Ryse: Son of Rome [Steam]
Vydejte se do Římské říše a zažijte brutalitu boje, jako nikdy předtím, protože Ryse: Son of Rome přichází na PC s podporou rozlišení 4K. Pokračujíc v odkazu studia Crytek tlačí hra Ryse: Son of Rome hardware PC na hranici jeho možností a zve Vás prožít krvavé dramata antického Říma.Ryse: Son of Rome je pohlcující akční dobrodružný příběh boje, brutality a hrdinství. Děj hry sleduje neohroženého římského vojáka Maria Tita, který se přihlásí do armády, aby pomstil vraždu své rodiny a který se stane hrdinou, který musí bojovat za záchranu Římské říše.Hra představuje římskou říši, její lid, konflikty a zemi s úchvatnými filmovými detaily. Ve hře ožívá brutalita a intenzita římského vedení války v surových detailech, která Vás vtáhne do chaosu boje zblízka, kde můžete emoce na tváři nepřítele vidět a cítit. PC verze hry Ryse: Son of Rome nabízí maximální zážitek kombinací původního Xbox One hitu se všemi vydanými stahovatelnými rozšířeními.4K rozlišení je další skok v grafické kvalitě hraní her na PC a Rysu: Son of Rome je perfektním příkladem toho, kde se nacházejí high-end PC hry. Hra využívá sílu enginu CryEngine a nejnovější high-end PC herní technologie a prezentuje konflikt v Římské říši tak, jak jste jej ještě nikdy neviděli.Mariův příběh o pomstě ožívá prostřednictvím nových technologií zachycení pohybu, které Vám umožňují věrohodně interagovat s realistickými postavami.Hra přináší surový, brutálně realistický bojový zážitek s epickými bitvami a úchvatnými vizuálními efekty, které stanovují standard pro novou generaci akčních her. Zažijte nelítostnou historii starověkého Říma a zapojte se do surového boje z blízka proti barbarským hordám a používejte meč i štít jako zbraně k útoku, protiútoku a obraně.Kooperativní multiplayerový zážitek ve hře Ryse: Son of Rome Vás vrhne do brutálního světa gladiátorských bojů, kde Vás čeká v Koloseu boj bok po boku se svými přáteli proti neustále se měnícím nepřátele, za řevu tisíců diváků.Režim Colosseum zahrnuje 26 multiplayerových map, od britských táborů přes římské vily až po egyptské pouště.Vy rozhodnete o svém osudu, přizpůsobováním si svého gladiátora pomocí zlata a zkušeností, s novými brněními, zbraněmi a štíty, abyste získali dav na svou stranu a prožili v aréně.Jedná se o digitální verzi hry Ryse: Son of Rome, kód vám bude zaslán SMS zprávou nebo e-mailem.  519 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Vsepropejska Dog pruhované tričko pro psa Barva: Růžová, Délka zad (cm): 21, Obvod hrudníku: 30 - 33 cm
O tom, že v jednoduchosti je krása vás přesvědčí elegantní trička pro psy značky DOG. Proužky patří k nadčasovým motivům, se kterými bude váš pejsek za hvězdu na obyčejné vycházce, ale i na rodinné oslavě či jiné události. MateriálPoužitý materiál je bavlna. ZapínáníTričko se obléká přes hlavu.FunkčnostTričko pro psa je vhodné na jaro a na léto. Díky dostupným velikostem je vhodné pro menší pejsky a štěňátka. Pohodlný bavlněný materiál je dostatečně vzdušný.Tričko je dostatečně pružné, tudíž není problém s oblékáním přes hlavu. Hřbetní stranu zdobí stylová nášivka DOG BABY. V případě ušpinění je možné vyprat v pračce na 30°C.VelikostDélka zadObvod hrudníkuS21 cm30 - 33 cmM26 cm36 - 39 cmL31 cm43 - 46 cmXL35 cm46 - 49 cmXXL40 cm51 - 54 cm 164 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Vsepropejska Walk postroj pro psa s vodítkem | 37 – 75 cm Barva: Černá, Obvod hrudníku: 37 - 53 cm
I ten nejnáročnější zákazník bude okouzlen tímto postrojem pro psa, který spojuje praktičnost, bezpečnost a originalitu. MateriálPostroj pro psa i vodítko pro psa jsou vyrobeny z polyesteru.ZapínáníPostroj disponuje zapínáním na plastovou přezku, vodítko se připíná pomocí kovové karabinky. FunkčnostPostroj pro psa je vhodný pro střední i velká psí plemena. Na hřbetní straně se nachází zapínání prostřednictvím plastové karabinky. Velikost postroje je možné regulovat a přizpůsobit tak každému pejskovi. Celková délka vodítka je 150 cm. Kšíry se velice snadno a rychle nasazují. Postroj pro psa byl vyroben s ohledem na bezpečí našich čtyřnohých kamarádů a je opatřen reflexními prvky. VelikostObvod hrudníku Délka vodítkaS37 - 53 cm150 cmM44 - 64 cm150 cmL49 - 75 cm150 cm 294 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Vsepropejska Simba zimní kombinéza pro psa Barva: Šedá, Délka zad (cm): 20, Obvod hrudníku: 28 - 32 cm
V chladném počasí je nutné zvolit hřejivé oblečení, které nás ochrání před zimou. Zapomínat bychom neměli ani své čtyřnohé psí přátele. Designová zateplená kombinéza pro psa Simba je nezbytnou součástí psího šatníku každého malého a středního mazlíčka.MateriálZimní kombinéza ušitá z kvalitního polyesteru a fleecu.ZapínáníDisponuje zapínáním na patentky.FunkčnostObleček pro psy velikostně vhodný pro malá a středně velká psí plemena. Dominantu zimní kombinézy tvoří její střih, díky kterému ochrání bříško, hřbet i zadní tlapky čtyřnohého mazlíčka. Kvalitní, hřejivý polyester s příjemným podšitím zahřeje kožíšek v chladném ročním období. Nepromokavou funkci oceníte zejména v deštivém či sněhovém počasí, kdy poslouží jako ochrana psí srsti před jejím promočením a znečištěním. Praktické zapínání urychlí celý proces oblékání. Stylová psí kombinéza dodá mazlíčkovi šmrnc a zároveň sníží riziko prochladnutí psíka či ušpinění. Nabízí možnost praní v pračce. VelikostDélka zadObvod hrudníkuXS20 cm28 - 32 cmS24 cm32 - 36 cmM29 cm36 - 40 cmL34 cm42 - 46 cm 1 088 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Vsepropejska Odeta pruhované tričko pro psa Barva: Modrá, Délka zad (cm): 22, Obvod hrudníku: 30 - 33 cm
Jak přivolat jaro lépe než s tímto opravdu vkusným oblečkem pro psa. Velice příjemný materiál a praktický střih si pejsek během teplých měsíců zamiluje. Materiál Tričko je vyrobené z bavlny. Zapínání Tričko jednoduše nasadíte přes hlavu pejska. FunkčnostJe pro Vás váš čtyřnohý mazlíček nejen skvělým společníkem, ale také nejlepším přítelem? Dejte to najevo pomocí veselého pruhovaného trika, které je doplněné výstižným nápisem „DOG – MY BEST FRIEND“ (pes – můj nejlepší přítel). Tričko využijete především v jarních a letních měsících, kdy si díky prodyšnému a pružnému materiálu, pejsek užije venčení bez pocení. V případě častého nošení či ušpinění jej lze nechat bez problému vyprat v pračce na 30°C. Psí tričko je určené pro malá i střední psí plemena a nabízíme jej ve více barevných kombinacích.VelikostDélka zadObvod hrudníkuXS 18 cm26 - 28 cmS22 cm30 - 33 cmM26 cm35 - 38 cmL33 cm42 - 46 cmXL35 cm43 - 47 cm 248 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Baterie umyvadlová stojánková KVADRO, chrom
Dodatečné informace:   mosiężny korek spustowy clik-clak w zestawie Materiál:   mosaz Perlátor:   M24x1 Výlevka:   stálé Rozteč (mm):   - Barva:   chrom Série:   KVADRO Montáž:   stojánková Typ produktu:   umyvadlová baterie Kartuše:   keramická kartuše Přívodní hadice [cm]:   50 2 799 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Vana Lamu 140/90 P
Velká asymetrická pravá vana Lamu 140 x 90 cm s objemem 170 l. Je vyrobena ze sanitárního akrylátu. Je to ideální řešení pro rodiny s dětmi. Vana je snadná k montáži. Vyznačuje se vysokou pevností, stabilní konstrukcí a odolností proti poškození. Vana se prodává bez krycího panelu, nohou a sifonu.Panely nejsou součástí. Rám (nožičky) není součástí. Sifon není součástí Doporučené výrobky:Kryt na vanu Nožičky Sifony   Návod: 4 049 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Polička koupelnová 1p rohová black
299 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

CCM Brankářský suspenzor Jock 1.9
Suspenzor je tvarovaný tak, aby zajistil dokonalou ochranu. Uvnitř suspenzoru je měkká výplň, která se stará o pohodlí.V oblasti pasu je speciální pěna. 1 699 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

SportTeam A113 hokejové brusle
Hokejová brusle pro rekreační bruslaře. - vnější materiál: technický nylon, rezistentní PVC - vnitřní materiál: kvalitní česaný nylon - anatomicky tvarovaný kotník, bandáž s pamětí - odolná špička - nerezový nůž Určení: rekreační sport Velikosti: 38-46 1 061 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

MASTER 94 x 61 x 48 cm s příslušenstvím (MASSPSO-0017)
Branka MASTER 94 x 61 x 48 cm s příslušenstvím - míč a hokejky Technická data:lehká plastová branka se sítírozložitelná konstrukce z plastových trubek o průměru 25 mmrozměr branky: 94 x 61 x 48 cm (š x v x h)branka včetně síťky PEv setu dále sada plastových hokejek s pukem, nafukovací míč 6" a florbalový míčekk brance sada zajišťovacícch kolíků Balení obsahuje:1x branka1x síť1x nafukovací míč s pumppou2x plastová hokejka1x plastový puk1x florbalový míčeksada kolíků pro zajištění branky 549 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Vanička Kw Kalait Cement Stone 80x160x4 3.3112/CT/ST-M2
11 299 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Vsepropejska Riska pláštěnka pro psa Barva: Modrá, Délka zad (cm): 41, Obvod hrudníku: 52 - 56 cm
Nepromokavá pláštěnka pro psa je ideálním pomocníkem do deštivých procházek. Skvěle ochrání ta nejcitlivější místa na kožíšku před promočením. Obleček zaujme svými funkčními prvky, které zajistí lepší přilnutí k psí postavě. MateriálPsí obleček je vyrobený z polyesteru a bavlny.Zapínání Pomocí patentů a zipu.FunkčnostVlhká srst ztrácí schopnost své tepelné izolace a pejsek se tak stává náchylnější k prochladnutí. Pláštěnka pro psa zabrání promočení psího kožíšku v deštivém počasí. Polyesterový materiál velmi dobře odpuzuje vodu a brání prosáknutí. Vnitřní stranu oblečku pokrývá příjemná bavlna. V oblasti kapuce a spodní části pláštěnky se nachází stahovací gumičky, kterými lze obleček lépe přizpůsobit na psí postavu. Vyhnete se tak například odstátí pláštěnky i padání kapuce do očí psa. Velkou výhodu představuje také otvor na vodítko, které usnadní manipulaci během venčení. Obleček zapnete pomocí dvojfázového zapínání - zipu a poté patentek, které zajistí snadnější přilnutí oblečku. VelikostDélka zadObvod hrudníkuS26 cm34 - 38 cmM30 cm38 - 42 cmL34 cm44 - 48 cmXL41 cm52 - 56 cmXXL43 cm60 - 64 cm3XL50 cm68 - 72 cm 648 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Vsepropejska Zidan pláštěnka pro psa Barva: Modrá, Délka zad (cm): 26, Obvod hrudníku: 32 - 34 cm
Nenechte se zaskočit nepříznivým počasím během společné procházky. Pláštěnka pro psy s kapucí poskytne ochranu před špínou i před promočeným kožíškem. Venkovní radovánky si tak budete moci užívat naplno.MateriálPláštěnka je ušita z polyesteru a bavlny.ZapínáníPláštěnka pro psa se zapíná pomocí suchého zipu.FunkčnostPsí pláštěnka pro malá, střední i velká plemena. Stačí jen zvolit správnou velikost s ohledem na délku zad Vašeho pejska. Zakrývá celý hřbet, bříško i přední tlapky, nemusíte se proto bát aktivit v deštivém počasí. Sportovní vzhled umocňuje stylová kapuce. Pláštěnka pro psy je vybavena reflexními prvky, které udělají pejska dobře viditelným i za šera. Suchý zip v oblasti bříška a krku usnadní oblékání a ideálně obepne psí postavu. Obleček pro psy disponuje také malým otvorem na zádech, který slouží k přichycení vodítka. Potěší Vás také nenáročná údržba, při znečištění lze snadno vyprat v pračce.VelikostDélka zadObvod hrudníkuXS22 cm28 - 32 cmS26 cm32 - 44 cmM32 cm34 - 40 cmL36 cm40 - 48 cmXL41 cm42 - 50 cm2XL47 cm50 - 60 cm3XL56 cm68 - 78 cm4XL65 cm78 - 88 cm 307 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

4 499 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Umyvadlová baterie Oval chrom
1 413 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

ADIDAS-Predator Accuracy.3 M TF cloud white/core black/lucid lemon Bílá 43 1/3
Pánské kopačky značky adidas. Kopačky turfy mají strukturovaný svršek pro vyšší úroveň kontroly a přesnost střel. Díky klasickému střihu se hodí pro každý typ nohy. Klasické šněrování velmi dobře fixuje chodidlo. Polstrovaný vnitřek je garancí pohodlí při hře.Pánské turfy Predator Accuracy mají minimalistický a přitom rafinovaný design. Adidas turfy mají sportovní vzhled. Kopačky na umělou trávu mají flexibilní podrážku. Navíc jsou zárukou rychlosti a stability. Pánské turfy adidas jsou určeny pro umělý trávník.Detaily produktu:sportovní designvázání na šňůrkyzáruka rychlosti a stabilitystředně vysoký dvoudílný elastický límečekstředně vysoká konstrukcetextilní podšívkagumová podrážka na umělý trávníksvršek obsahuje 50% recyklovaných materiálů 2 199 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

A Roller-Coaster Ride Around the Body (Dawnay Gabby)(Pevná vazba)
Get on the roller-coaster ride for a fast-paced visual treat, with rhythmic text and wacky illustrations by CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal nominees.Shortlisted for the Association for Science Education Book of the Year 2017 'Perfect to introduce and explore different parts of the body, which is now a bigger part of our curriculum in KS1 science than ever before.' - Books Teachers Love Jump on board and take a ride around the human body on our read-aloud, rollicking rollercoaster. Created by CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal nominees Gabby Dawnay and Alex Barrow, prepare to take your inquisitive youngster on a visually led, fast-paced rhythmic trip, from bones to muscles, feelings to sleep. This book is bursting with energy and fun - the perfect way to introduce your enthusiastic little one to a key school topic. A Roller-coaster Ride Around the 387 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

How To Be An F1 Driver - My Guide To Life In The Fast Lane (Button Jenson)(Pevná vazba)
Learn how to be the best F1 driver with champion Jenson 491 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Grand Union (Smith Zadie)(Paperback / softback)
250 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Sacred Smoke: Clear Away Negative Energies and Purify Body, Mind, and Spirit (Blackthorn Amy)(Paperback)
Learn how to create a sacred space free of negativityThis clear and contemporary guide explores the ritual use of smoke and scents to cleanse the energies of mind, body, and home. Here, aromatherapist and long-time herbalist Amy Blackthorn offers the essential tools for creating sacred space--a safe space free of negative energies--using herbs, incense, smoke, and other practices.Written in an accessible style, free of jargon, Sacred Smoke has everything you need to know to get started on your practice of purification and cleansing, including: The importance of self-careHow to keep your home and family safeHow to protect your home while you are awayAdding crystals to your cleansing practiceUsing essential herbs and recipes for creating cleansing smokeSacred Smoke is an essential guide for 422 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

The Doolittle Raid: The First Air Attack Against Japan, April 1942 (Grehan John)(Paperback)
A unique series of images that explores every aspect of the Doolittle Raid, also known as the Tokyo Raid, which was undertaken on Saturday, 18 April 1942.On 1 April 1942, less than four months after the world had been stunned by the attack upon Pearl Harbor, sixteen US aircraft took to the skies to exact retribution. Their objective was not merely to attack Japan, but to bomb its capital. The people of Tokyo, who had been told that their city was 'invulnerable' from the air, would be bombed and strafed - and the shock waves from the raid would extend far beyond the explosions of the bombs.The raid had first been suggested in January 1942 as the US was still reeling from Japan's pre-emptive strike against the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. The Americans were determined to fight back and fight back as quickly as possible. The 17th Bomb Group (Medium) was 386 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Leroy Grannis. Surf Photography of the 1960s and 1970s (Barilotti Steve)(Pevná vazba)
At a time when surfing is more popular than ever, it's fitting to look back at the years that brought the sport into the mainstream. Developed by Hawaiian Islanders over five centuries ago, surfing began to peak on the mainland in the 1950s--becoming not just a sport, but a way of life, admired and exported across the globe. One of the key image-makers from that period is LeRoy Grannis, a surfer since 1931, who began photographing the longboard era of the early 1960s in both California and Hawaii. This edition brings back Grannis's hair-raising, sold-out Collector's Edition, curated from the photographer's personal archives, to showcase his most vibrant work in a compact and affordable format--from the bliss of catching the perfect wave at San Onofre to dramatic wipeouts at Oahu's famed North Shore. An innovator in the field, Grannis suction-cupped a waterproof box to his board, 756 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Out of My Head - On the Trail of Consciousness (Parks Tim)(Paperback / softback)
'An exceptionally witty and compelling look at the nature of consciousness... Parks is a delight to read' Iain McGilchrist'[It has] wit, humanity and insight... Parks is an entertaining companion throughout' Mail on 252 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

We Are the Ancient Egyptians - Meet the People Behind the History (Long David)(Pevná vazba)
Featuring 19 different characters from Ancient Egyptian times, as well as an introduction to the Ancient Egyptian world, a key to decoding hieroglyphics and a timeline of key events, this book provides a new angle on a classic subject, bringing the ancient world to 328 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Women in the Church: An Interpretation and Application of 1 Timothy 2:9-15 (Third Edition) (Kstenberger Andreas J.)(Paperback)
The role of women in the church is highly debated, with Christians on all sides using Paul's teachings in 1 Timothy to justify their positions. Now in its third edition, this classic book edited by Andreas K stenberger and Thomas Schreiner offers a robust exegesis of 1 Timothy 2:9-15, looking at the passage's background, syntax, grammar, and enduring significance. Featuring updated essays and fresh contributions based on the latest research--including an in-depth discussion of the meaning of the phrase "exercise authority"--this volume stands as the most comprehensive exploration of this contested passage to 539 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

417 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Hunting November (Mather Adriana)(Paperback)
Surviving a few weeks at the world's most lethal boarding school was one thing. But now comes the real test: Can November Adley find her missing father before her enemies find her? Subterfuge is the name of the game in this thrilling sequel to Killing November, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of How to Hang a Witch. After surviving a crash course in espionage at the mysterious Academy Absconditi, November has only one purpose: finding her missing father. Along with fellow student (and heartthrob) Ash, November follows the clues that her father left, embarking on the deadliest treasure hunt of her life. The first clue is in her hometown, where old friends beckon and unexpected enemies lurk around every corner. The second clue is in Europe, where revelations about her family's history will plunge her into an international web of 272 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Dream a Little Dream (Fletcher Giovanna)(Paperback / softback)
Sarah is doing just fine. Sure she's been single for the last five years, and has to spend an uncomfortable amount of time around her ex-boyfriend, his perfect new girlfriend and all their mutual 254 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Childhood and Celebrity (O'Connor Jane)(Paperback)
The twenty-first century has seen an explosion in the ways and means in which children can become part of celebrity culture. With the rise in popularity of reality TV, child beauty pageants, talent shows, and social media platforms, as well as more established routes to fame through TV, cinema, theatre and music, the number of children establishing a presence in public life continues to proliferate. Childhood and Celebrity brings together international scholarly writing and research about famous children, and representations of childhood, from a range of disciplines including Childhood Studies, Celebrity Studies, Cultural Studies and Film Studies in order to open up a theoretical space in which to explore and understand the complex relationship between contemporary childhood and celebrity culture. This unique collection includes detailed case 1 260 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Crime and Punishment in Tudor England: From Alchemists to Zealots (Taylor April)(Pevná vazba)
Crime and Punishment in Tudor England tells the story of the enactment of law and its penalties from Henry VII to Elizabeth I. The sixteenth century was remarkable in many ways. In England, it was the century of the Tudor Dynasty. It heralded the Reformation, William Shakespeare, the first appearance of bottled beer in London pubs, Sir Francis Drake, and the Renaissance. Oh, and the Spanish Armadas--all five of them! Yes, five armadas and all failures.It was a watershed century for crime and punishment. Henry VII's paranoia about the loyalty of the nobility led to military-trained vagrants causing mayhem and murder. Henry VIII's Reformation meant executions of those refusing to take the Oath of Supremacy. State-controlled religion--summed up through the five reigns as Roman Catholic; Anglo-Catholic; Protestant; Roman Catholic, and Sort of Protestant but I don't mind so 577 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Japanese for Young People III: Student Book (Ajalt)(Paperback)
A new and exciting approach to basic Japanese for young adults The Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (AJALT), renowned for its Japanese for Busy People series, has developed a comprehensive course for teaching Japanese to young adults in English-speaking countries. Japanese for Young People is a new three-level series designed primarily for junior-high and high school curricula encouraging systematic Japanese-language acquisition through an enjoyable but structured learning process. With an emphasis on coordination of structure and verbal communication skills, this third and final Student Book introduces more building-blocks of Japanese grammar through Key Sentences, Dialogues, Exercises, and Tasks. This Student Book is accompanied by a set of three Compact Discs and a fully-illustrated Kanji Workbook which features over 100 pages of 822 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Handbook of Optoelectronic Device Modeling and Simulation: Fundamentals, Materials, Nanostructures, Leds, and Amplifiers, Vol. 1 (Piprek Joachim)(Paperback)
Optoelectronic devices are now ubiquitous in our daily lives, from light emitting diodes (LEDs) in many household appliances to solar cells for energy. This handbook shows how we can probe the underlying and highly complex physical processes using modern mathematical models and numerical simulation for optoelectronic device design, analysis, and performance optimization. It reflects the wide availability of powerful computers and advanced commercial software, which have opened the door for non-specialists to perform sophisticated modeling and simulation tasks. The chapters comprise the know-how of more than a hundred experts from all over the world. The handbook is an ideal starting point for beginners but also gives experienced researchers the opportunity to renew and broaden their knowledge in this expanding 1 378 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Arepa: Classic & Contemporary Recipes for Venezuela's Daily Bread (Stein Irena)(Pevná vazba)
Over 50 recipes introducing and celebrating Venezuela's irresistible and most popular street food, the arepa. The arepa--a crisp round pocket made from corn flour--is one of Venezuela's defining foods. Gluten-free and dairy-free, arepas are endlessly adaptable, unarguably delicious, and fun to eat. From chicken to cheese, avocado, and pork, just about anything you would put between two slices of bread can fit into an arepa. With a growing number of arepa bars opening globally and top chefs and food lovers alike discovering Venezuelan cuisine, arepa fever is spreading fast! Arepa will introduce this celebrated little pocket to everyday eating, first by teaching how to make arepa dough from scratch, then providing instructions on how to cook them, and pairing them with countless fillings and flavor combinations. Making arepas is easily accomplished in any home kitchen 497 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Disability Visibility (Adapted for Young Adults): 17 First-Person Stories for Today (Wong Alice)(Paperback)
Disabled young people will be proud to see themselves reflected in this hopeful, compelling, and insightful essay collection, adapted for young adults from the critically acclaimed adult book, Disability Visibility: First Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century that sheds light on the experience of life as an individual with disabilities, as told by none other than authors with these life experiences. --Chicago Tribune, Best books published in summer 2020 (Vintage/Knopf Doubleday edition). The seventeen eye-opening essays in Disability Visibility, all written by disabled people, offer keen insight into the complex and rich disability experience, examining life's ableism and inequality, its challenges and losses, and celebrating its wisdom, passion, and joy. The accounts in this collection ask readers to think about disabled people not as 221 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Seven Secrets of the Spirit-Filled Life: Daily Renewal, Purpose and Joy When You Partner with the Holy Spirit (Levison Jack)(Paperback)
No matter where you are in your faith journey, most of us desire a deeper and fuller walk with the Holy Spirit, a steady companion in the midst of a chaotic world. Jack Levison, renowned theologian and acclaimed author, has spent years studying the person of the Holy Spirit, and what he found will surprise and transform you.Jam-packed with biblical insights and practical strategies, this powerful teaching mirrors the 49 dynamic days between Passover and Pentecost. Along the way, you'll uncover the 7 secrets to a fuller, deeper, and more powerful relationship with the Holy Spirit, including how to- discover healthy habits that drive the Spirit-filled life- find the heart of the Spirit- break out of the familiar - leave a spiritual legacyWith focused prayers, Scripture meditations, and rich reflections, each short, energizing chapter will renew 344 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

B2B Customer Experience: A Practical Guide to Delivering Exceptional CX (Hague Paul)(Paperback)
Use this bestselling and practical guide to steer you through how to create exceptional customer experience for the modern B2B consumer. This new edition explores key topics such as AI, the role of IT in customer experience and customer relationship management. B2B Customer Experience shows readers how to deliver the very best customer experience within the business-to-business industry. Intensely practical in its approach, it is divided into five parts to walk readers through the journey of planning, mapping, structuring, implementing and controlling an effective customer experience, all bespoke for the B2B environment. Now newly revised, this new edition will provide new case studies demonstrating what makes for good or bad customer experience as well as providing new tactics and strategies that will help build an effective customer experience plan. 989 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

11+ Non-verbal Reasoning Practice and Test for the GL Assessment Ages 10-11 (Palin Nicola)(Paperback / softback)
Prepare for the GL 11+ tests with targeted practice and opportunitiesfor children to test their understanding and develop their non-verbalreasoning skills for the GL 11+ Test. Packed with opportunitiesfor children to master different question types, includingcodes, like figures, analogies, odd ones out and 177 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

My Revision Notes: OCR GCSE (9-1) PE Third Edition (Powell Sarah)(Paperback / softback)
Set students on track to achieve the best grade possible with our My Revision Notes for OCR GCSE (9-1) 400 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Secrets of the Henna Girl (Ahmed Sufiya)(Paperback)
Life as Zeba knows it could be over for good . . . Zeba Khan is like any other sixteen-year-old girl: enjoying herself, waiting for exam results . . . and dreaming of the day she'll meet her one true love. Except her parents have other plans. In Pakistan for the summer, Zeba's world is shattered. Her future is threatened by an unthinkable - and forced - duty to protect her father's honour. But does she hold the secrets that will help her 228 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Suggesting Solutions: Brainstorming Creative Ideas to Maximize Productivity (Protzman Charles)(Paperback)
Lean is about building and improving stable and predictable systems and processes to deliver to customers high-quality products/services on time by engaging everyone in the organization. Combined with this, organizations need to create an environment of respect for people and continuous learning. It's all about people. People create the product or service, drive innovation, and create systems and processes, and with leadership buy-in and accountability to ensure sustainment with this philosophy, employees will be committed to the organization as they learn and grow personally and professionally. Lean is a term that describes a way of thinking about and managing companies as an enterprise. Becoming Lean requires the following: the continual pursuit to identify and eliminate waste; the establishment of efficient flow of both information and process; and an unwavering top-level 1 267 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Crying of Lot 49 (Pynchon Thomas)(Pevná vazba)
"The comedy crackles, the puns pop, the satire explodes."--New York TimesThomas Pynchon's highly original, postmodernist classic, a satire of American life about a woman who finds herself enmeshed in a seeming international conspiracy.When her ex-lover, wealthy real-estate tycoon Pierce Inverarity, dies and designates her the coexecutor of his estate, California housewife Oedipa Maas is thrust into a paranoid mystery of metaphors, symbols, and the United States Postal Service. Traveling across Southern California, she meets some extremely interesting characters--including a teenage rock band called the Paranoids, a right-wing historian and critic of the postal system, and a former child actor with whom she has an affair--and begins to unravel conspiracies she suddenly sees all around her.Written in 1966, The Crying 778 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Spawn Origins, Volume 23 (McFarlane Todd)(Paperback)
A horrific world where the denizens of Rat City are all turned into Clowns! NYX makes her journey to hell where she stumbles across the man she abandoned there...REDEEMER! Collects SPAWN 372 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the Us (Hinton Alexander Laban)(Paperback)
A renowned expert on genocide argues that there is a real risk of violent atrocities happening in the United States If many people were shocked by Donald Trump's 2016 election, many more were stunned when, months later, white supremacists took to the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia, chanting "Blood and Soil" and "Jews will not replace us!" Like Trump, the Charlottesville marchers were dismissed as aberrations-crazed extremists who did not represent the real US. It Can Happen Here demonstrates that, rather than being exceptional, such white power extremism and the violent atrocities linked to it are a part of American history. And, alarmingly, they remain a very real threat to the US today. Alexander Hinton explains how murky politics, structural racism, the promotion of American exceptionalism, and a belief that the US has have achieved a color-blind 625 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Our World: Egypt (Khalil Aya)(Board Books)
Come along for a day in Egypt! There's so much to explore -- candy-colored boats, thumping tablas and warm pita bread. Author Aya Khalil and illustrator Magda Azab draw on their personal experience of life in Egypt to create this appealing board book for very young 206 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Worn Out: How Our Clothes Cover Up Fashion's Sins (Hardy Alyssa)(Pevná vazba)
An insider's look at how the rise of "fast fashion" obstructs ethical shopping and fuels the abuse and neglect of garment workers Ours is the era of fast fashion: a time of constantly changing, affordable styles for consumers of every stripe, with new clothing hitting the racks every season as social media-fueled tastes shift.Worn Out examines the underside of our historic clothing binge and the fashion industry's fall from grace. Former InStyle senior news editor and seasoned journalist Alyssa Hardy's riveting work explores the lives of the millions of garment workers--mostly women of color--who toil in the fashion industry around the world--from LA-based sweatshop employees who experience sexual abuse while stitching clothes for H&M, Fashion Nova, and Levi's to "homeworkers" in Indonesia who are unknowingly given carcinogenic materials to work 556 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Ugo Rondinone (Hoptman Laura)(Paperback)
The definitive monograph on the work of one of the most prolific, versatile, and exciting artists of the last three decadesOver the past 30 years, Swiss-born, New York-based artist Ugo Rondinone has developed a distinct body of work: vibrant paintings, immersive installations, sculptures, and text-based works, all united by a poetic quality and an enduring preoccupation with such universal themes as time and cosmic cycles. Profoundly interested in the contemplation of everyday life, Rondinone reconciles the visual language of psychedelia and advertising with meditative, intimate reflections on personal and collective experiences. This book brings fresh perspective to his remarkable life and career and is a must-have for his huge global 1 050 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

The Origins and Dynamics of Inequality: Sex, Politics, and Ideology (Wisman Jon D.)(Pevná vazba)
Argues that the struggle over income, wealth, status and privilege-inequality-has been the principal, defining issue in human history and provides a novel framework for understanding inequality today Whereas President Barack Obama declared inequality as the defining issue of our time, in The Origins and Dynamics of Inequality, Jon D. Wisman claims more: it is the defining issue of all human history. The struggle over inequality has been the underlying force driving human history's unfolding. Drawing on the dynamics of inequality, Wisman re-interprets economic history and society. Beyond according inequality the central role in history, this book is novel in two other respects: First, transcending the general failure of social scientists and historians to anchor their work in explicit theories of human behaviour, this book grounds the origins and 1 041 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Olympians Boxed Set Books 7-12: Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Hephaistos, and Dionysos (O'Connor George)(Pevná vazba)
By Artemis, it's the better half of the Olympian's family, in one boxed set! How does so much family drama and good hair fit in here... Well, sit down and get ready for adventures you've only dreamed of as the Greek gods come to explosive life in this Olympians Boxed Set containing Books 7-12--see the Olympians face off in the ultimate family blowout in Ares and then come back together as they welcome the youngest member of the family in Dionysos. Epic battles, daring quests, and terrible monsters await 1 445 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Naked in Death (Robb J. D.)(Paperback)
THE FIRST NOVEL IN J. D. ROBB'S #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING IN DEATH SERIES In the year 2058, technology completely rules the world. But for New York City Detective Eve Dallas, one irresistible impulse still rules the heart: passion...Eve Dallas is a New York police lieutenant hunting for a ruthless killer. In over ten years on the force, she's seen it all--and knows her survival depends on her instincts. And she's going against every warning telling her not to get involved with Roarke, an Irish billionaire--and a suspect in Eve's murder investigation. But passion and seduction have rules of their own, and it's up to Eve to take a chance in the arms of a man she knows nothing about--except the addictive hunger of needing his 286 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Decoding the Ethics Code: A Practical Guide for Psychologists (Fisher Celia B.)(Paperback)
Revised to reflect the latest edition of the American Psychological Association's (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, Celia B. Fisher's acclaimed Decoding the Ethics Code Fifth Edition explains and puts into practical perspective the format, choice of wording, aspirational principles, and enforceability of the code. Providing in-depth discussions of the foundation and application of each ethical standard to the broad spectrum of scientific, teaching, and professional roles of psychologists, this unique guide helps practitioners effectively use ethical principles and standards to morally conduct their work, avoid ethical violations, and, most importantly, preserve and protect the fundamental rights and welfare of those whom they serve. 3 654 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Around the World in 80 Trees (Lerwill Ben)(Pevná vazba)
A visual celebration of trees found across the world. As the book takes the reader on a journey around the world, it reveals trees that give us food and medicine, trees with ancient legends, record-breaking trees and more. Focus spreads will explore subjects such as the life cycle of trees and why they are vital to the Earth's 379 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

America's Future: Biden and the Progressives (Mills Daniel Quinn)(Paperback)
This book is about a choice President Biden must make that will determine the future of America. His choice is between being a partisan politician or a non-partisan statesman. However, to be a statesman, he must contend with the progressive wing of his party. Today's progressives have become revolutionaries whose purpose is to remake America by canceling their opponents. Biden has a tiger by the tail. As in all such situations, the problem is how to let go. In this book, we suggest how Biden can free himself from the danger posed by the progressives and simultaneously benefit America 1 052 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

The Last Hero (Pratchett Terry)(Paperback)
The ultimate holiday gift for the legions of Sir Terry Pratchett fans--a gorgeous full-color illustrated Discworld fable"Lavishly illustrate by Discworld regular Kidby, Pratchett's latest brings together some of the series' most beloved and unforgettable characters in a tribute to one of comic fantasy's most celebrated worlds." --Library JournalCohen the Barbarian. He's been a legend in his own lifetime. He can remember the good old days of high adventure, when being a Hero meant one didn't have to worry about aching backs and lawyers and civilization. But these days, he can't always remember just where he put his teeth . . .So now, with his ancient (yet still trusty) sword and new walking stick in hand, Cohen gathers a group of his old -- very old -- friends to embark on one final quest. He's going to climb the highest 524 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? (Sandel Michael J.)(Paperback)
A renowned Harvard professor's brilliant, sweeping, inspiring account of the role of justice in our society--and of the moral dilemmas we face as citizens "For Michael Sandel, justice is not a spectator sport," The Nation's reviewer of Justice remarked. In his acclaimed book--based on his legendary Harvard course--Sandel offers a rare education in thinking through the complicated issues and controversies we face in public life today. It has emerged as a most lucid and engaging guide for those who yearn for a more robust and thoughtful public discourse. "In terms we can all understand," wrote Jonathan Rauch in The New York Times, Justice "confronts us with the concepts that lurk . . . beneath our conflicts." Affirmative action, same-sex marriage, physician-assisted suicide, abortion, national service, the moral limits of 428 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Banks of the River Thillai (Bala Rajes)(Paperback / softback)
A novel set in Ceylon after Independence from the British in 289 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Bach Cello Suites (Isserlis Steven)(Pevná vazba)
A unique Companion to J S Bach's iconic Cello Suites from internationally-renowned cellist Steven Isserlis Bach's 6 Suites for solo cello are among the most cherished of all the works in the classical music literature. Shrouded in mystery - they were largely unknown for some two hundred years after their composition - they have acquired a magical aura which continues to attract and fascinate audiences the world over. To cellists they represent a musical bible, to listeners, scarcely less. Through what are on the surface simple Dance Suites, Bach takes us on a spiritual journey like no other, leading us from joy to tragedy, concluding in jubilation, even triumph. Award-winning international cellist Steven Isserlis, whose recent recording of the Suites met with the highest critical acclaim, goes deep into that emotional journey, bringing to bear all his many years' 324 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Britain and the Continent 1660‒1727: Political Crisis and Conflict Resolution in Mural Paintings at Windsor, Chelsea, Chatsworth, Hampton Court (Strunck Christina)(Pevná vazb
This monograph examines the most prestigious political paintings created in Britain during the High Baroque age, offering new interpretations for each of them. It investigates a period characterized by numerous social, political, and religious crises, in the years between the restoration of the Stuart monarchy (1660) and the death of the first British monarch from the House of Hanover (1727). On the basis of hitherto unpublished documents, the book elucidates in terms of conflict resolution the creation and reception of eight major commissions that involved the court, private aristocratic patrons, and/or civic institutions, including the decoration of Windsor Castle and Hampton Court Palace as well as the Painted Halls at Chatsworth and Greenwich. 2 482 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Gaspard de la Nuit (Bertrand Aloysius)(Paperback)
Gaspard de la Nuit (originally published in 1842) combines the haunting Gothic imagery of ETA Hoffman with the colorful romantic verve of Victor Hugo. In it, you will meet Scarbo the vampire dwarf, Ondine, the faerie princess of the waters, and an unforgettable assortment of lepers, alchemists, beggars, swordsmen and ghosts. Gaspard de la Nuit inspired Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Mallarm , the Surrealist Movement and composer Maurice Ravel, who wrote a suite of virtuoso piano pieces patterned after it. This new edition has been entirely retranslated by renowned poet and literary historian Donald Sidney-Fryer, the author of Songs and Sonnets Atlantean who has edited four collections of prose and poetry by Clark Ashton Smith. In his extensive introduction and afterword, Sidney-Fryer retraces the steps in Bertrand's life, casts a new light on his works and follows the elusive Gaspard from the 557 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Marked (Zanetti Rebecca)(Paperback)
Janie Kayrs has known Zane almost her whole life. He was her friend in the dream world. She trusted him. But that was before he kidnapped her, spiriting her away to an isolated cabin to learn what her dreams never told her. Like how dangerous he looks. How he got on the wrong side of the negotiating table. And how much sexier he is in real life...Zane is a battle-hardened warrior, used to command and solitude. But Janie has drawn him from the minute they met. His need for her could destroy everything he's worked for, but the risk is too sweet not to take it. They call her the Chosen One. But when it comes down to the questions of peace or war, life or death, safety or passion, it will be Janie who makes the choice...Love is about to start conquering..."Paranormal romance at its best!" -Cynthia Eden"Hot and fast from beginning to end." -Kate Douglas on 391 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Irish Wolfhound Bible And Irish Wolfhounds: Your Perfect Irish Wolfhound Guide Irish Wolfhounds, Irish Wolfhound Puppies, Irish Wolfhound Size, Irish (Manfield Mark)(Paperback)
"Irish Wolfhounds are a majestic breed and the author has captured the mystique to a new level. The majesty of the Irish Wolfhound comes through in every page, thank you " Donna Shackleton, Cork, Ireland. "Irish Wolfhounds have been my life for years and this is the most Irish Wolfhound breed-specific guide I've found." Rod Davies, Dallas, TX. "I learn something new about Irish Wolfhounds every time I pick this Irish Wolfhound guide up, such a well-done guide." Sheree McAllen, Portland, OR."The best Irish Wolfhound guide on the market - a very welcome resource." David Rushington, Durham, NC.IRISH WOLFHOUND BIBLE and IRISH WOLFHOUNDS is Your Complete Irish Wolfhound Guide Everything is covered: from Irish Wolfhound History, Irish Wolfhounds as Pets, Irish Wolfhound Puppies, Irish Wolfhound Buying, Irish Wolfhound Raising and Irish Wolfhound 712 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Electronic Music and Sound Design - Theory and Practice with Max 8 - Volume 2 (Third Edition) (Cipriani Alessandro)(Paperback)
(Third Edition updated for MAX 8) This is the second in a series of volumes dedicated to digital synthesis and sound design. It is part of a teaching method incorporating a substantial amount of online supporting materials: hundreds of sound examples and interactive examples, programs written in Max, as well as a library of Max objects created especially for this book. Structured for use in university courses, the book is an overview of the theory and practice of Max/MSP, with a glossary of terms and suggested tests that allow students to evaluate their progress. This book will provide a reader with skill and understanding in using Max/MSP for sound design and musical 1 272 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

They Take Our Jobs!: And 20 Other Myths about Immigration, Expanded Edition (Chomsky Aviva)(Paperback)
Revised and expanded edition of the groundbreaking book which demystifies twenty-one of the most widespread myths and beliefs about immigrants and immigrations. Aviva Chomsky dismantles twenty-one of the most widespread and pernicious myths and beliefs about immigrants and immigration in this incisive book. "They Take Our Jobs!" challenges the underlying assumptions that fuel misinformed claims about immigrants, radically altering our notions of citizenship, discrimination, and US history. With fresh material including a new introduction, revised timeline, and updated terminology section, this expanded edition is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how these myths are used to promote aggressive anti-immigrant 420 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Urban Theory (Harding Alan)(Paperback)
What is Urban Theory? How can it be used to understand our urban experiences? Experiences typically defined by enormous inequalities, not just between cities but within cities, in an increasingly interconnected and globalised world. This book explains: Relations between urban theory and modernity in key ideas of the Chicago School, spatial analysis, humanistic urban geography, and 'radical′ approaches like Marxism Cities and the transition to informational economies, globalization, urban growth machine and urban regime theory, the city as an "actor" Spatial expressions of inequality and key ideas like segregation, ghettoization, suburbanization, gentrification Socio-cultural spatial expressions of difference and key concepts like gender, 1 203 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

The Translator's Bride (Reis Joo)(Paperback)
336 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Ledger (Hirshfield Jane)(Paperback / softback)
Jane Hirshfield's urgent new collection is a book of personal, ecological and political reckoning. Her poems inscribe a ledger personal and communal, a registry of our time's and lives' dilemmas as well as a call to action on climate change, social justice and the plight of refugees. The poems of Ledger record riches, both abiding and squandered, and mourn our failures. They confirm, too, the continually renewing gift of the present moment, summoning our responsibility as moral beings to sustain one another and the earth's continuance. Finally, it is the human spirit and the language of poetry - loyal instruments of recognition, humility and praise - that triumph in this stunned, stunning accounting, set forth by a master poet whose voice is tonic and essential, whose breadth of inclusion and fierce awareness rivet attention. Hers is a poetry of clarity and hybrid vigour, drawing deeply 321 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Manual of Horsemanship - The Official Manual of The Pony Club (The Pony Club)(Paperback / softback)
Boasting numerous improved and updated features and enjoying its biggest overhaul in a decade, The Manual of Horsemanship has been comprehensively revised with an exciting new format and 539 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

A Chase In Time (Nicholls Sally)(Paperback / softback)
A fast-paced adventure full of car chases, arson and cake! The old gilt-edged mirror has hung in Alex's aunt's house for as long as he can 181 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Catastrophe: a Scottish Wildcat's Tail (Hare Lucinda)(Paperback)
Catastrophe A Highland Murder Most Fowl. Who needs gritty, dark psychological thriller when you can curl up in your armchair with your furry companions and read a cosy murder mystery especially one where a feisty Scottish wildcat pits his superior feline wits against a delightfully wicked murderer in the rugged heart of the Scottish Highlands? A wildcat moves softly through his Highland world describing it through feline eyes in exquisite golden detail. Scent is a language of its own. His is an elemental world of rain and snow, of forest, moorland and mountain. A world of changing seasons and the endless dance of life and death; predator and prey. Although the wildcat's home is a world of poetic beauty it is also one of sudden terrifying violence where the ultimate predator is mankind. Shot deliberately by a gamekeeper on a shooting estate the wildcat nearly dies before being 153 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Conference at Cold Comfort Farm (Gibbons Stella)(Paperback / softback)
Robert Poste's child is back at Cold Comfort Farm. Flora finds the farm transformed into a twee haven filled with Toby jugs and peasant pottery, and rooms labelled 'Quiete Retreate' and 'Greate 249 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Beautiful Geometry (Maor Eli)(Paperback)
An exquisite visual celebration of the 2,500-year history of geometry If you've ever thought that mathematics and art don't mix, this stunning visual history of geometry will change your mind. As much a work of art as a book about mathematics, Beautiful Geometry presents more than sixty exquisite color plates illustrating a wide range of geometric patterns and theorems, accompanied by brief accounts of the fascinating history and people behind each. With artwork by Swiss artist Eugen Jost and text by math historian Eli Maor, this unique celebration of geometry covers numerous subjects, from straightedge-and-compass constructions to intriguing configurations involving infinity. The result is a delightful and informative illustrated tour through the 2,500-year-old history of one of the most important branches of 644 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Aleph (Coelho Paulo)(Paperback / softback)
Another stunning novel by the author of The 252 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram: Guerrilla Insurgency or Strategic Terrorism? (Maszka John)(Pevná vazba)
Boko Haram is now the deadliest 'terrorist' organization operational in the world, by virtue of the sheer number of people the group have killed. Together with al-Shabaab, the two groups account for a substantial amount of carnage on the African continent. Analyzed here are the ideologies of these two infamous organizations. Utilizing information from breadcrumbs that they leave behind, in videos, media releases and various correspondence, this book searches for clues within the historical and contemporary social context that explain their existence. It explores the ideological roots the two organizations share and examines the goals and objectives of each group in order to calculate the nature of the threat posed in the broader international realm. It is argued that through applying strategic theory, and specifically the concept of strategic terrorism, it is possible to form a deeper 2 508 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

A Cognitive-Interpersonal Therapy Workbook for Treating Anorexia Nervosa: The Maudsley Model (Schmidt Ulrike)(Paperback)
Based on the authors' pioneering work and up-to-date research at London's Maudsley hospital, A Cognitive Interpersonal Therapy Workbook for Treating Anorexia Nervosa provides adults with anorexia nervosa and the professionals working alongside them with a practical resource to work through together. The approach described is recommended by the National Institute of Clinical and Care Excellence (NICE) as a first-line, evidence-based treatment for adults with anorexia nervosa. A Cognitive Interpersonal Therapy Workbook for Treating Anorexia Nervosa provides adults with anorexia nervosa and the professionals working alongside them with a practical resource to work through together. The manual is divided into accessible modules, providing a co-ordinated, step-by-step guide to recovery. Modules include: Nutrition 836 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Elites: Understanding Power Without Losing Your Soul (Board Douglas)(Paperback)
In this authoritative, ground-breaking guide, Board suggests that true fulfilment demands an adventure into the unknown inside ourselves: why do we seek what we seek? Prepare to be 322 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Machine Learning and AI for Healthcare: Big Data for Improved Health Outcomes (Panesar Arjun)(Paperback)
This updated second edition offers a guided tour of machine learning algorithms and architecture design. It provides real-world applications of intelligent systems in healthcare and covers the challenges of managing big data.The book has been updated with the latest research in massive data, machine learning, and AI ethics. It covers new topics in managing the complexities of massive data, and provides examples of complex machine learning models. Updated case studies from global healthcare providers showcase the use of big data and AI in the fight against chronic and novel diseases, including COVID-19. The ethical implications of digital healthcare, analytics, and the future of AI in population health management are explored. You will learn how to create a machine learning model, evaluate its performance, and operationalize its outcomes within your organization. Case studies 1 437 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Singularity: Politics and Poetics (Weber Samuel)(Paperback)
An influential thinker on the concept of singularity and its implications on politics, theology, economics, psychoanalysis, and literature For readers versed in critical theory, German and comparative literature, or media studies, a new book by Samuel Weber is essential reading. Singularity is no exception. Bringing together two decades of his essays, it hones in on the surprising implications of the singular and its historical relation to the individual in politics, theology, economics, psychoanalysis, and literature. Although singularity has long been a keyword in literary studies and philosophy, never has it been explored as in this book, which distinguishes singularity as an "aporetic" notion from individuality, with which it remains historically closely tied.To speak or write of the singular is problematic, Weber argues, since once it is spoken of it is 897 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

The Profession: A Memoir of Community, Race, and the Arc of Policing in America (Bratton Bill)(Pevná vazba)
The epic, transformative career of Bill Bratton, legendary police commissioner and police reformer, in Boston, Los Angeles, and New York When Bill Bratton became a Boston street cop after his return from serving in Vietnam, he was dismayed by the corrupt old guard, and it is fair to say the old guard was dismayed by him, too. But his success fighting crime could not be denied. Propelled by extraordinary results, Bratton had a dazzling rise, and ultimately a dazzling career, becoming the most famous police commissioner of modern times. The Profession is the story of that career in full. Everywhere he went, Bratton slashed crime rates and professionalized the vocation of the cop. He and his team created the revolutionary program CompStat, the Big Bang of modern data-driven policing. But his career has not been without controversy, and central to the reckoning of 645 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything (Fogg Bj)(Paperback)
New York Times Bestseller A habit expert from Stanford University shares his breakthrough method for building habits quickly and easily. With Tiny Habits you'll increase productivity by tapping into positive emotions to create a happier and healthier life. Dr. Fogg's new and extremely practical method picks up where Atomic Habits left off. "There are many great books on the topic of habits]: The Power of Habit, Atomic Habits, but this offers the most comprehensive, practical, simple, and compassionate method I've ever come across." --John Stepper, Goodreads user BJ FOGG is here to change your life--and revolutionize how we think about human behavior. Based on twenty years of research and Fogg's experience coaching more than 40,000 people, Tiny Habits cracks the code of habit formation. With breakthrough discoveries in every 533 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Artemis Fowl and the Opal Deception (Colfer Eoin)(Paperback / softback)
Arch-Criminal Artemis Fowl's mind has been wiped. Now someone wants him dead. Artemis Fowl is the only boy ever to have discovered an armed and dangerous fairy race living below ground. He just can't remember any of 207 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays: Volume 1 (Berlekamp Elwyn R.)(Paperback)
This classic on games and how to play them intelligently is being re-issued in a new, four volume edition. This book has laid the foundation to a mathematical approach to playing games. The wise authors wield witty words, which wangle wonderfully winning ways. In Volume 1, the authors do the Spade Work, presenting theories and techniques to "dissect" games of varied structures and formats in order to develop winning 2 051 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

The Economy of a Norse Settlement in the Outer Hebrides: Excavations at Mounds 2 and 2a Bornais, South Uist (Sharples Niall)(Pevná vazba)
This book explores the economic evidence for the settlement at Bornais on South Uist. It reports in detail on the large assemblages of material found during the excavations at mounds 2 and 2A. There is important evidence for craft activity, such as bone and antler working and this includes the only comb making workshop from a rural settlement in Britain. A large proportion of the copper alloy, bone and antler assemblages comprise pieces of personal adornment and provide important information on the dress and thereby social relations within the settlement occupation. There is a large assemblage of iron tools and fittings, which provides important information on the activities taking place at the settlement. The information derived from the artefact assemblages is complemented by that provided by the ecofactual material. Large amounts of animal, fish and bird bones plus carbonised plant 1 066 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes: A Step-By-Step, Illustrated Guide for Tying Sensual and Decorative Rope Bondage (Two Knotty Boys)(Paperback)
When Two Knotty Boys, Dan and J. D., began teaching rope bondage together in 1999, they discovered that most people learn best when they're shown close up, step by step, and repeatedly how to tie basic knots and combine them into bondage techniques. It is this learning process that they duplicate in this book. With the help of world-renowned photographer Larry Utley, they use over 750 photos and captions to explicate the soup-to-nuts techniques for turning great knots into great bondage that is safe, sensual, attractive, and effective. Readers can learn at their own pace, review whole techniques at a single glance, or even lay it flat on the table (beside their blindfolded partner) and follow along as they tie. Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes appeals to those interested in improving the quality of their sex lives, not to mention aficionados of bondage and 472 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction, Vol. 8, 8 (Asano Inio)(Paperback)
It's just an everyday apocalypse. Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again. But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary. The Occult Club's trip to the seaside has been a great chance for Kadode and her friends to unwind from the dual stresses of college and living through an endless alien invasion. Oba and Makoto forge a special friendship after hanging out on the beach, culminating in the two of them taking a scenic tour through Oran's memories from another timeline Too bad it looks like every timeline is the worst 276 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Strategy Activation Canvas (Thiessen Ansgar)(Pevná vazba)
The Strategy Activation Canvas is the new standard for accelerating strategies - beginning where classical strategies end: with its activation. While many management and business canvases focus on developing a strategy, the Strategy Activation Canvas helps leaders and decision-makers to bring strategies to life.This book demonstrates for the first time how entire organizations can be "activated" how people can not only perceive and implement a new strategy, but how entire organizations can be heavily involved in its making, how strategies are made visible and experienced, and how people can play an active and sustaining role throughout bringing a strategy to life. With their decades of experience in large scale organizations, Thiessen and Wreschniok pair their knowledge with case studies from Allianz, Baloise, E.ON, Hamburg Commercial Bank, 1 042 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Hupp James R.)(Pevná vazba)
One of the most respected dental surgery books in the world, Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 7th Edition helps you develop skills in evaluation, diagnosis, and patient management. This comprehensive text on oral surgery procedures features full-color photographs and drawings that show how to perform basic surgical techniques, including an overview of more advanced surgical procedures and the latest developments in dental implants, instrumentation, and current technology. A detailed patient evaluation section includes guidelines on when to refer patients to specialists and how to provide supportive postoperative care. New to this edition is a chapter focusing on anesthesia in greater depth than any of the previous editions. Written by well-known OMS educators James R. Hupp, and Edward Ellis III, and Myron R. Tucker, this book is a valuable reference for 3 597 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

I Never Do This (Miller Anesa)(Paperback)
"I will tell all in full truth and will hold nothing back to protect myself from the eyes of the law...I'm the only one who can tell it all."In country noir style, we hear the unforgettable voice of a young woman, LaDene Faye Howell, who finds herself in police custody recounting her story after her paroled cousin Bobbie Frank appears and engages her in a crime spree.LaDene Faye Howell grew up in the small town of Devola on an oxbow of the Muskingum River in southeast Ohio. Her conservative family is deeply religious, although another branch of the Howell clan are notorious criminals. When one of her outlaw relatives returns from prison, LaDene hopes the two of them may share an evening of fun, or even a spark of romance. Instead, Bobby Frank embroils her in kidnapping their old high school principal. Taken into custody, LaDene recounts her 367 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024

The Wonder Team and the Pharaoh's Fortune (Williamson Leah)(Paperback)
A time-twisting adventure full of fun and friendship from Leah Williamson, captain of the Euros-winning womens England 168 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 27.07.2024