Fototapeta Tempery (Rozměr : 126 x 123)
Fototapety jsou velice oblíbenou bytovou dekorací. Nabízí zajímavý designový prvek ať již v domácnosti, kanceláří či komerčních prostorech. Tapety jsou tisknuty ekosolventními barvami odolné ÚV záření, díky kterým barvy nevyblednou. 697 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted NSW
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted je kolekce klasických a originálních miniher odehrávajících se ve vesmíru Five Nights. Prožijte hrůzostrašná setkání s vaší oblíbenou animatronikou ve sbírce nových a klasických Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted. "Kde ožívá fantazie a zábava!"Jste najat: Je čas ušpinit si ruce. Opravte klaustrofobické ventilační systémy, poraďte se s porouchanou  animatronikou, která se mohla kdykoli aktivovat, nebo trávte večery v kavárně v noční kanceláři.Oslavujte: Konfrontujte své oblíbené zabijácké animatroniky včetně: Freddyho, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Springtrap, The Mangle, Funtime Foxy a Circus Baby.Ceny za zábavu: Hračky, plyšové hračky, bobule a bonbóny! Získejte super zábavné ceny, se kterými si můžete zahrát na interaktivním počítadle cen! Sbírejte skryté žetony Faz a odemkněte ještě vzácnější sbírkové předměty, abyste zaýili ještě více zábavy.Pizza párty: Scény z klasických titulů byly aktualizovány a předělány tak, aby poskytly zcela pohlcující zážitek, včetně: Five Nights na Freddy's, Five Nights na Freddy's 2, Five Nights na Freddy's 3, Five Nights na Freddy's 4 a pět nocí na Freddy's: Sister Location . 769 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Sprchová hadice Tea 1,5m HG-001
Sprchová hadice provedení pvc s kovovým opletením délka 150 99 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Ventilátor Fi100

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Stupínek "Deluxe" krémový
169 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Sprchový set s tyčí 1 proudy EUPHORIA CUBE+ STICK Grohe 27891000
• set obsahuje:• ruční sprcha, kov (27 888 000)• sprchová tyč 600 mm (27 892 000)• kovová sprchová hadice 1750 mm (28 025)• GROHE EcoJoy 9,5 l/min omezovač průtoku• GROHE DreamSpray perfektní vodní paprsky• GROHE StarLight chromový povrch• GROHE SpeedClean - odstraněnívodního kamene přetřením• Vnitřní WaterGuide pro delší životnost• Twistfree - zabraňuje zkroucenísprchové hadice• vhodné pro průtokové ohřívače vody• doporučený minimální tlak vody 1,0 bar 6 499 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Koš na prádlo Deluxe šedý
Měkký koš na prádlo, hračky nebo jiné doplňky s vintage motivem. 349 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Shock Doctor Gel nano orange AD SD6412 chránič zubů
Ostatní mohou vidět chránič zubů jako obyčejný kus plastu mezi zuby – ale ne my v Shock Doctor. Již od roku 1992 sledujeme, přepracováváme a pečlivě analyzujeme technologii chráničů zubů a to se projevuje. Naše myšlení a činnost řídí vzájemný vztah mezi výkonem, prevencí tržných ran v ústech a úrazy zubů. Nemůžete si vložit do úst prozkoumanější a vyvinutější kus vytříbeného materiálu, než je chránič zubů Shock Doctor. Každý z našich chráničů zubů nese filosofii Shock Doctor, která spočívá v překonávání očekávání, obsahuje zásadní komfort, vícevrstvou konstrukci, ochranu a hrou prověřený výkon.Popis produkutu:Plně vybavený chránič s inovací gel-fit liner a svislou stěnou konstrukce chrání čelist a omezuje zranění z bočních nárazů.Technologie:Tri-Bite - Stabilizuje horní i dolní čelistMora Performance Enhancement - Když se přizpůsobí a správně nosí, usadí dolní čelist dolů a dopředu, tím vytvoří prostor mezi kloubní hlavicí a kloubní jamkou, což může zlepšit odolnost a sportovní výkonGel-Fit Liner - Sedí těsně a pohodlněMonocoque Shock Frame - vnější kostra (exoskelet) - Chrání zuby před přímým úderemMateriál:třívrstvá konstrukceVelikost:dospělý (od 11 let)Součástí produktu je pouzdro na uložení chrániče 719 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Skol Nordik šedá 75mm velikost 40
Běžecké boty NN 75 mm SKOL model Nordik, turistická bota z vícevrstvé syntetické kůže s elastickým límečkem kolem nohy, opatek a tužinka jsou vytvarované z pružného termoplastického materiálu, podešev z pryže, vázání systém N75, barevné provedení: Skol Nordik šedá, vel. 40. 835 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Sulov Flora Lady
Velmi pohodlná dámská brusle se zlatavým zdobením - vnější materiál: cold resistant PVC (syntetická kůže)- vnitřní materiál: kožíšek s delším chlupem SOFT FUR- thermo-anatomická bandáž- nerezový nůž se zoubkyUrčení: rekreační až výkonnostní sportVelikosti: 37-42 1 077 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Vsepropejska Psí dekorace na zeď Plemeno: Vlčák
Hledáte dekorace do bytu, které Vám budou závidět milovníci čtyřnohých mazlíčků? Pověste si své oblíbené plemeno do obývacího pokoje, chodby, kuchyně a na další místa. MateriálNástěnná dekorace na zeď je vyrobená z mdf desky.FunkčnostOriginální dekorace s podobiznou Vašeho oblíbeného psího plemene. Vybírat můžete z roztomilého kukuče čivavy, border kolie, francouzského buldočka, huskyho, jorkšíra, mopse, staforda i německého ovčáka. Bytová dekorace oživí každou prázdnou stěnu a dodá ji osobitý styl. Nástěnnou dekoraci lze snadno pověsit na stěnu pomocí oboustranné lepící pásky, která je součástí balení. Kvalitní materiál z dřevo vláknité desky oceníte z hlediska jednoduché údržby - v případě přítomnosti prachu stačí otřít vlhkým hadříkem.  329 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Vsepropejska Ronys zimní bunda pro psa Barva: Zelená, Délka zad (cm): 39, Obvod hrudníku: 48 - 52 cm
V chladném období narůstá riziko prochladnutí pejsků. Pořiďte svému mazlíčkovi zateplenou psí bundu s praktickými prvky. Ideální pro malé a střední pejsky. Zaujme reflexními prvky, střihem s pružnou gumou i otvorem na vodítko. MateriálPsí obleček je vyrobený z polyesteru a fleecu.ZapínáníPomocí patentek. FunkčnostZimní bunda pro psy chrání před prochladnutím, promoknutím i znečištěním během venčení. Představuje tak ideální outfit do chladných dnů. Střihově padne malým a středním psím plemenům, které mají běžnou postavu či postavu se širokým hrudníkem. Polyesterový materiál oplývá snadnou údržbou a díky hřejivému podšití z fleecu skvěle izoluje teplo. Tento typ materiálu oceníte i během procházek v lehkém dešti. Nepromokavost látky je ovšem nutné podpořit vhodnou impregnací. V pase oblečku se nachází pružná všitá guma, která zajistí lepší přilnutí bundy k psí postavě. Praktické zapínání na patentky zrychlí celý proces oblékání. Obleček disponuje poutkem na vodítko pro snadnější manipulaci. Reflexní prvky zvyšují bezpečnost mazlíčků v šeru či ve tmě. Tip od švadleny: Odolnost vůči promočení můžete dle rady švadleny zvýšit pomocí speciální impregnace na látky: obleček před prvním praním naimpregnujte, nechejte impregnaci uschnout a poté bundičku operte. Po vysušení znovu použijte impregnaci, kterou opět nechejte zaschnout.Tip na kapuci: Zlobí Vaše mazlíčka neposedná kapuce, která při každém pohybu padá pejskovi a zakrývá oči? Doporučujeme upevnit kapuci k oblečku například pomocí suchého zipu. VelikostDélka zadObvod hrudníkuXS25 cm32 - 36 cmS29 cm38 - 42 cmM33 cm44 - 48 cmL39 cm48 - 52 cmXL41 cm52 - 56 cm 725 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Leki Neolite sjezdové hole černá-žlutá
Lyžařské hůlky LEKI Neolite jsou lehké, stabilní a spolehlivé. Tyto sjezdové hole jsou vyrobené z hliníku TS5.0 s průměrem 16 mm. Tento materiál vyniká především velmi dlouhou životností, extrémní odolností a super stabilitou. Leki rukojeť PA Safety EVO má jednoduše nastavitelné poutko s bezpečnostním uvolněním a optimalizovaným zdrsnělým povrchem. Nylonové poutko zaručuje pevný úchop a komfortní používání. Hroty STEEL TIP zaručují přesné použití hole a dokonalou oporu na sjezdovce. - model: UNISEX - konstrukce: pevná délka - grip: PA Safety - poutko: Lock Security Strap (Nylon); - průměr hole: 16 mm - materiál hole: Hliník (TS 5.0) - talířky: Alpine - hroty: Steel Tip- hmotnost: 225 g/ks (délka 120 cm) 1 090 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Nylonové vodítko pro psa | 128 cm Barva: Černá, Šířka vodítka: 0,8 cm
Usnadněte si během procházky či sportovních aktivit starosti s nasazováním obojku svému mazlíčkovi. Vodítko 2v1 jednoduše přetáhnete psovi přes hlavu a máte vystaráno.MateriálVodítko pro psa vyrobené z lana.ZapínáníPsí vodítko se pouze natahuje přes hlavu. Ideální velikost nastavíte pomocí kovového háčku.FunkčnostVodítko pro malá a středně velká plemena nabízí délku až 180 cm. Potěší Vás především materiál, lano je velmi odolné, pevné a snadno omyvatelné v ruce. Během konfrontace s jinými zvířaty či cizími lidmi se nemusíte bát, že by obojek během tahání škrtil, nebo se z něj pejsek naopak vyvlekl. Vodítko 2v1 disponuje kovovým kroužkem, který zajistí ideální obvod kolem krku. Pohodlný úchop poskytne praktické poutko z molitanu. 215 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Vsepropejska Pino barevné vodítko pro psa Typ: Vodítko, Velikost: Délka 130 cm - šířka 1,6 cm
Pino barevné vodítko pro psa 130 cm 321 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Hatchey Sillence 23/24
Snowboard Sillence je díky optimalizované konstrukci perfektní freestyle prkno, které umožní delat ve snowparku vše co si zamanete. Sandwich konstrukce s ABS sidewall je zárukou vysoké odolnosti a jeho dlouhé životnosti. • Camber - Klasické prohnutí pro lepší kontrolu nad prknem v oblouku při vysokých rychlostech.• Woodcore - všechny snowboardy HATCHEY jsou vyráběny ze 100% dřevěného topolového jádra.• Triax laminát - pokročilý způsob laminace dodává snowboardu perfektní trozní tuhost. Díky tomu prkno skvěle drží v oblouku a při dopadech.• Sidewall - skvěle chrání hranu a je odolnější proti poškození.• Micro Inserts - inzerty jsou umístěny v pozici 4 × 2 cm, umožňují přesnější nastavení stance.• Extrudovaná skluznice- snadno opravitelná a na servis nenáročná skluznice. 4 990 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

CCM Triko s dlouhým rukávem Premium Training Tee SR
Triko s dlouhým rukávem CCM Premium Training Tee SR poskytuje optimální prodyšnost a pohodlí díky strategicky umístěným síťovaným vložkám a měkkému úpletu s dlouhým rukávem. Triko má měkký úplet pro větší příjemnost a pohodlí a strategické vložky ze síťoviny pro větší prodyšnost tam, kde ji nejvíce potřebujete.Logo : Potisk logem CCMMateriál : 100% nylon, 160 g/m², kruhový úplet 1 250 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Prosperity Bible: The Greatest Writings of All Time on the Secrets to Wealth and Prosperity (Hill Napoleon)(Paperback)
For the first time in paperback, here is the all-in-one "bible" on how to fire up the creative powers of your mind to attain a life of prosperity. The Prosperity Bible is a one-of-a-kind resource that collects the greatest moneymaking secrets from authors across every field-religion, finance, philosophy, and self-help-and makes them available in a single, handy volume.Now reprinted with an affordable paperback price, this is the only volume in which you can explore success advice from Napoleon Hill, P. T. Barnum, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Fillmore, Wallace D. Wattles, Florence Scovel Shinn, and Ernest Holmes-along with a bevy of legendary writers and success coaches who have one aim: explaining and promulgating the laws of 470 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Read with Oxford: Stage 3: Non-fiction: Fantastic Nature (Alcraft Rob)(Paperback / softback)
Explore the fantastic nature all around you in this fascinating collection of six non-fiction texts. This Read with Oxford Stage 3 collection is ideal for children who are growing in reading confidence. Read with Oxford offers an exciting range of carefully levelled reading books to build your child's reading 261 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

A Tale of Three Kings (Edwards Gene)(Paperback)
This best-selling tale is based on the biblical figures of David, Saul, and Absalom. For the many Christians who have experienced pain, loss, and heartache at the hands of other believers, this compelling story offers comfort, healing, and hope. Christian leaders and directors of religious movements throughout the world have recommended this simple, powerful, and beautiful story to their members and staff. You will want to join the thousands who have been profoundly touched by this incomparable 267 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Confessions (Augustine of Hippo)(Pevná vazba)
A new series of beautiful hardcover nonfiction classics, with covers designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith World-changing ideas meet eye-catching design: the best titles of the extraordinarily successful Great Ideas series are now packaged in Coralie Bickford-Smith's distinctive, award-winning covers. Whether on a well-curated shelf or in your back pocket, these timeless works of philosophical, political, and psychological thought are absolute must-haves for book collectors as well as design enthusiasts. The son of a pagan father and a Christian mother, Saint Augustine spent his early years torn between conflicting faiths and worldviews. His Confessions, written when he was in his forties, recount how, slowly and painfully, he came to turn away from his youthful ideas and licentious lifestyle, to become instead an ardent devotee of Christianity and one of its most 482 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Michelin Green Guide Short Stays New York City: (travel Guide)(Paperback)
The updated Michelin Green Guide Short Stays New York City presents the city's top attractions for a 24-hour visit, a weekend or longer. You'll find a choice of restaurants for any budget. This pocket-size guide helps you do it all with its detailed maps, recommended places to eat and stay, and Michelin's respected star-rating 266 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Girl Who Reads on the Metro (Feret-Fleury Christine)(Pevná vazba)
Championing the intrinsic power of reading, this is a story for anyone who understands that a book can change a 322 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

How to Find the Career You've Always Wanted (Black Jonathan)(Paperback / softback)
The Financial Times Careers Adviser teaches you how to make a career plan that suits you and take action to make it 237 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Wolf and the Witch (Weaks Charissa)(Pevná vazba)
As Nephele, Alexus, and their faithful companions grapple with the devastating loss on Mount Ulra, the threat of Thamaos's reign rises in the East. To prepare, the crew must strengthen the Northland and Summerland armies, even if it means depending on the one being they never thought would live again: Neri, God of the White Wolf. Nephele made a deal she can't escape, a deal that not only ensures the Wolf's resurrection, but one that forces her to remain at his side, even when he returns North to bolster defenses and destroy any traitors and enemies remaining on his land. The last thing Nephele wants is to spend her days and nights alone with a seductive, arrogant god, but Tiressia's future depends on Neri being their primary weapon, one only she holds the power to wield. As Thamaos aims his first wave of destruction at Neri, Nephele finds that not only is 758 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Nurturing Children's Resilience Following Adverse Childhood Experiences: An Adult Guide (Conkbayir Mine)(Paperback)
For effective use, this book should be purchased alongside the accompanying storybook, Maya's ACE Adventures!: A Story to Celebrate Children's Resilience following Adverse Childhood Experiences [9781032368177]. Both books can be purchased together as a set, Helping Children to Thrive After Adverse Childhood Experiences: 'Maya's ACE Adventures!' Storybook and Adult Guide [9781032367934].Alongside the accompanying storybook, Maya's ACE Adventures!, this guide provides adults with much-needed resources to talk to children about their traumatic experiences in ways that are non-threatening, safe, and can build a child's confidence in speaking about their fears with a trusted adult. Designed to be read by an adult before they read the story together with 629 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Art and Religion (Vogt Von Ogden)(Paperback)
This Is A New Release Of The Original 1921 820 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Watcher (Pashley Jennifer)(Pevná vazba)
Hailed for her "excellent prose" and "beautifully drawn" queer characters, the award-winning author of The Scamp introduces a new series with an unforgettable female detective (Lambda Literary). A searing literary noir set in upstate New York about what it means to live on the margins of society--and what happens when no one is watching? Pearl Jenkins is a nobody. She was a woman who lived as a hermit in the woods. One day, she's nowhere to be found, and all that's left behind is a pool of blood and a child no one knew existed, raised completely off the grid and in the grip of Pearl's manic paranoia. Kateri Fisher is used to being an outsider. Now, she's the only female detective in the tiny upstate New York town of Spring Falls, where everyone knows everyone, but no one will talk. It's fitting that she takes the case that no one else 651 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable (Ghosh Amitav)(Paperback)
Are we deranged? The acclaimed Indian novelist Amitav Ghosh argues that future generations may well think so. How else to explain our imaginative failure in the face of global warming? In his first major book of nonfiction since In an Antique Land, Ghosh examines our inability--at the level of literature, history, and politics--to grasp the scale and violence of climate change. The extreme nature of today's climate events, Ghosh asserts, make them peculiarly resistant to contemporary modes of thinking and imagining. This is particularly true of serious literary fiction: hundred-year storms and freakish tornadoes simply feel too improbable for the novel; they are automatically consigned to other genres. In the writing of history, too, the climate crisis has sometimes led to gross simplifications; Ghosh shows that the history of the carbon economy is a tangled global story 496 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Wednesday Weeks and the Dungeon of Fire: Wednesday Weeks: Book 3 (Knight Denis)(Paperback)
Wednesday Weeks just wants to finish Year Six without any more magical mishaps. But Gorgomoth the Unclean has other plans. The tyrannical goblin king is back, and he's hot on the trail of the long-lost Stone of Power. If he finds it, it'll be goodbye school holidays and hello Third Age of Never-Ending Darkness. To beat Gorgomoth to the stone, Wednesday and her friends must prove themselves worthy by passing three deadly trials. And so the race is on. But unfriendly cats, tomato sauce geysers and a pizza-train rollercoaster ride through a live volcano won't make their mission any easier. Will their magic and science be enough to stop Gorgomoth from taking over the universe? 'Clever, energetic, sassy and very well written . . . Wednesday Weeks and the Dungeon of Fire is a funny, beautiful book, part of a funny, clever series' 241 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Rituals of Death: From Prehistoric Times to Now (Beckensall Stan)(Pevná vazba)
We all must die, and how society deals with the disposal is fascinating in the way it reflects the beliefs of the people of the time and ways in which they honor or do not honor the dead. Having excavated prehistoric burials, the author weighs carefully the evidence of what people might have thought of the dead through the way they buried them and what was put into the graves. These excavations were done mainly with the help of young people, and the way that this has been organized in order to get the maximum information has been an essential part of the task. The author provides much detail of this that makes it more interesting and personal.Burial customs change, so the book includes a section on events such as the Black Death and cholera to show how such catastrophes change people's minds and customs.The present problem of burial has been highlighted as it was 511 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Engineered Cementitious Composites (Ecc): Bendable Concrete for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure (Li Victor C.)(Pevná vazba)
This is the first book on Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC), an advanced concrete material attracting world-wide attention in both the academic community and in 5 316 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Multiple View Geom Comp Vision 2ed (Hartley Richard)(Paperback)
A basic problem in computer vision is to understand the structure of a real world scene. This book covers relevant geometric principles and how to represent objects algebraically so they can be computed and applied. Recent major developments in the theory and practice of scene reconstruction are described in detail in a unified framework. Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman provide comprehensive background material and explain how to apply the methods and implement the algorithms. First Edition HB (2000): 2 747 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Opioid Reckoning: Love, Loss, and Redemption in the Rehab State (Sullivan Amy C.)(Paperback)
Examines the complexity and the humanity of the opioid epidemic America's opioid epidemic continues to ravage families and communities, despite intense media coverage, federal legislation, criminal prosecutions, and harm reduction efforts to prevent overdose deaths. More than 450,000 Americans have died from opioid overdoses since the late 1990s. In Opioid Reckoning, Amy C. Sullivan explores the complexity of the crisis through firsthand accounts of people grappling with the reverberating effects of stigma, treatment, and recovery. Nearly everyone in the United States has been touched in some way by the opioid epidemic, including the author and her family. Sullivan uses her own story as a launching point to learn how the opioid epidemic challenged longstanding recovery protocols in Minnesota, a state internationally recognized for pioneering addiction 532 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Our Dear-Bought Liberty: Catholics and Religious Toleration in Early America (Breidenbach Michael D.)(Pevná vazba)
How early American Catholics justified secularism and overcame suspicions of disloyalty, transforming ideas of religious liberty in the process. In colonial America, Catholics were presumed dangerous until proven loyal. Yet Catholics went on to sign the Declaration of Independence and helped to finalize the First Amendment to the Constitution. What explains this remarkable transformation? Michael Breidenbach shows how Catholic leaders emphasized their church's own traditions--rather than Enlightenment liberalism--to secure the religious liberty that enabled their incorporation in American life. Catholics responded to charges of disloyalty by denying papal infallibility and the pope's authority to intervene in civil affairs. Rome staunchly rejected such dissent, but reform-minded Catholics justified their stance by looking to conciliarism, an intellectual tradition 1 237 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Generation Misfits (Bowman Akemi Dawn)(Paperback)
Generation Misfits by Akemi Dawn Bowman is a heartwarming, fish-out-of-water own voices story about an eleven-year-old Japanese-American girl who finds her true friends--through the power of J-Pop!Millie is attending a real school for the first time, and she dreams of finally having friends and a little bit of freedom. She finds her chance when she joins an imitation band of her favorite J-Pop group, where she's thrilled to meet a group of misfits who quickly become a tightknit group of friends that are like family. But Millie soon realizes that one of them is dealing with problems bigger than what notes to hit when it comes time for their performance. Can Millie help her friend, even when their problem feels too big to say out 209 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Fire of Joy - Roughly 80 Poems to Get by Heart and Say Aloud (James Clive)(Paperback / softback)
In the last book he completed before he died, Clive James offers a personal guide to the poems he found it impossible to 331 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

PsychoPolitics (Sedgwick Peter)(Paperback / softback)
An impassioned critique of mental health movements from one of the left's most important thinkers on 598 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

An Imaginoscope for Organizers: Liminal Stories for Liminal Times (Kostera Monika)(Paperback)
An Imaginoscope for Organizers offers practical exercises to use both individual and collective imagination to activate and mobilize creative organizing impulses. It proposes intellectual, symbolic and poetic food for thought and practice. Each chapter is a step on the quest for creative ideas and practices and introduces a language that can be used to invent and communicate your 321 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Amazing Beef Squad: Never Say Die! (Ross Jason)(Paperback)
Juvenile delinquency has never been so fun!" --Jon Stewart, comedian, filmmaker, television host Meet the Beef Squad: a group of unforgettable kids who are serious about pranks but also about doing whatever it takes to help the people and places they care about. Nick Rhodes and his friends Pratchett, Hogue, and Jared--together known as Beef Squad--have got seventh grade totally hacked. They make perfect grades by day, pull spectacular pranks by night, play video games in between, and do it all with a zany sense of humor only they find funny. (Because someone has to celebrate National Asparagus Appreciation Day.) But seventh grade is about to strike back! Trouble at school and a secret from their town's Gold Rush past put Beef Squad on a collision course with Leonardville's most powerful forces. Now, with the help of robotics teammate Karla Woo, they decide to reveal 227 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Creation: A Fully Illustrated, Panoramic World History of Art from Ancient Civilisation to the Present Day (Stonard John-Paul)(Pevná vazba)
From distinguished critic and curator John-Paul Stonard, a dazzling, panoramic world history of art from ancient times to the present for the twenty-first century reader. Creation tells the extraordinary story of how people all over the globe, from prehistory to the present day, have created images in order to understand the world they inhabit. It explores the remarkable endurance of this creative impulse, and by tracing the diversity of artistic forms through the ages, offers a comprehensive and exhilarating introduction to world art. Historian, critic, and curator John-Paul Stonard has assembled a dazzling array of paintings, sculptures and artifacts to tell a story of vitality and renewal. Fully illustrated, each chapter of Creation allows intimate access to key works of art and the conversations surrounding them, from the earliest cave 718 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Adaptive Control: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications (Landau Ioan Dor)(Paperback)
Adaptive Control (second edition) shows how a desired level of system performance can be maintained automatically and in real time, even when process or disturbance parameters are unknown and variable. It is a coherent exposition of the many aspects of this field, setting out the problems to be addressed and moving on to solutions, their practical significance and their application. Discrete-time aspects of adaptive control are emphasized to reflect the importance of digital computers in the application of the ideas presented. The second edition is thoroughly revised to throw light on recent developments in theory and applications with new chapters on: multimodel adaptive control with switching, direct and indirect adaptive regulation and adaptive feedforward disturbance compensation. Many algorithms are newly presented in MATLAB(R) m-file format to facilitate their employment in real 5 479 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

MDC: Memoir from a Damaged Civilization: Stories of Punk, Fear, and Redemption (Dictor Dave)(Paperback)
A searing punk memoir by an American original rebelling against conformity, complacency, and conservatism with his iconic band, MDC.From the time Dave Dictor was young, he knew he was a little different than the all-American kids around him. Radicalized politically while in high school, inspired to seize opportunities by his hard-working parents, and intrigued with gender fluidity, Dictor moved to Austin, and connected with local misfits and anti-establishment rock'n'rollers. He began penning songs that influenced American punk rock for decades.MDC always has been in the vanguard of social struggles, confronting homophobia in punk rock during the early 1980s; invading America's heartland at sweltering Rock Against Reagan shows; protesting the Pope's visit to San Francisco in 1987; in 1993 they were the first touring US punk band to reach a volatile Russia after the 338 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Encore Tricolore Nouvelle 4 Grammar in Action Workbook Pack (X8) (Honnor S.)(Paperback)
This trusted and tested course retains many of the features that have made it so reliable for exam success, but is totally up-to-date and relevant in both content and appearance. Encore Tricolore Nouvelle Edition has been written to help your students achieve excellent results at all stages of their French 2 507 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Spice and Wolf, Vol. 14 (Light Novel) (Hasekura Isuna)(Paperback)
Thanks to the silversmith Fran, Lawrence now has a map of the North. But Lawrence's gladness at the thought of finally being able to take Holo back to her home is short-lived, as upon revisiting Lenos he is embroiled in the strife surrounding a forbidden text. It is said that this mysterious book contains details of methods that threaten the land of Yoitsu itself. But in trying to get his hands on the book, Lawrence, who must return to the marketplace, finds himself running out of time to head for Yoitsu with Holo...Pressed into making a decision he may ultimately come to regret, which option will Lawrence 278 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Theory of the Firm: Microeconomics with Endogenous Entrepreneurs, Firms, Markets, and Organizations (Spulber Daniel F.)(Paperback)
The Theory of the Firm presents a path-breaking general framework for understanding the economics of the firm. The book addresses why firms exist, how firms are established, and what contributions firms make to the economy. The book presents a new theoretical analysis of the foundations of microeconomics that makes institutions endogenous. Entrepreneurs play a central economic role by establishing firms. In turn, firms create and operate markets and organizations. The book provides innovative models of economic equilibrium that endogenously determine the structure and function of economic institutions. The book proposes an "intermediation hypothesis" - the establishment of firms depends on the effects of transaction costs and on the extent of the 1 152 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Film Studies: The Basics (Villarejo Amy)(Paperback)
A comprehensive overview of how to study film, this updated third edition provides concise and provocative summaries for approaching the language of film analysis, ways of thinking about film history, and approaches and methods for studying cinema, from national cinemas to genre to stardom and beyond.The new edition tracks the changes in film production and exhibition by situating the study of film within contemporary digital media cultures and structures, such as social media and streaming platforms. Without forsaking its emphasis on the study of film, the third edition updates its examples and provides fresh insight into today's image culture.Film Studies: The Basics provides beginning students in film studies, as well as lifelong film buffs, with the tools to pursue film analysis, film history, and further inquiries into the 573 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Dolphin Junction (Herron Mick)(Pevná vazba)
From the bestselling and award winning 'master of the spy thriller' comes a collection of riveting short 432 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

He Who Walks in Shadow (Talley Brett J.)(Paperback)
The Incendium Maleficarum has been lost and Carter Weston presumed dead, but the story of That Which Should Not Be is only just beginning. Now Carter's only daughter, Rachel Jones, and his oldest friend, Henry Armitage, must embark on an epic journey that will take them from the hell-blasted Tunguska forest to the catacombs of Paris to the shores of the Scottish Isles. They are in a race against time, for in France, strange murders and whispers of occult rituals herald the rise of an ancient evil bent on plunging the world into eternal darkness. It is up to Rachel and Henry to learn Carter's fate, recover the Incendium Maleficarum, and perhaps even save the 393 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Theory of Island Biogeography (MacArthur Robert H.)(Paperback)
Biogeography was stuck in a "natural history phase" dominated by the collection of data, the young Princeton biologists Robert H. MacArthur and Edward O. Wilson argued in 1967. In this book, the authors developed a general theory to explain the facts of island biogeography. The theory builds on the first principles of population ecology and genetics to explain how distance and area combine to regulate the balance between immigration and extinction in island populations. The authors then test the theory against data. The Theory of Island Biogeography was never intended as the last word on the subject. Instead, MacArthur and Wilson sought to stimulate new forms of theoretical and empirical studies, which will lead in turn to a stronger general theory. Even a third of a century since its publication, the book continues to serve that purpose well. From popular books like David 2 233 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

SLATED Trilogy: Shattered - Book 3 (Terry Teri)(Paperback / softback)
The third and final book in the bestselling and multi award-winning SLATED trilogy. Kyla's story 236 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Repenting of Religion: Turning from Judgment to the Love of God (Boyd Gregory A.)(Paperback)
We human beings are burdened by our tendencies to harshly judge others and ourselves. Unfortunately for believers, this bent is as prevalent in the church as in the world.Pastor and author Gregory A. Boyd calls readers to a higher standard through understanding the true manner in which God views humanity: as infinitely worthwhile and lovable. Only an attitude shift in how we perceive ourselves in light of God's love can impact how we relate to people and transform our judgmental nature.Believers wrestling with the reality of God's love and Christians struggling with judging in the local church will appreciate this examination of how we move from a self-centered to a Christ-centered 357 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Kenneth Lonergan: Three Plays (Lonergan Kenneth)(Paperback / softback)
Described as 'America's greatest living playwright' (Wall Street Journal), Kenneth Lonergan is internationally acclaimed for his trademark humour and his genius for capturing the real heart and soul of human interactions. This volume gathers together three of his landmark plays; This is our Youth, The Waverly Gallery and Lobby 454 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Pip and Posy: The Scary Monster (Reid Camilla (Editorial Director))(Board book)
When Pip comes to Posy's house wearing a scary monster mask, he gives Posy a bit of a fright! Oh, dear! But when she works out it's only Pip, she feels much better, and they share the biscuits she's made. 175 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

47 Ronin: The Classic Tale of Samurai Loyalty, Bravery and Retribution (Allyn John)(Paperback)
A classic tale that will captivate lovers of Japan, history, and epic adventure alike. Japan's most celebrated tale of chivalry, loyalty and revenge--and the basis for a Hollywood feature film starring Keanu Reaves--47 Ronin is the epic tale of a heroic band of Samurai warriors who defy the Japanese Emperor to avenge the honor of their fallen master. The story begins in 1701 when the noble Lord Asano attacks an official at court. His punishment is swift and harsh--the Emperor orders Lord Asano to commit ritual suicide (harikiri). His lands are confiscated, his family exiled, and his Samurai warrior brigade is disbanded--becoming Ronin or masterless, wandering renegades. While appearing to follow the Emperor's instructions, the 47 Ronin plot in secret for many years, biding their time until the moment to strike is right. Like the story of the Knights of 274 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Complete Country Dance Tunes: From Playford's Dancing Master (Barlow Jeremy)(Paperback)
Playford's The Dancing Master is the classic compendium of English country dance tunes. First published in 1651 it went through eighteen editions in almost 80 years. In its day it was the most popular collection of its kind and engendered numerous imitations. The tunes selected by Playford and his successors were taken from many sources and demonstrate the extraordinary richness and vitality of popular melody in England during the late 17th and early 18th centuries. This book brings together, for the first time under one cover, 535 tunes and their variants from the eighteen original editions. It provides a fund of musical material for performers, whether folk musicians or baroque instrumentalists, and for class and instrumental music teachers. It is also an invaluable reference book for anyone interested in the history of English 524 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Bletchley Park Codebreakers: How Ultra Shortened the War and Led to the Birth of the Computer (Erskine Ralph)(Paperback)
Bletchley Park was the site of Britain's main decryption center, the Government Code and Cypher School. This extraordinary book includes essays by some of Britain's foremost historians and academics and traces the legacy of Bletchley Park from the innovative work which led to the breaking of Enigma and other wartime codes to the invention of modern computing and its influence on Cold War codebreaking.Crucially, it also features contributions from former Bletchley Park codebreakers, whose personal reminiscences and very human stories of life and work in wartime Bletchley make compelling reading.Michael Smith is the author of Killer Elite.Ralph Erskine is one of Britain's leading historians of wartime 338 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Eye Can Write: A Memoir of a Child's Silent Soul Emerging (Bryan Jonathan)(Pevná vazba)
Jonathan Bryan has severe cerebral palsy, a condition that makes him incapable of voluntary movement or speech. He was locked inside his own mind, aware of the outside world but unable to fully communicate with it until he found a way by using his eyes to laboriously choose individual letters, and through this make his thoughts known. In Eye Can Write, we read of his intense passion for life, his mischievous sense of fun, his hopes, his fears, and what it's like to be him. This is a powerful book from an incredible young writer whose writing ability defies age or physical disability--a truly inspirational 380 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Sorcerer in the North (Ranger's Apprentice Book 5) (Flanagan John (Author))(Paperback / softback)
The Sorcerer in the North is the fifth thrilling book in John Flanagan's Ranger's Apprentice series - over eight million sold worldwide. Will is finally a full-fledged Ranger with his own fief to look after - but his new land is already under 206 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Great Transition: Shifting from Fossil Fuels to Solar and Wind Energy (Brown Lester R.)(Paperback)
As oil insecurity deepens, the extraction risks of fossil fuels rise, and concerns about climate instability cast a shadow over the future of coal, a new world energy economy is emerging. The old economy, fueled by oil, natural gas, and coal is being replaced with one powered by wind, solar, and geothermal energy. The Great Transition details the accelerating pace of this global energy revolution. As many countries become less enamored with coal and nuclear power, they are embracing an array of clean, renewable energies. Whereas solar energy projects were once small-scale, largely designed for residential use, energy investors are now building utility-scale solar projects. Strides are being made: some of the huge wind farm complexes under construction in China will each produce as much electricity as several nuclear power plants, and an electrified transport system 514 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

With This Night (Goldberg Leah)(Paperback)
When she arrived in Palestine in 1935 at the age of twenty-four, Leah Goldberg was already known as a significant emerging poet in contemporary Hebrew literature. Today, mention of her name is apt to evoke a nostalgic sigh among Israelis who have grown up hearing her poems read, quoted, recollected, and--having been set to some four hundred melodies--sung on the radio. In the wake of overwhelming new attention on Goldberg's work in Israel, With This Night makes available for the first time in English the final collection of poetry that Goldberg published during her 423 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Continental Crimes (Edwards M.)(Paperback / softback)
Detective stories from the golden age and beyond have used European settings - cosmopolitan cities, rural idylls and crumbling chateaux - to explore timeless themes of revenge, deception and 237 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

11+ GL English Practice Papers - Ages 10-11 (with Parents' Guide & Online Edition) (CGP Books)(Paperback / softback)
11+ GL English Practice Papers - Ages 10-11 (with Parents' Guide & Online 332 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Transition Point: From Steam to the Singularity (Culey Sean a.)(Paperback)
We live in disruptive times. The world is changing faster than ever before, leaving people dazed, businesses struggling, economies floundering and societies fracturing. But why? Transition Point is the result of over five years of research to establish the answer; a breathtaking tale of freedom, unintended consequences and disruptive technologies that starts 1000 years ago and ends up in the second half of the 21st Century. Starting with an examination into the drivers of technological change and the social, economic and political factors that both enable or suppress it, Transition Point explains why industrialisation happened where and when it did, why progress comes in waves, and why the technologies in the current wave, such as robotics, blockchain and AI, are likely to be the most disruptive of all. It then addresses the million-dollar 509 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Gunpowder Plot (Twiddy Robin)(Pevná vazba)
Explore significant events in world history with How It Happened. Filled with activities that cater to umbrella learning: explore, The Fire of London, Remembrance Day, The Moon Landing and the Gunpowder Plot. Learn to draw maps, write diary entries or make a meal like an astronaut, there is always something fun to do in How It Happened that will help to bring history to 335 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Codename Firefly (Daugherty C.J.)(Paperback / softback)
The only child of the British Prime Minister has become the target of Russian assassins, and has been moved to an elite boarding school. Shielded by gates she feels safe, but the assassins searching for her are highly trained. As winter closes in and darkness falls, Gray will have to think fast. The hunters are 239 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Ice Age (Ehlers)(Paperback)
This book provides a new look at the climatic history of the last 2.6 million years during the ice age, a time of extreme climatic fluctuations that have not yet ended. This period also coincides with important phases of human development from Neanderthals to modern humans, both of whom existed side by side during the last cold stage of the ice age. The ice age has seen dramatic expansions of glaciers and ice sheets, although this has been interspersed with relatively short warmer intervals like the one we live in today. The book focuses on the changing state of these glaciers and the effects of associated climate changes on a wide variety of environments (including mountains, rivers, deserts, oceans and seas) and also plants and animals. For example, at times the Sahara was green and colonized by humans, and Lake Chad covered 350,000 km2 - larger than the United Kingdom. What 1 594 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Ladies of the Secret Circus - enter a world of wonder with this spellbinding novel (Sayers Constance)(Paperback / softback)
From the author of A Witch in Time comes a magical story of family secrets, sacrifice and lost love set against the backdrop of a mysterious circus - perfect for readers of Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus, Erika Swyler's The Book of Speculation and Gwendolyn Womack's The Fortune 366 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Psychology of Parenting Teenagers: Thriving Throughout Their Teenage Years (Cullen Kairen)(Paperback)
Complex, exciting and often turbulent, every teenage experience is different, and growth, development and learning are intrinsic to these years. This book is for anyone who cares about a teenager's wellbeing, development and learning. Experienced professional educational psychologist Kairen Cullen, parent of four adult children, draws upon a wealth of experience as she looks at the areas of particular challenge in the teenage years, and the different psychological theories and approaches that can be used to address them. Full of case studies, practical tips and exercises, this guide focuses on the three major issues prevalent in teenage years: achievement, belonging and control, and the behaviours that fall within these categories. Underpinning everything with educational psychology literature and psychology theory in general, Dr Kairen Cullen expertly explains how the reader can 209 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Voyage of the Turtle: In Pursuit of the Earth's Last Dinosaur (Safina Carl)(Paperback)
The story of an ancient sea turtle and what its survival says about our future, from the award-winning writer and naturalist Though nature is indifferent to the struggles of her creatures, the human effect on them is often premeditated. The distressing decline of sea turtles in Pacific waters and their surprising recovery in the Atlantic illuminate what can go both wrong and right from our interventions, and teach us the lessons that can be applied to restore health to the world's oceans and its creatures. As Voyage of the Turtle, Carl Safina's compelling natural history adventure makes clear, the fate of the astonishing leatherback turtle, whose ancestry can be traced back 125 million years, is in our hands. Writing with verve and color, Safina describes how he and his colleagues track giant pelagic turtles across the world's oceans and onto remote beaches of 606 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Dark Lies the Island (Barry Kevin)(Paperback / softback)
Winner of the Sunday Times short story prizeWinner of the Edge Hill short story prizeA kiss that just won't 256 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Aeneid 8 (Vergil)(Paperback / softback)
575 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 16.09.2024

The Art and Craft of the Blacksmith: Techniques and Inspiration for the Modern Smith (Thomas Robert)(Paperback)
Get to know the ultimate skill for using your own two hands The Art and Craft of the Blacksmith discusses a range of blacksmithing tools, techniques, and projects, from fundamental skills to advanced forging, as well as a gallery showcasing inspiring artists using innovative techniques today. Craftspeople making the transition from interest to hobby and beyond will find both inspiration and practical how-to projects in this comprehensive reference to ironwork. Beginning with an overview of iron and the traditions of historical forging, professional blacksmith Robert Thomas offers everything you need to get started or to take your work to the next 480 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

On Liberty and Other Essays (Mill John Stuart)(Paperback)
This volume, containing Mill's "On Liberty", "Utilitarianism", "Considerations of Representative Government", and "The Subjection of Women", draws together the basic ideas of liberalism that, although radical in their time, have gained recognition as comprehensive and relevant fundamentals of government, economics, and logic. Since the publication of "On Liberty" in 1859, no other nineteenth century philosopher has delved so deeply into the implications of independence from the state and what it means to be truly free. The four works contained here are accessible texts that clearly delineate Mill's philosophies, the most remarkable of which are the basis for liberty as the sovereignty of man over his own body and mind, Mill's famous "Harm Principle," true and false democratic government, and equality of the 362 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Memoirs of Karl Doenitz: Ten Year and Twenty Days (Doenitz Karl)(Paperback)
The story of the last world war, as told by Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz himself. His memoir covers his early career with submarines in the First World War and follows both his successes and failures through the Second World War, with great detail on the way the U-boat campaign was waged, as told by the man who invented U-boat tactics. Doenitz includes details of the U-boat campaigns during the Second World War as well as the opinions, ideas and commentary on the period. Of particular interest are the comments regarding British and American conduct during the war. An important social document, and an invaluable source for any student of the last war. He became the last F hrer of Germany after Hitler's suicide in May 1945 and the book's subtitle, Ten Years and Twenty Days, is a direct reference to the time Karl Doenitz spent in Spandau Prison having been convicted of war crimes 504 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Little Book of Cardiff (Collins David)(Paperback / softback)
Updated edition full of Cardiff facts, new in 288 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Improve Your English - The Essential Guide to English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (Metcalfe J.E.)(Paperback / softback)
The indispensable reference guide to the rules and conventions governing written 282 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

AQA GCSE 9-1 English Language Exam Practice Workbook (Grade 7) - Ideal for Home Learning, 2022 and 2023 Exams (Collins GCSE)(Paperback / softback)
Exam Board: AQA Level: GCSE 9-1 Subject: English Language Suitable for the 2022 exams Targeted practice questions covering the GCSE grade 9-1 177 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Vintage Living: Creating a Beautiful Home with Treasured Objects from the Past (Richter Bob)(Pevná vazba)
Vintage lifestyle expert and interior designer Bob Richter shows us how to find the best vintage treasures and how living with them brings beauty, comfort and personal meaning into our homes. Bob Richter has been thrifting and collecting vintage treasures for more than forty years, since the age of six. With a true passion for antiques, or any object with a past and a story, Richter speaks to our desire to surround ourselves with belongings that impart beauty and meaning to our lives. Drawing on his years of experience as a stylist and interior designer, Richter takes us through a trove of beautiful historic homes, illustrating how to live stylishly with our vintage finds and collections (hint: buy what you love, express yourself, and don't be afraid to mix periods ). A celebration of the art of thrifting and decorating with antiques of every era, Vintage Living is 795 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Qualitative Content Analysis: Methods, Practice and Software (Kuckartz Udo)(Paperback)
Are you working with qualitative data but unsure how to approach your analysis? This hands-on guide to qualitative content analysis from two internationally renowned experts provides you with a clear strategy for analysing your data, whether you are working with social media content, field notes, images, narratives or focus group data. Using qualitative interviews as an example, the book provides a clear structure for approaching your analysis that can be adapted for your research project. Explaining how qualitative content analysis differs from quantitative methods, the book provides you with: - a solid understanding of the principles behind QCA - a step-by-step guide to three types of QCA - guidance on how you can use software to enhance your 1 173 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

The Color Management Handbook for Visual Effects Artists: Digital Color Principles, Color Management Fundamentals & Aces Workflows (Perez Victor)(Pevná vazba)
Victor Perez brings together the research and expertise of world-leading color scientists, to create a comprehensive guide for VFX Artists in Color Management. The book explores the latest standards of HDR and ACES workflows, in an easily digestible and widely applicable resource. Its purpose is to make artists confident and familiar with Color Management and its science, to improve the quality of visual effects worldwide. Without assuming any previous knowledge, this self-contained book builds the readers understanding from the ground up, exploring all the elements of the Color Workflow at a scientific level. It covers how to setup a consistent pipeline in relation to other departments, inside and outside visual effects, from camera to screen, so everybody is aligned to the same standards, preserving color qualities, consistency, and maintaining the artistic intent end to 4 385 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain (Damasio Antonio)(Paperback)
"An ambitious and meticulous foray into the nature of being." -- The Boston Globe A landmark exploration of the relationship between emotion and reason Since Descartes famously proclaimed, "I think, therefore I am," science has often overlooked emotions as the source of a person's true being. Even modern neuroscience has tended, until recently, to concentrate on the cognitive aspects of brain function, disregarding emotions. This attitude began to change with the publication of Descartes' Error in 1995. Antonio Damasio--"one of the world's leading neurologists" (The New York Times)--challenged traditional ideas about the connection between emotions and rationality. In this wondrously engaging book, Damasio takes the reader on a journey of scientific discovery through a series of case studies, demonstrating what many of us have long suspected: emotions are 377 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Droughts (Jaycox Jaclyn)(Paperback / softback)
231 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

DNSSEC Mastery, 2nd Edition (Lucas Michael W.)(Paperback)
535 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Data-Driven HR: How to Use Ai, Analytics and Data to Drive Performance (Marr Bernard)(Pevná vazba)
How can HR professionals utilize and leverage their organization's data effectively, with the use of AI, for more talent attraction, better employee engagement and higher talent retention to ultimately drive performance? AI is now an integral part of being data-driven. With this updated edition of Data-Driven HR, practitioners can unlock business potential and success through data and analytics. Covering topics such as recruitment, employee engagement, performance management, wellbeing and training, HR practitioners can benefit from knowing how to really be data-driven through the use of data and AI. HR teams will learn how to identify business goals, scrutinize useful sources of data and gain rich and diverse insights from their vast amounts of data. This book brings guidance on how to manage challenges that come with data and AI, as well as how to 3 062 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Happy Baby Picture Book: No-Text, Gift Book for Seniors with Dementia and Alzheimer's Patients (Mueller Gunnilda)(Paperback)
Looking for perfect gift to connect with your dear ones experiencing cognitive loss?"Happy Baby Picture Book" contains 40 Premium Baby Photos color printed on quality 60lb paper.No-text picture books are specifically formatted for those who enjoy looking through a book yet struggle with reading.This is a Level 1 book for cognitive loss.They are very popular as picture books for people with dementia, and are also suitable for: People who have had strokes, brain injuries, strokes or any cognitive lossParkinson's diseaseAlzheimer's diseasePicture Books for people with Dementia: Picture books can be a useful tool as they help promote conversation & dialogue, which in turn can have a whole host of benefits: 399 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Habsburgs on the Rio Grande: The Rise and Fall of the Second Mexican Empire (Jonas Raymond)(Pevná vazba)
The story of how nineteenth-century European rulers conspired with Mexican conservatives in an outlandish plan to contain the rising US colossus by establishing Old World empire on its doorstep. The outbreak of the US Civil War provided an unexpected opportunity for political conservatives across continents. On one side were European monarchs. Mere decades after its founding, the United States had become a threat to European hegemony; instability in the United States could be exploited to lay a rival low. Meanwhile, Mexican antidemocrats needed a powerful backer to fend off the republicanism of Benito Jurez. When these two groups found each other, the Second Mexican Empire was born. Raymond Jonas argues that the Second Mexican Empire, often dismissed as a historical sideshow, is critical to appreciating the globally destabilizing effect of growing US power in the 885 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Murder Marks the Page (Smith Karen Rose)(Pevná vazba)
The first in a new series spun off from the Daisy Tea Garden Mysteries, Daisy's daughter Jazzi Swanson has opened her own book and tea shop, providing a variety of literature and flavored beverages for a rural New York community. But Jazzi has not only inherited her mother's gift for brewing tasty drinks--she also has a nose for sniffing out murder. New York State's Belltower Landing is a lakeside resort town where tourists spend their summer days boating, floating, and paddle-boarding on the water. It's also the perfect place to cuddle up with a good book and enjoy a cup of tea, courtesy of Tomes & Tea. Owned and operated by Jazzi and her best friend Dawn Fernsby, the book bar is beloved by vacationers and locals alike, but browsers grabbing brews in the off season aren't enough to help them make ends meet. Between brainstorming social media 622 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism (Marshall Peter)(Paperback)
Navigating the broad "river of anarchy," from Taoism to Situationism, from Ranters to Punk rockers, from individualists to communists, from anarcho-syndicalists to anarcha-feminists, Demanding the Impossible is an authoritative and lively study of a widely misunderstood subject. It explores the key anarchist concepts of society and the state, freedom and equality, authority and power, and investigates the successes and failure of the anarchist movements throughout the world. While remaining sympathetic to anarchism, it presents a balanced and critical account. It covers not only the classic anarchist thinkers, such as Godwin, Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Reclus and Emma Goldman, but also other libertarian figures, such as Nietzsche, Camus, Gandhi, Foucault and Chomsky. No other book on anarchism covers so much so incisively. In this updated edition, a new epilogue 587 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024

Owning Our Voices: Vocal Discovery in the Wolfsohn-Hart Tradition (Pikes Margaret)(Paperback)
Owning Our Voices offers a unique, first-hand account of working within the Wolfsohn-Hart tradition of extended voice work by Margaret Pikes, an acclaimed voice teacher and founder member of the Roy Hart Theatre.This dynamic publication fuses Pikes' personal account of her own vocal journey as a woman within this, at times, male-dominated tradition, alongside an overview of her particular pedagogical approach to voice work, and is accompanied by digital footage of Pikes at work in the studio with artist-collaborators and written descriptions of scenarios for teaching. For the first time, Margaret Pikes' uniquely holistic approach to developing the expressive voice through sounding, speech, song and movement has been documented in text and on film, offering readers an introduction to both the philosophy and the practice of Wolfsohn-Hart voice work. Owning 1 179 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 18.09.2024