kožíšek na vnitřní straně zajišťuje pohodlí a teplo. Zapínání na cvoky na břišní straně umožňuje snadné oblékání a svlékání, aniž by omezovalo psa v pohybu. Bunda perfektně kryje záda i břicho. Navíc je pratelná v pračce na 30°C, což usnadňuje její údržbu. Proč si bundu zamilujete:Snadné oblékání: tlapky vložíme do otvorů a cvoky zapnemeOchrana před chladem: Hřejivý kožíšek zajišťuje, že váš pes zůstane v teple.Udržuje teplo: Chrání záda i břicho psa, čímž zajišťuje kompletní ochranu před nepříznivými vlivy.Vhodná pro všechny velikosti: Navržena pro malá, střední a velká plemena psů s širším hrudníkemSnadná údržba: Pratelná na 30°C pro jednoduchou údržbu.Náš tip: Změřte pejska od konce krku k ocásku a kolem hrudníku za předními tlapkami. Obvod hrudníku je při výběru bundy nejdůležitější, protože díky němu bude bunda správně sedět.Jak správně obléct bundu?Rozepněte cvoky: Rozepněte cvoky bundy, položte ji na hřbet psaProvlékněte přední nohy: Vložte jednu přední nohu psa do jednoho otvoru pro nohu a poté druhou nohu do druhého otvoru.Zapněte: Zapněte cvoky na bříšku psaZkontrolujte: Ujistěte se, že bunda dobře sedí, nepřekáží psovi v pohybu a není příliš těsná.Rada na závěr:Velikost bundy: Ujistěte se, že bunda je správné velikosti a dobře padne, aby pes mohl volně běhat a pohybovat se.Používejte pamlsky: Při oblékání bundy odměňujte psa pamlsky, aby si na tuto aktivitu rychle zvykl a spojil ji s pozitivním zážitkem.Používejte bundu podle počasí: Ujistěte se, že bundu nasazujete podle aktuálních povětrnostních podmínek. Například, pokud je venku chladno a vlhko, bunda poskytne ochranu, ale v teplém počasí ji nemusíte používat.Buďte trpěliví: Pokud pes reaguje neklidně, buďte trpěliví a dejte mu čas na přizpůsobení. Pomalu ho zvykejte na novou bundu, třeba s kratšími intervaly nošení.Impregnace: Impregnací bundy zvýšíte její voděodolnost a ochranu proti vlhkosti. To pomůže prodloužit životnost bundy a udrží vašeho psa v suchu. Použijte impregnace na látky.Doporučujeme k bundě Navy zakoupit naše vodítka, svítící obojky a zubní kartáčky, které najdete přímo v našem obchodě. VelikostDélka zad (bez límce)Obvod hrudníkuXS23 cm33 - 36 cmS27 cm43 - 46 cmM33 cm47 - 50 cmL36 cm55 - 58 cmXL40 cm60 - 63 cm2XL45 cm65 - 68 cm3XL56 cm77 - 80 cm 604 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Rezztek Páska na čepel Doublepack (2páry)
SPECTER HOCKEY TAPE je revoluční páska z Česko-Slovenska. Vyvinuli jsme patentovaný několikavrstvý materiál, který pomáhá zlepšit přesnost střely, ovládání puku a přináší delší výdrž než tradiční páska. Při vývoji jsme otestovali více jak 500 pásek, které testovali jak hráči z NHL tak i běžní amatérští hráči a děti. Oproti tradiční pásce je povrch drsnější a díky patentované povrchové úpravě dokáže udělit puku větší rotaci. Díky lepení na stranu hokejky, přičemž spodní hrana čepele zůstává neoblepená, klade menší odpor při pohybu čepele hokejky po ledě.Výměna pásky je jednoduchá, přičemž nalepení trvá len několik sekund. Výhodou pásky SPECTER HOCKEY TAPE je možnost tisku na pásku, čím se dá páska přizpůsobit potřebám každého hráče anebo klubu.V jednom balení je 2x páska na forehand i backhand. 690 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Everspace 2 CZ (Stellar Edition) XBOX Series X
 O hřeSedněte si do pilotního křesla svižné vesmírné stíhačky, svádějte nelítostné souboje, překonávejte brutální výzvy a nechte se odměnit pohádkovou kořistí. Ve vesmírné střílečce EVERSPACE 2, určené pro jednoho hráče, zkoumejte válkou zničené hvězdné soustavy demilitarizované zóny ve Hvězdokupu 34 a v každé zdejší obrovské, ručně vytvořené oblasti odhalujte dávná tajemství, řešte originální hádanky a čel.Prožijte napínavý sci-fi příběh naklonovaného pilota Adama, hledajícího své místo v nekonečném vesmíru. Zatímco se události z jeho minulosti proplétají se zájmy vzájemně soupeřících frakcí, demilitarizovaná zóna se rychle blíží bodu varu. Unikněte ze zajetí koloniálů, proplavte intriky místních vůdců, vyhýbejte se kultistům, jejichž temná energie dočista připravila o rozum, a bránte se útokům cizinců hladových po válce.Ke svému přežití budete potřebovat víc než jen důvtip, štěstí a dovednost v boji. Budete muset dát dohromady i tým specialistů, kteří vám pomohou splnit svůj sen opustit demilitarizovanou zónu. Setkávejte staré přátele a poznávejte nové spojence, každého s vlastním příběhem. Přidají se k vám během misí, dají vám k dispozici své jedinečné, dále vylepšitelné dovednosti, odemknou nové schopnosti a pomohou vám postoupit zase o něco dál.Klíčové vlastnostiVydejte se na vzrušující cestu: Poznávejte cizí rasy, odhalujte záhady, pátrejte po pokladech a bránte svůj náklad před zločineckými bandami ve vzrušující třicetihodinové kampani. Kompletáři se pak mohou ponořit do vesmíru EVERSPACE ještě hlouběji a strávit více než devadesát hodin plněním všech vedlejších misí, dokončováním všech výzev a objevováním všech skrytých tajemství.Nechte promluvit své lasery: Likvidujte nepřátele ve stylu EVERSPACE – uhýbejte, zrychlujte, dělejte výkruty, vrhejte se s prstem na spoušti do divokých soubojů a zanechte za sebou stopu z vesmírného šrotu. S využitím široké škály zbraní a schopností se vypořádejte s drony, stíhačkami, těžkými bombardéry i mocnými bojovými loděmi. Ale pozor na přílišné sebevědomí! Mohutná mateřská plavidla a strážci dokáží prověřit schopnosti i ty nejzkušenější piloty. Abyste získali převahu i proti drtivé přesile, nezbude vám než naučit se umně využívat prostředí ve svůj prospěch.Zkoumejte galaxii: Ponořte se do vesmíru EVERSPACE a zkoumejte ho svým vlastním tempem. Demilitarizovaná zóna i okolní oblasti Hvězdokupy 34 překypují hlavními i vedlejšími misemi, aktivitami, událostmi a tajemstvími, které je třeba odhalit. Zapálíte hyperpohon, objevte více než stovku jedinečných, ručně vytvořených lokací v sedmi odlišných soustavách a zanechte mezi hvězdami trvalý odkaz.Hrajte po svém: Rozšiřujte svou soukromou sbírku lodí díky prakticky nekonečné zásobě stíhaček jedinečných tříd a vylepšete své plavidlo k dokonalosti. Obchodníci ve hvězdokupě vám za poplatek pomohou získat vylepšené modely plavidel nebo pošlou vaši stávající loď do úschovy, zatímco vy budete zkoušet nový typ lodi. Chytře kombinujte moduly, zbraně, zařízení a perky tak, aby odpovídaly vašemu individuálnímu hernímu stylu a aktuální misi.Pátrejte po tajemstvích: Chytří piloti jsou úspěšní piloti. Vybírejte skrýše psanců, prohledávejte vraky plné kořisti a sbírejte starobylé poklady rozeseté po všech volně přístupných oblastech demilitarizované zóny. Procházejte objekty, řešte hádanky, ničte asteroidy a znovu zprovozněte starodávné ruiny ve snaze zmocnit se i toho nejposlednějšího pokladu.Získejte bohatou kořist: Pátrejte po vylepšeném vybavení a rozšiřujte svůj arzenál mocných kombinací rozličných zařízení. Hledejte kořist, která vyhovuje vašemu hernímu stylu, ale buďte ochotni opustit svoji komfortní zónu a vyzkoušet i něco nového. Buďte připraveni najít a využít synergické efekty mezi vybavením, perkami, zařízeními a loděmi, abyste plně zužitkovali jejich potenciál.Ať lov začne: Dokončením rozsáhlé kampaně hry EVERSPACE 2 to nekončí! Vydejte se do procedurálně generovaných adrenalinových oblastí s vysokým rizikem nebo starověkých trhlin, ve kterých budete moci důkladně otestovat svou loď i své štěstí proti stále houževnatějším nepřátelům. Uspějte a za odměnu získejte legendární vybavení s obrovskou silou a mimořádnými schopnostmi.Stellar Edition obsahuje:Hra EVERSPACE 2 Steelbook64stránkový Mini ArtbookDigitální soundtrackTrailer 1 309 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Jewelled Kitchen: A Stunning Collection of Lebanese, Moroccan, and Persian Recipes (Kehdy Bethany)(Paperback)
Kehdy's cookbook is an inspired collection of classics and innovative dishes from a part of the world which, at the moment, is enjoying its overdue place in the sun. Her contribution and original, thoughtful and delicious. Go get it --Yottam OttolenghiBethany Kehdy is renowned for the contemporary Middle Eastern and North African recipes that she publishes on her blog ( A Lebanese-American born in Houston, Texas and brought up in Lebanon, she spent countless hours learning to cook with her perfectionistteta(grandmother), her vivacious dad and her spirited aunts. Her recipes are a harmonious balance of classic and contemporary, as she draws upon her childhood roots while adding her own personal twist to these iconic recipes. The cuisines from the Middle East and North Africa share many diverse influences and gorgeous key ingredients and 445 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Beauty Myth - How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women (Wolf Naomi)(Paperback / softback)
The bestselling classic that redefined our view of the relationship between beauty and female identity . Every day, women around the world are confronted with a dilemma - how to 320 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Materials Modelling Using Density Functional Theory: Properties and Predictions (Giustino Feliciano)(Paperback)
This book is an introduction to the quantum theory of materials and first-principles computational materials modelling. It explains how to use density functional theory as a practical tool for calculating the properties of materials without using any empirical parameters. The structural, mechanical, optical, electrical, and magnetic properties of materials are described within a single unified conceptual framework, rooted in the Schrodinger equation of quantum mechanics, and powered by density functional theory. This book is intended for senior undergraduate and first-year graduate students in materials science, physics, chemistry, and engineering who are approaching for the first time the study of materials at the atomic scale. The inspiring principle of the book is borrowed from one of the slogans of thePerl programming language, 'Easy things should be easy and hard things 1 408 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

From the Platform 2: More NYC Subway Graffiti, 1983-1989 (Cavalieri Paul)(Pevná vazba)
This is a nostalgic, visual account of the best time and place to be a graffiti writer. In the 1980s, brothers Kenny, a.k.a. KEY, and Paul, a.k.a. CAVS, immersed themselves in the graffiti scene in the Boogie Down Bronx, dutifully photographing hundreds of pieces on now-discontinued MTA subway cars and capturing their proud comrades before, during, and after the act. "Bombing" "White Elephants" with their pilot markers and documenting them with their cameras, which they always carried, they were on the ride of their lives--until 1989, when the last painted train was removed from service. Tags by names like QUIK, IZTHEWIZ, and many others appear here in color exposures, and dozens of artists share stories and drop knowledge with no filter. A foreword by graffiti historian Henry Chalfant, coproducer of Style Wars--the seminal documentary on New York graffiti and hip-hop 895 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Probability Models for DNA Sequence Evolution (Durrett Richard)(Paperback)
"What underlying forces are responsible for the observed patterns of variability, given a collection of DNA sequences?" In approaching this question a number of probability models are introduced and anyalyzed.Throughout the book, the theory is developed in close connection with data from more than 60 experimental studies that illustrate the use of these 2 628 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 16.09.2024

New Adventures: My New Friend (Easton Tom)(Paperback)
This first experiences series uncovers the worries and fears associated with big life changes that young children might experience and provides reassurance by explaining how they might feel and shows ways that children can learn to cope with these feelings. The sensitively written story provides guidance not only for children, but also for adults who want to help their child through these unsettling times in their lives. Children can read the books on their own or can discuss the books with an adult. Notes for teachers and parents at the back of the books provide related advice and information to help them guide and support 271 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

The Iliad (Merrill Rodney)(Paperback)
"Other competent translations of Homer exist, but none accomplish what Merrill aims for: to convey to the reader-listener in translation the meaning and the sounds of Homer, coming as close as possible to the poetry of the original. Merrill accomplishes this virtuosic achievement by translating Homer's Greek into English hexameters, a process requiring not only a full understanding of the original Greek, but also an unusual mastery of the sounds, rhythms, and nuances of English." ---Stephen G. Daitz, Professor Emeritus of Classics, City University of New York Rodney Merrill's translation of Homer's Iliad offers a form of English poetry particularly relevant to the epic, producing a strong musical setting that brings many elements of the narrative truly to life. Most notable are the many battle scenes, in which Homer's strong dactylic hexameters make credible the 946 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Dolphin Boy (Morpurgo Michael)(Paperback)
Discover this spellbinding story from former Children's Laureate and author of War Horse Michael Morpurgo, and illustrated by multi-award-winning Michael Foreman.Jim lives in a Cornish fishing village - but since the fish disappeared, no one goes fishing any more. One day, Jim spots a dolphin beached on the sand, and soon the whole village is working together to return the dolphin to the water. The dolphin stays in the harbour, playing with Jim and the swimmers, but then the dolphin disappears... will Jim ever see him 210 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

You've Got Dragons (Cave Kathryn)(Paperback / softback)
A new edition of the classic picturebook about coping with 186 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

The Tales of Villa Diodati: The Origins of Iconic Science Fiction and Gothic Horror (Shelley Mary)(Paperback)
In 1816, also known as "The Year without a Summer," a group of pioneering writers gathered at Villa Diodati in Lake Geneva, Switzerland, and wrote some of the most iconic Gothic horror stories in English literature. The Tales of Villa Diodati is the result of a legendary ghost story contest between friends confined indoors by unseasonably dismal weather. "We will each write a story," proposed Lord Byron. The challenge was the genesis of this blood-chilling anthology blending the macabre, supernatural, and romance. Selections include Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the first true science fiction novel, and John Polidori's "The Vampyre," considered one of the earliest examples of the romantic vampire genre. The story was inspired by Lord Byron's "A Fragment," which is also included, as is Percy Bysshe Shelley's "Fragment of a Ghost Story." These spine-tingling tales have 319 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Lichens: The Macrolichens of Ontario and the Great Lakes Region of the United States (McMullin R. Troy)(Paperback)
Lichens are complex life forms that are the result of a symbiotic partnership between multiple organisms, usually a fungus and an alga Though often overlooked or mistaken for other organisms (like moss), lichens are a critical part of each ecosystem they inhabit and are important sources of food, absorbers of carbon dioxide and biomonitors that help scientists detect air pollutants, among their many other functions Written by one of the foremost lichenologists in North America, Lichens is an extensive guide to lichen species of Ontario and central parts of North America, but many of the featured lichen species are found in other parts of the world Lichens presents photographs and detailed information on over 450 species of macrolichen, which are types of lichen with large thalluses that appear either leafy and lobed or bushy and branched Because of 1 017 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Fire Storm (Lane Andrew)(Paperback / softback)
Crack the case with the world's most famous detective! But before he became the great detective, who was young Sherlock Holmes? The fourth book in a series of mystery adventures featuring a teenage Sherlock and endorsed by the Conan Doyle 211 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Disputed Inheritance: The Battle Over Mendel and the Future of Biology (Radick Gregory)(Paperback)
A root-and-branch rethinking of how history has shaped the science of genetics. In 1900, almost no one had heard of Gregor Mendel. Ten years later, he was famous as the father of a new science of heredity--genetics. Even today, Mendelian ideas serve as a standard point of entry for learning about genes. The message students receive is plain: the twenty-first century owes an enlightened understanding of how biological inheritance really works to the persistence of an intellectual inheritance that traces back to Mendel's garden. Disputed Inheritance turns that message on its head. As Gregory Radick shows, Mendelian ideas became foundational not because they match reality--little in nature behaves like Mendel's peas--but because, in England in the early years of the twentieth century, a ferocious debate ended as it did. On one side was the Cambridge biologist William 1 058 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Wild Asana: Animals, Yoga, and Connecting Our Practice to the Natural World (Zak Alison)(Paperback)
Ever wonder about the dog in Downward Dog or the crow in Kakasana? Rewild your yoga practice by connecting to the animals behind the asanas.For nature-loving yogis and readers of World of Wonders and Yoga Mythology From Downward Dog to Cobra, Wild Asana: Yoga Beyond Human Being invites you into an embodied exploration of the animals that inspire familiar yoga poses. Drawing on wildlife science, anthropology, Hindu mythology, Eastern philosophy, and personal stories, this insightful guide by environmental educator and yoga instructor Alison Zak explores the connections among our bodies, our minds, and the animals that inspire our practice. In illustrated chapters on asanas like Tittibhasana (Firefly), Garudasana (Eagle), Marjaryasana (Cat), and Ustrasana (Camel), Zak invites you to bring the deep nature of animals 432 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

The Book of Druidry: A Complete Introduction to the Magic & Wisdom of the Celtic Mysteries (Hughes Kristoffer)(Paperback)
Discover the Dappled Grove of Druidry Renowned author Kristoffer Hughes paints a comprehensive picture of Druidry--where it came from, how it developed into its current form, and why it is relevant today. Hughes shares not only the nuts and bolts of practice, but also its ethics, environmental considerations, and deep roots in history. Druids are defined by what they do, and this book offers many ways to put Druidic theory into action. Explore what it means to talk with trees, answer the call of wild awakening, honor the ancestors, and work with deities. Use prayer, meditation, and ritual to expand your awareness, develop relationships with the unseen, and engage with elemental powers. Providing powerful Celtic wisdom, this book helps you connect with Awen, the blessed breath of 584 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Progress in Optics: Volume 68 (Visser Taco)(Pevná vazba)
Progress in Optics, Volume 68, highlights new advances, with this updated volume presenting interesting chapters on a variety of timely topics in the field. Each chapter is written by an international board of authors. The book contains five reviews of the latest developments in 5 157 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Hypnosis with Children (Kohen Daniel P.)(Paperback)
Updated and revised in response to developments in the field, this fifth edition of Hypnosis with Children describes the research and clinical historical underpinnings of hypnosis with children and adolescents, and presents an up-to-date compendium of the pertinent world literature regarding this arena. The authors focus on the wide variety and scope of applications for therapeutic hypnosis; including an integrated description of both clinical and evidence-based research as it relates to understanding approaches to various clinical situations, case studies of practical aspects, and how-to elements of teaching therapeutic hypnosis skills to clients. This new edition includes new chapters on helping children in disasters and pandemics with hypnosis, and helping parents. This book is essential for therapists and students who wish to gain a complete 1 289 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Black Spectacles (Dickson Carr John)(Paperback / softback)
Also known by its US title The Problem of the Green Capsule, this classic novel is widely regarded as one of John Dickson Carr's masterpieces and remains among the greatest impossible crime mysteries of all 259 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Brazil (McMullen Gemma)(Pevná vazba)
Travel through the countries of the world and learn about the weather, famous landmarks and their landscapes. This exciting series explores aspects of human and physical geography via engaging text and informative 336 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Media, Gender and Identity: An Introduction (Gauntlett David)(Paperback)
Popular media present a vast array of stories about women and men. What impact do these images and ideas have on people's identities? The new edition of Media, Gender and Identity is a highly readable introduction to the relationship between media and gender identities today. Fully revised and updated, including new case studies and a new chapter, it considers a wide range of research and provides new ways for thinking about the media's influence on gender and sexuality. David Gauntlett discusses movies such as Knocked Up and Spiderman 3, men's and women's magazines, TV shows, self-help books, YouTube videos, and more, to show how the media play a role in the shaping of individual self-identities. The book includes: a comparison of gender representations in the past and today, from James Bond to Ugly 1 247 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

See Touch Feel Farm (Priddy Roger)(Board book)
See, Touch, Feel: Farm is a fantastic first concepts book from Priddy Books. This new compact board book format introduces the farm to very young children in a fun and simple 163 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

100 Poems to Break Your Heart (Hirsch Edward)(Paperback)
100 of the most moving and inspiring poems of the last 200 years from around the world, a collection that will comfort and enthrall anyone trapped by grief or loneliness, selected by the award-winning, best-selling, and beloved author of How to Read a PoemImplicit in poetry is the idea that we are enriched by heartbreaks, by the recognition and understanding of suffering--not just our own suffering but also the pain of others. We are not so much diminished as enlarged by grief, by our refusal to vanish, or to let others vanish, without leaving a record. And poets are people who are determined to leave a trace in words, to transform oceanic depths of feeling into art that speaks to others.In 100 Poems to Break Your Heart, poet and advocate Edward Hirsch selects 100 poems, from the nineteenth century to the present, and illuminates them, 577 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Literacy Learning for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers: Key Practices for Educators (Wright Tanya S.)(Paperback)
Literacy Learning Begins at Birth . . .  . . . and continues throughout our lives! Birth to age 5 is a critical period in building the foundation for later success in reading and writing. Educators play a vital role in nurturing young children's early language and literacy knowledge and skills. However, the specific practices that support literacy development in early childhood are often different than those used with older children.     From some of the foremost early literacy development experts in the field comes this practical resource that is a must-have for all educators of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Using eight key practices--Knowing, Showing, Designing, Including, Engaging, Explaining, Observing, and Responding--as the framework, the authors discuss how educators can support five important areas of young children's early 631 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Prague Sonata (Morrow Bradford (Author))(Paperback / softback)
A literary quest reaching from Nazi-occupied Prague to turn-of-the-millennium New York as a young musicologist seeks to solve the mystery behind an eighteenth-century sonata 218 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Big Questions, Big World: What makes me special? (Dickmann Nancy)(Paperback / softback)
A series that helps young children explore big, philosophical questions to come up with their own 271 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Underbelly - The instant Sunday Times bestseller from Mother Pukka - the unmissable, gripping and electrifying fiction debut (Whitehouse Anna)(Paperback / softback)
The explosive, fresh and utterly compulsive women's fiction debut from Mother Pukka and Papa Pukka, writing as Anna Whitehouse. Perfect for fans of So Lucky by Dawn O'Porter and Such a Fun Age by Kiley 235 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Capturing Eichmann: The Memoirs of a Mossad Spymaster (Eitan Rafi)(Pevná vazba)
Argentina, 1960. A car speeds through the streets of Buenos Aires. Inside are four Israeli secret agents and their prisoner: one of the most notorious war criminals of Nazi Germany. The Mossad operatives need to get this man, Adolf Eichmann, back to Israel to be tried for his crimes. Holding Eichmann's head in his lap is the leader of this ambitious mission, Rafi Eitan, whom Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu later described as 'one of the heroes of Israeli intelligence'.In this fast-paced and detailed memoir, Rafi Eitan tells the story of his remarkable life and career as an elite soldier and spymaster. He describes how as a teenager, he smuggled Jewish refugees into Palestine as part of the Palmach unit and how, as a spy in the newly established Mossad, he swam through sewers to blow up a British radar station, earning the name 'Rafi the Stinker'. He goes on to 632 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality (Scrivener Glen)(Paperback)
Is Christianity history? Or is Christian history the deepest explanation of the modern world?Today in the west, many consider the church to be dead or dying. Christianity is seen as outdated, bigoted and responsible for many of society's problems. This leaves many believers embarrassed about their faith and many outsiders wary of religion. But what if the Christian message is not the enemy of our modern Western values, but the very thing that makes sense of them?In this fascinating book, Glen Scrivener takes readers on a journey to discover how the teachings of Jesus not only turned the ancient world upside down, but continue to underpin the way we think of life, worth, and meaning. Far from being a relic from the past, the distinctive ideas of Christianity, such as freedom, kindness, progress and equality, are a crucial part of the air that we breathe. As author Glen 301 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Book of Days (Power Phoebe)(Paperback)
The highly anticipated second collection from this Forward Prize-winning poet. Book of Days is a long poem recounting a journey along the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela in 300 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Fierce King: A Dark Mafia/ Forced Marriage Romance (Kincaid Sadie)(Paperback)
Today is my wedding day.In a few breathless moments, I will be Mrs Alejandro Montoya.He is the King of L.A, and everything a woman could want. Handsome, powerful, rich, and hotter than hell itself. But I am not just any woman. I am Alana Carmichael and I'm only here to save my father. I will not bow to any king. This is no fairy tale. This is my nightmare. He is fierce and unyielding. I should hate him. But, the way he looks at me makes me feel more alive than I've ever felt before, and his touch sets my skin on fire. And as I uncover the secrets of our pasts, I discover that monsters are not always what they seem. Sometimes, the real monsters look like ordinary men. Fierce King is a forced marriage, dark mafia romance. It is book 1 in the L.A Ruthless series and features the Montoya crime family. Publishers Note: This book deals with adult and mature 439 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Making Modernity in the Islamic Mediterranean (Graves Margaret S.)(Paperback)
The Islamic world's artistic traditions experienced profound transformation in the 19th century as rapidly developing technologies and globalizing markets ushered in drastic changes in technique, style, and content. Despite the importance and ingenuity of these developments, the 19th century remains a gap in the history of Islamic art. To fill this opening in art historical scholarship, Making Modernity in the Islamic Mediterranean charts transformations in image-making, architecture, and craft production in the Islamic world from Fez to Istanbul. Contributors focus on the shifting methods of production, reproduction, circulation, and exchange artists faced as they worked in fields such as photography, weaving, design, metalwork, ceramics, and even transportation. Covering a range of media and a wide geographical spread, Making Modernity in the Islamic 784 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

The Admirals' Game: A John Pearce Adventure (Donachie David)(Paperback)
Lieutenant John Pearce is trying to construct a perjury case against Admiral Ralph Barclay. Barclay's own wife has turned against him, but by law she cannot testify against her husband. Her nephew has become a pawn in the Admiral's game, the objective of which is to finally silence 503 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Man Down - Why Men Are Unhappy and What We Can Do About It (Rudd Matt)(Paperback / softback)
On paper, middle-aged men appear privileged and successful, but are they happy? 258 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Temple of the Winds: Book Four of the Sword of Truth (Goodkind Terry)(Mass Market Paperbound)
Terry Goodkind's bestselling epic fantasy series Sword of Truth continues with book four On the red moon will come the firestorm... Wielding the Sword of Truth, Richard Rahl has battled death itself and come to the defense of the D'Haran people. But now the power-mad Emperor Jagang confronts Richard with a swift and inexorable foe: a mystical plague cutting a deadly swath across the land and slaying thousands of innocent victims. To quench the inferno, he must seek remedy in the wind... To fight it Richard and his beloved Kahlan Amnell will risk everything to uncover the source of the terrible plague-the magic sealed away for three millennia in the Temple of the Winds. Lightning will find him on that path... But when prophecy throws the shadow of betrayal across their mission and threatens to destroy them, Richard must accept the Truth and find a 268 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

The Intercessions Handbook (Pritchard John)(Paperback)
The bestselling Intercessions Handbook is designed for use in a wide range of formal and informal settings. In two introductory chapters, John Pritchard considers the importance and challenges of the vital task of intercession. He then offers practical examples of intercessions in traditional services, all-age worship, small groups and personal devotions. Material for seasons, major festivals and special events is also 281 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Cases and Materials on Constitutional and Administrative Law (Thompson Brian (Honorary Senior Research Fellow Honorary Senior Research Fellow University of Liverpool))(Paperback /
Cases and Materials on Constitutional and Administrative Law provides students with a comprehensive selection of legal resources to accompany their studies. Extracts from leading cases, academic works, and political documents are drawn together with incisive author commentary and thought-provoking questions to highlight the historical debates and ongoing development of the subject. The authors take a critical look at the doctrines of constitutional law and the principles of administrative law, showing how the constitution operates in relation to Parliament, the Executive, and the citizen. Digital formats and resourcesThe thirteenth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. - The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with 1 709 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Critical Cases in Electrocardiography: An Annotated Atlas of Don't-Miss Ecgs for Emergency Medicine and Critical Care (Lowenstein Steven R.)(Paperback)
Emergency and critical care providers are often challenged by patients with acute cardiorespiratory symptoms and abnormal electrocardiograms. Critical Cases in Electrocardiography emphasizes clinically-relevant topics, focusing squarely on situations where interpretation of the ECG contributes to clinical decision-making. This atlas is unique, in that it includes numerous examples of ECG 'misses' - cases where the computer algorithm or the clinicians (or both) got the diagnosis wrong. While many textbooks include only smaller, black and white ECG tracings, which do not resemble actual clinical practice, this volume is designed to encourage self-study of the ECG by including full-page tracings in their natural color. The book focuses on 'don't miss' ECG tracings in order to help readers advance beyond the stage of 'competent' electrocardiographer. Anatomic and electrophysiologic 2 212 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Pro Typescript: Application-Scale JavaScript Development (Fenton Steve)(Paperback)
Chapter 1. TypeScript Language FeaturesChapter 2. Code OrganizationChapter 3: The Type SystemChapter 4. Object Orientation in TypeScriptChapter 5. The JavaScript RuntimeChapter 6. Running TypeScript in a BrowserChapter 7. Running TypeScript on a ServerChapter 8. Exceptions, Memory and PerformanceChapter 9. Using JavaScript Libraries and Type DefinitionsChapter 10. Automated testingAppendix A: JavaScript Quick ReferenceAppendix B: TypeScript CompilerAppendix C: Bitwise FlagsAppendix D: Coding 2 114 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Letters to Saint Olympia (John)(Paperback / softback)
Popular Patristics Series Volume 56"You may hear my living voice through my letters" (Letter 8.11.b)In these letters-available in English in their entirety for the first time-St John Chrysostom guides, comforts, and instructs his spiritual daughter, St Olympia. Written at the end of Chrysostom's life, while he was in his final exile, we see in these pages the unshaken faith of a saint who triumphed over persecution. We also find the words of a concerned spiritual father, who gives St Olympia the tools to overcome her temptation to despondency and despair.Chrysostom's Letters to St Olympia are an indispensable resource for those who are interested in the final days of his life, and they continue to be a source of consolation and edification for readers who seek instruction from St John's "golden 304 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Rembrandt: Colour Library (Kitson Michael)(Paperback)
This series acts as an introduction to key artists and movements in art history. Each title contains 48 full-page colour plates, accompanied by extensive notes, and numerous comparative illustrations in colour or black and white, a concise introduction, select bibliography and detailed source information for the images. Monographs on individual artists also feature a brief 207 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Modern Military Dictionary: English-Arabic/Arabic-English (Kayyali Maher)(Paperback)
Every field of human activity develops its own terms and jargon, and the military field is no exception. This timely and necessary dictionary includes fundamental military terms, contemporary political and technological terms and jargon, military technique terms for the specialist, as well as words in allied subjects such as economics, law, statistics and sociology. The following are among the comprehensive number of military terms found in this dictionary: air reconnaissance, cluster bomb, estimated time of arrival, firing pin, intercontinental ballistic missile, logbook, metagon, orbital velocity, rate of fire, squadron, target allocation, verification fire, zero hour. In giving the equivalent Arabic terms, reference has been accorded to those terms agreed by the Arabic Academic Centres in Cairo, Amman, Damascus, Baghdad and Rabbat, and to the widely accepted terms that have been 417 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Iron Empires - Robber Barons, The Railroads, and the Making of Modern America (Hiltzik Michael)(Pevná vazba)
A gripping and fast-paced narrative, Pulizer Prize winner Michael Hiltzik tells the story of the titanic battle between two giants of the Gilded Age, JP Morgan and EH Harriman, as they fought for control of the nation's railways and reshaped American 593 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Taste and See - Adventuring into Prayer (Silf Margaret)(Paperback / softback)
The author offers a course in prayer that is ideal for either groups or individuals. She looks at techniques, ways of focusing, problems and steps for moving on. She begins from where people actually find themselves and uses examples and connections from everyday human 328 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Custer: From the Civil War's Boy General to the Battle of the Little Bighorn (Behncke Ted)(Pevná vazba)
A new whole-life biography of Custer that deals with his personal history as well as his military career.The reader is introduced to a little-known side of Custer--a deeply personal side. George Custer grew up in an expanding young country and his early influences mirrored the times. Two aspects of this era dominate most works about him: the Civil War, and the war with the Indians, culminating in his death at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. When mentioned, if at all, his early life and years as a cadet at West Point are brief, and then only enough to set some background for discussion of the mystery of the Little Bighorn. This is the first Custer biography to focus on these lesser-known parts of his life in great detail.The approach uses all of Custer's known writings: letters; magazine articles; his book, My Life on the Plains; and his unfinished 629 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology Review (Di Patre Pier Luigi)(Paperback)
Based on the sixth edition of Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology, this multiple choice question and answer resource covers all aspects of Surgical Pathology and is an ideal review tool for board preparation, recertification exams, or just brushing up. Now significantly revised, it includes more than 1,000 questions and answers that emphasize differential diagnostic aspects of problem solving, accompanied by more than 600 full-color illustrations.Key FeaturesOffers a systematic review of Surgical Pathology, including skin, soft tissue, bone, and joints; breast; central nervous system; endocrine system; hematopoietic and lymphatic systems; head and neck; intrathoracic organs and blood vessels; alimentary canal and associated organs; urinary tract and male genital system; and female reproductive system and peritoneum.Each question 4 853 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Writing and the Revolution: Venezuelan Metafiction 2004-2012 (Brown Katie)(Pevná vazba)
In contrast to recent theories of the 'global' Latin American novel, this book reveals the enduring importance of the national in contemporary Venezuelan fiction, arguing that the novels studied respond to both the nationalist and populist cultural policies of the Bolivarian Revolution and Venezuela's literary isolation. The latter results from factors including the legacy of the Boom and historically low levels of emigration from Venezuela. Grounded in theories of metafiction and intertextuality, the book provides a close reading of eight novels published between 2004 (the year in which the first Minister for Culture was appointed) and 2012 (the last full year of President Ch vez's life), relating these novels to the context of their production. Each chapter explores a way in which these novels reflect on writing, from the protagonists as readers and writers in different contexts, 2 424 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Smith of Wootton Major (Tolkien J. R. R.)(Pevná vazba)
A charming new pocket edition of one of Tolkien's major pieces of short fiction, and his only finished work dating from after publication of The Lord of the 331 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Future Ratboy and the Attack of the Killer Robot Grannies (Future Ratboy) (Smith Jim)(Paperback)
From the Roald Dahl Funny Prize-winning author of Barry Loser comes a hilarious new series, perfect for fans of Dennis the Menace, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Tom Gates, and Mr Gum.Move over Spidey, get back in your cave Batman, and keep your glasses on Clark Kent, there's a new superhero in town. FUTURE RATBOY.When a bolt of lightning hits Colin Lampost (and his toy bird, Bird), he is zapped millions of years into the future Life will never be the same again. Bird has been brought to life as Not Bird and Colin's DNA is fused with a rat giving him superkeel powers. Future Ratboy is born But the future is not a safe place to be and there are killer robot grannies on the rampage Will the dynamic duo survive the attack and save the world?Join Future Ratboy and Not Bird on their first adventure to find out A 186 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

The Reckoning (Grisham John)(Paperback)
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER - John Grisham's most powerful, surprising, and suspenseful thriller yet - "A murder mystery, a courtroom drama, a family saga." --USA Today October 1946, Clanton, Mississippi Pete Banning was Clanton, Mississippi's favorite son--a decorated World War II hero, the patriarch of a prominent family, a farmer, father, neighbor, and a faithful member of the Methodist church. Then one cool October morning he rose early, drove into town, and committed a shocking crime. Pete's only statement about it--to the sheriff, to his lawyers, to the judge, to the jury, and to his family--was: "I have nothing to say." He was not afraid of death and was willing to take his motive to the grave. In a major novel unlike anything he has written before, John Grisham takes us on an incredible journey, from the Jim Crow South to the 779 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

TeeJay Higher Maths (Cairns James)(Paperback / softback)
Rely on the TeeJay method that students have known and loved throughout their school years to deliver the results they want in Higher 909 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Korean From Zero! 3: Continue Mastering the Korean Language with Integrated Workbook and Online Course (Trombley George)(Paperback)
Korean From Zero 3 continues the fun, innovative, and integrated approach to learning Korean where book 2 ended. Created by professional interpreter and author of 9 text books, George Trombley, Korean linguist Reed Bullen, and native Korean speaker Jiyoon Kim and Korean teacher Myunghee Ham. Using up-to-date and easy-to-grasp grammar, Korean From Zero is the perfect course for current students of Korean to continue their studies. Features of the book: * Integrated Workbook with Answer Key * MP3 Audio * Online Support * Over 500 New Words and Expressions * Learn to Read and Write Hangul * Extensive Grammar * 130 Adjectives and Verbs Detailed * Bilingual Glossaries with Hangul and English ...and much more 1 015 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Transgender 101: A Simple Guide to a Complex Issue (Teich Nicholas)(Paperback)
Written by a social worker, popular educator, and member of the transgender community, this well-rounded resource combines an accessible portrait of transgenderism with a rich history of transgender life and its unique experiences of discrimination. Chapters introduce transgenderism and its psychological, physical, and social processes. They describe the coming out process and its effect on family and friends, the relationship between sexual orientation, and gender and the differences between transsexualism and lesser-known types of transgenderism. The volume covers the characteristics of Gender Identity Disorder/Gender Dysphoria and the development of the transgender movement. Each chapter explains how transgender individuals handle their gender identity, how others view it within the context of non-transgender society, and how the transitioning of genders is made possible. Featuring 540 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Pride and Prejudice: A Babylit Storybook: A Babylit(r) Storybook (Clarkson Stephanie)(Pevná vazba)
BabyLit Storybooks are a great way to introduce young readers to the classics, with easy to read storylines and bright illustrations. They are part of the bestselling BabyLit series, which provides a literary education for your brilliant children.In Pride & Prejudice, children are invited into the Regency period to meet the Bennet sisters, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley, and other beloved characters from Jane Austen's classic tale. Elegant balls, surprise proposals, and a visit to Pemberley are just a few events to look forward to in this story about appearances, misunderstandings, and love. Quotes from the original text are woven throughout this retelling, and the imaginative artwork will engage readers of all ages. This is a book to be treasured throughout childhood and beyond.BabyLit(R) primers have become the chic, smart way to introduce babies to the most 365 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

The Throwaway Children (Costeloe Diney)(Paperback)
Rita and Rosie Stevens are only nine and five years old when their widowed mother marries a violent bully called Jimmy Randall and has a baby boy by him. Under pressure from her new husband, she is persuaded to send the girls to an orphanage, not knowing that the papers she has signed will entitle them to do what they like with the children. And it is not long before the powers that be decide to send a consignment of orphans to their sister institution in Australia. Among them--without their family's consent or knowledge--are Rita and Rosie, the throwaway 250 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It (Kross Ethan)(Pevná vazba)
NATIONAL BESTSELLER - An award-winning psychologist reveals the hidden power of our inner voice and shows how to harness it to live a healthier, more satisfying, and more productive life. "A masterpiece."--Angela Duckworth, bestselling author of Grit - Malcolm Gladwell, Susan Cain, Adam Grant, and Daniel H. Pink's Next Big Idea Club Winter 2021 Winning Selection One of the best new books of the year--The Washington Post, BBC, USA Today, CNN Underscored, Shape, Behavioral Scientist, PopSugar - Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly, and Shelf Awareness starred reviewsTell a stranger that you talk to yourself, and you're likely to get written off as eccentric. But the truth is that we all have a voice in our head. When we talk to ourselves, we often hope to tap into our inner coach but find our inner critic instead. When we're 701 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Action Learning for Managers (Pedler Mike)(Paperback)
Action Learning for Managers is a clear, concise and straightforward guide to this well-established approach to problem solving and learning in groups that enables change in individuals, teams, organisations and systems. Through action learning people develop themselves and build the relationships that are the key to improving operations and bringing about innovations. With questionnaires, checklists, examples and practical advice, this little book includes everything you need to get started. Action learning is essentially a simple idea but one that requires thought, commitment and care to put into 554 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Dhl: From Startup to Global Upstart (Chung Po)(Paperback)
DHL: From Startup to Global Upstart is the story of a startup that became the first worldwide logistics service organization, fighting regulation, trade restrictions, customs, and many other technical issues to develop processes that have stood the test of time to become the accepted norm in delivery throughout the world. It is a story of using "soft powers," persuasion, and ingenuity, working with, and around, emerging technologies to eliminate barriers to success. This book provides an extraordinary look into how a little startup with grit and perseverance succeeded in the face of overwhelming odds and revolutionized many of what are now accepted transportation and supply chain practices. Po Chung, DHL International co-founder, and Roger Bowie, former DHL Worldwide Services Director, discuss how DHL paved the way for one day international package delivery and how they have maintained 710 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

The Creative Reflective Practitioner: Research Through Making and Practice (Candy Linda)(Paperback)
The Creative Reflective Practitioner explores research and practice through the eyes of people with a wholehearted commitment to creative work. It reveals what it means to be a reflective creative practitioner, whether working alone, in collaboration with others, with digital technology or doing research, and what we can learn from listening and observing closely. It gives the reader new insights into the fascinating challenge that having a reflective creative mindset can bring. Creative reflective practice is seen through practitioner ideas and works which have informed the writing at every level, supported by research studies and historical accounts. The practitioners featured in this book represent a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary creative activities producing works in film, music, drama, dance and interactive installations. Their work is innovative, full of 1 259 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Technic and Magic: The Reconstruction of Reality (Campagna Federico)(Paperback)
We take for granted that only certain kind of things exist - electrons but not angels, passports but not nymphs. This is what we understand as 'reality'. But in fact, 'reality' varies with each era of the world, in turn shaping the field of what is possible to do, think and imagine. Our contemporary age has embraced a troubling and painful form of reality: Technic. Under Technic, the foundations of reality begin to crumble, shrinking the field of the possible and freezing our lives in an anguished state of paralysis. Technic and Magic shows that the way out of the present deadlock lies much deeper than debates on politics or economics. By drawing from an array of Northern and Southern sources - spanning from Heidegger, Junger and Stirner's philosophies, through Pessoa's poetry, to Advaita Vedanta, Bhartrhari, Ibn Arabi, Suhrawardi and Mulla Sadra's theosophies - Magic is 745 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Stolen Treasures (Waters Summer)(Paperback / softback)
Exciting new magical adventure series for girls - will you answer the call of Silver Dolphins? Antonia is a secret Silver Dolphin - she's responsible for helping the creatures of the bay when their environment is threatened, by responding to the call of her magic necklace. A new girl, Emily, joins Sea Watch but Antonia instinctively feels wary of her. Emily's parents have just set up a tourist beach shop selling dried starfish, shells and sea urchins, and Antonia can't quell her suspicions that they have been raiding the bay for these spoils. But when a baby dolphin is caught in a net, Antonia discovers there's more to it than first appearances 208 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Wizard of Oz (Baum L. Frank)(Paperback / softback)
Dorothy lives on the American prairie. A tornado lifts her wooden home into the air with Dorothy and her dog Toto inside, bringing them to the magical Land of Oz. Dorothy makes friends with a scarecrow, a tin man and a lion, but she longs to return home. With fun activities after the story, and online audio in British and American 184 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

The Disney Monorail: Imagineering a Highway in the Sky (Kurtti Jeff)(Pevná vazba)
Deluxe jacketed hardcover book offers a lavish visual celebration of one of Disney's most impactful and beloved creations: the Disney Monorail. Walt Disney is renowned as a cartoonist, filmmaker, showman, and entertainment icon. But he was also a farsighted futurist, a transportation buff with practical roots in the past, and visionary sights set on the future. In imagining Disneyland, Walt saw it not only as a destination for diversion and entertainment, but also as a means of presenting practical demonstrations of new ideas and new technology with real-world applications.In The Disney Monorail: Imagineering a Highway in the Sky, readers will discover the parallel stories of the development of a new form of transportation and the evolution of Walt's prophetic creative mind, which together resulted in the first daily operating monorail in the Western 972 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

The Poetic Edda (Dodds Jeramy)(Paperback)
This is a wonderful new edition of the Poetic Edda. It captures the language, vitality, and rhythms of the original.--Jesse Byock, PhD, UCLAGods, giants, the undead, dwarves, Valkyries, heroes, kidnapping, dragons, and a giant wolf are just some of the stars in these Norse tales. Committed to vellum in Iceland around 1270, The Poetic Edda has compelled the likes of Richard Wagner, J. R. R. Tolkien, Jorges Luis Borges, and W.H. Auden. Jeramy Dodds transmits the Old Icelandic text into English without chipping the patina of the original.Jeramy Dodds's Crabwise to the Hounds was shortlisted for the Griffin Poetry Prize and won the Trillium Book Award for 450 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Nurses of Passchendaele: Caring for the Wounded of the Ypres Campaigns 1914 - 1918 (Hallett Christine E.)(Paperback)
The Ypres Salient saw some of the bitterest fighting of the First World War. The once-fertile fields of Flanders were turned into a quagmire through which men fought for four years. In casualty clearing stations, on ambulance trains and barges, and at base hospitals near the French and Belgian coasts, nurses of many nations cared for these traumatized and damaged men.Drawing on letters, diaries and personal accounts from archives all over the world, The Nurses of Passchendaele tells their stories - faithfully recounting their experiences behind the Ypres Salient in one of the most intense and prolonged casualty evacuation processes in the history of modern warfare. Nurses themselves came under shellfire and were vulnerable to aerial bombardment, and some were killed or injured while on active service.Alongside an analysis of the intricacies of their practice, the book traces the 387 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Numicon: Numicon Pupil Book 3 (Atkinson Ruth)(Paperback / softback)
Numicon Pupil Books provide independent practice with in-depth, open questioning to challenge pupils at Key Stage 2, deepen conceptual understanding and develop mastery. Numicon Pupil Books are fully linked to the Numicon Teaching Resource Handbooks and have been tried and tested in the 507 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Forget to Remember Level 5 Upper Intermediate (Maley Alan)(Paperback)
Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. 'Hello. Kate. This is Jan. I'm sorry, but you'll have to come down to Mother's. We've got to talk. I can't go on like this. It's becoming impossible. I know you're always busy but you'll have to come, Kate. I can't manage with Mother any more. Please call me back as soon as you can.' Two sisters struggle to come to terms with their mother's illness and its effect on their lives. Paperback-only version. Also available with Audio CDs including complete text recordings from the 471 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

The Private Life of the Marshal Duke of Richelieu (Richelieu Armand-Emmanuel Du Plessis)(Paperback)
Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for 716 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Department of Mind-Blowing Theories - Science Cartoons (Gauld Tom)(Pevná vazba)
A hilarious new collection poking fun at the scientific world, from the New York Times bestselling cartoonist and 375 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Mealtimes and Milestones - A teenager's diary of moving on from anorexia (Barter Constance)(Paperback / softback)
An inspirational person account of a young woman's battle with anorexia 279 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Ultimate Guide to Lost Wax Casting (Collins Norman)(Paperback)
1 493 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

British Museum: Opposites (Nosy Crow)(Board book)
With amazing objects from the British Museum, this first opposites book is a treat for curious little ones! This series of captivating board books encourages children to engage with early learning 191 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Using the Visual Arts for Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning: Imaginative Ideas for the Primary School (Hosack Janes Karen)(Paperback)
As schools are being encouraged to develop more flexible and creative approaches to education, this title provides practical guidance and ideas on using the visual arts as a starting point for imaginative, effective learning across a wide range of curriculum 1 260 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Chinese Entertainment(Pevná vazba)
4 069 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

A Cultural History of the Atlantic World, 1250 1820 (Thornton John K.)(Pevná vazba)
A Cultural History of the Atlantic World, 1250 1820 explores the idea that strong linkages exist in the histories of Africa, Europe, and North and South America. John K. Thornton provides a comprehensive overview of the history of the Atlantic Basin before 1830 by describing political, social, and cultural interactions between the continents' inhabitants. He traces the backgrounds of the populations on these three continental landmasses brought into contact by European navigation. Thornton then examines the political and social implications of the encounters, tracing the origins of a variety of Atlantic societies and showing how new ways of eating, drinking, speaking, and worshipping developed in the newly created Atlantic World. This book uses close readings of original sources to produce new interpretations of its 2 146 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Nero Caesar Augustus: Emperor of Rome (Shotter David)(Paperback)
Propelled to power by the age of 17 by an ambitious mother, self-indulgent to the point of criminality, inadequate, paranoid and the perpetrator of heinous crimes including matricide and fratricide, and deposed and killed by 31, Nero is one of Rome's most infamous Emperors. But has history treated him fairly? Or is the popular view of Nero as a capricious and depraved individual a travesty of the truth and a gross injustice to Rome's fifth emperor? This new biography will look at Nero's life with fresh eyes. While showing the man 'warts and all', it also caste a critical eye on the 'libels' which were perpetrated on him, such as claiming he was a madman, many of which were most probably made up to suit the needs of the Flavians, who had overthrown his 1 523 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft CZ PS4
Vraťte se zpátky v čase a prožijte legendární tři hry Tomb Raider s Lara-ou Croft znovu s novou grafikou. Hrajte všechny dostupné expanze a levly na moderních platformách jako PS5, PS4 a Nintendo Switch. O hřeNajděte všechna tajemství Odkryjte všechna tajemství starověkého světa. Rozlouskněte všechny puzzle a hlavolamy a posbírejte všechny artefakty, které tato hra nabízí.Různé zbraně, různí nepřátelé Bojujte proti různým nepřátelům, z nichž každý má jiné schopnosti a zbraně. Zvolte vhodnou taktiku pro boj s různými nepřáteli v této legendární adventuře jako Lara Croft.Staro-nová grafika Užívejte si předělanou grafiku, která má stále old-school nádech nebo si kdykoli změňte zpět na originální polygonovou grafiku a užijte si old school hru v původní grafice. Obsah základní ediceTomb Raider I + Unfinished BusinessTomb Raider II + Golden MaskTomb Raider III + The Lost ArtifactTrailer 769 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Jane Eyre on Social Media - The perfect gift for Bronte fans (Day Sarah)(Paperback / softback)
Sarah Day and Claire McGowan retell Jane Eyre for the modern-day social media world: Reader, she married him. But not before a LOT of discussion of his behaviour in the group 257 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024

Imperial Measurement - A CostBenefit Analysis of Western Colonialism (Niemietz Kristian)(Paperback / softback)
Drawing on data from various European colonial empires, Niemietz casts doubt on the claim popular among both 19th-century imperialists and modern-day progressives that empire was a crucial factor in the Wests rise to prosperity. Instead, he shows that its immorality aside Western colonialism was simply bad 311 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 17.09.2024